???????????? Genetics are like statistics; one can use them selectively to prove their point. Adam also means "made of dark red earth" and "made of blood". I heard/read quite a while back that Adam means red. If Adam was, in fact, rosy, his complexion would display this centerpiece of the creation the blood. the adult male is rich brownish red on the back, sides, and neck, black on the top of the head, nape, wings, and tail, and white on the cheeks. The law of amnesia, again, has done its work. At some point these featuress faded away. (4 in total) Bottom line, 1) We are not as close as you (or so many articles), suggest to Neanderthals based on these studies. Some say the phrase servant of servants is best translated from Hebrew as a steward of steward or manager of resources. Is Min. Jesus resurrected multi-dimensional body (Luke 24) and Paul and Peter telling us we will have the same body (return to the garden). I will create a primitive worker, his task will be to serve the gods so that they are more at ease.And Marduk entrusted this task to his best geneticist, Ea or Enki. Genesis 1 tells of God's creation of the world and its creatures, including adam, meaning humankind; in Genesis 2 God forms "Adam", this time meaning a single male human, out of "the . (2) Adams complexion was tuned for the early atmosphere. IN GENESIS THE MOST HIGH EXPLAINED HOW MAN WAS MADE AND WHAT HE WAS MADE FROM. (source)Tablet of Kharsag #2, translation by Don Moore. the female and young male are dull brown mixed with blackish on the back; grayish below. Honestly I have never heard of this term used to describe a black person. 15:45) It was on the sixth day of the earth's renovation that God created man, both male and female, and . Do you see the conflict there? A user from Utah, U.S. says the name Adam means "1st man on earth". Meaning & History. But the charges are heavy for me. Here is an entire list of popular family names meaning dark which belongs to movies, novels, TV series, and cartoons. In fact, researchers were shocked when the DNA did not map to Cro-Magnon. But they weretoo smart to make a beast of burden and too wild to be gentle. Adam ( plural Adams ) (Abrahamic religions) The first man and the progenitor of the human race . The Greek mythology explains it that way: while the Titan Prometheus shaped a man similar to him in the clay, the goddess Athena, daughter of Zeus, felt sorry for this ephemeral creature and gave him the sacred fire, a divine soul , which made of him a spiritual being, although he was shaped in the most terrestrial material, clay. Adam became alive and God then ordered the angels to worship this Black original man. After six inadequate attempts, in which we can recognize Homo faber or Neanderthal, Enki managed to create the perfect man named Adapa, Adam, or Homo sapiens. But let us get back to Sumer. Websters Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913). because the hard genetic evidence shows no relationship. Now that is an uneducated statement. culled from the Awlaadberry said: and shadeed al-udma ( shadeed means very and al-udma is the noun form of adam) means very black-skinned. The bible as we know it is cobbled together of various writings that some deemed inclusive. The best research shows the Neanderthals probably could only grunt and if it was verbal speech it would be almost be unintelligible or baby talk at best. The two terms were used interchangeably to describe a very, very dark complexion. Related to adamah is the word adam, which means "man" or "mankind."Of course, adam is also used as the proper name of the first man, Adam. Butchers conjure dark eucharists, Herefords slaughtered for steak wafers. Ruddy Melaina (Greek origin) means 'dark, black.' This last name was of a nymph in Greek . called also dunbird, dundiver, ruddy diver, stifftail, spinetail, hardhead, sleepy duck, fool duck, spoonbill, etc. Humanity was crawling in their dens. Its very important that people bear this in mind. Awlaadberry said: The term adam means black-skinned. ADAM, AW-DAWM in the Aramic (Hebrew) language is merely a tittle and also a tribe (Genesis 1:27) meaning "dark brown" of the Earth, or life blood, people of the sun". Desre tu Red citizens/people = so-called white people of today. The basic derivative means: "Ruddy complexion, show blood in the face, transparent white skin. That's right: BROWN And the word Adam was used interchangebly among the Hebrews and not only meant "brown" but also "earth/soil" the substance in which Adam was made from. Ruddy The charcoal-blackened wreck kindles flames smelting plastic to steel, a smore of death, boiling marrow. 1 Samuel 16:12 Adam the town was situated in the territory of Manasseh, on the Jordan, close to Zarethan.It's where the waters of the Jordan collected in a heap, so that Israel could pass over on dry land (Joshua 3:16).. Adam the man is the husband of Eve and the first human male according to tradition (Genesis 2:20). JavaScript is disabled. These replicas of Neanderthal generally have red hair and rosy complexions. My parents always told us that Adam and eve were Black. She, too, was nobleperfect in symmetry, and very beautiful. LDE 291.4, Your email address will not be published. The term ('adam) has four different uses with reference to people in the OT:1) a man as in a human person, whether male or female (e.g. So they are middle eastern (or technically Caucasoid). Channeling mediated by the crystal or immediate channeling called vacuostatic, where the messages are obtained by the stable and durable interior vacuum. Season 3 of Netflix's Dark had many tales to follow given its sprawling . pre-flood man). So many scientist (and journals), balked, they did repeated studies with the same results. Other people say that he was named Adam because of the adam (very dark) complexion that Allah created him. Adam was formed out of the dust of the ground (also from the Hebrew H119 meaning redness), received the breath of life, and became a living soul (Genesis 2:7). When people read that a person was described as having a yellow complexion, they believe that what is meant is the light complexion that the term is used for today. variations of this gene, both of which are known to produce red hair and rosy complexions. Beck, and Pete Costanza, and was later acquired and resurrected by DC. There are many terms that describe complexions in the Arabic language that have different meanings from the same term today or that are no longer used. Al Dhahabi says Red, in the speech of the people from the Hijaz, means fair-complexioned and this color is rare amongst the Arabs. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "Thereof (the earth) We created you, and into it We shall return you, and from it We shall bring you out once again". Black Adam was an ancient Egyptian slave who received the powers of the Wizard Shazam. White people are not a result of a black Adam and black Eve having albino children and then by natural processes, due to climate, having almost all melanin in their genes eventually breaded out. According to the Bible, men are from earth and women are also from earth. The term "adam" means very dark-skinned. You will see that your statement is only a half truth, I agree with you my brother. When the Arabs described another Arab as black-skinned, they were only expressing the fact that the person was so dark-skinned that he/she was black, a color much darker than the color of most so-called African Americans and also a color much darker than the color of most so-called Africans. Myths, legends, ancient paintings and reliefs clearly suggest genetic manipulations that were practiced in ancient times, when our species was still in the cradle. \brown\, n. a dark color inclining to red or yellow, resulting from the mixture of red and black, or of red, black, and yellow; a tawny, dusky hue. White slaves of Barbados on a sugar plantation: a picture, The moors of anatolia and aegean islands: Black Turks and, The very aboriginal americans - YouTube Video, http://www.almaany.com/home.php?language=arabic&word=, Benin kingdom, Nigeria, 16th17th century, The moorish Medicus ordinarius or Army doctor, White slaves of Barbados on a sugar plantation: a picture story, The moors of anatolia and aegean islands: Black Turks and black Greeks the lausanne treaty 1924, 13th Century African Coin Found in Australia. Or jewish, they wish they were the people of God. Required fields are marked *. Mankind started degenerating, dying, having skin problems, skin sensitivity to sun, some people not having enough melanin to natually protect against the brutal solar rays/heat, and with other people, the melanin in their skin prevented or slowed the process of vitamins (vitamin D, for example) from being produced by the Sun. The Arabs used the term black or they used the term shadeed al udma (very adam). You know when you read the earliest transcript of the bible the Matthew Tydale bible it tells you King Davids color right? Another name I see used for the name of the first man is Atum. (2) https://www.genesisandgenetics.org/2013/11/08/177/, (3) Qiliang Ding, Ya Hu, Shuhua Xu, Chuan-Chao Wang, Hui Li, Ruyue Zhang, Shi Yan, Jiucun Wang, Li Jin; Neanderthal Origin of the Haplotypes Carrying the Functional Variant Val92Met in theMC1Rin Modern Humans. He says that the Arabs call the slaves The Red People. Chocked with minerals, it has many health benefits and can remove toxins from the body, improve digestion, etc. Whoever crosses swords with me, will cross swords with one who is noble and strong., Kheme tu = Black citizens/people = so-called Black people of today. For Anton Parks, -DAM means "animals" in Sumerian. Gn 2:7 And Yahuweh Elohim formed man (AHDAM) [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. The Torah explains the name. It really dont take a rocket scientist or to much of deep research to find out King David skin color stood out more than the rest of the Israelites because he was a fairer or more radiant complexion. After the flood, the DNA expressed complexions that were again diverse, but in tune with the post-flood atmosphere and diet. The two Neanderthals had the Val92Met (Ref 3) and Arg307Gly (Ref 4) variations of this gene, both of which are known to produce red hair and rosy complexions. The probability of finding two unrelated ruddy Neanderthals would be 1 in 10,000. November 24, 2011 - Creation For Sumer. The people of the bible, Adam and Eve are of the negro race modernly called today as black people. This is the meaning of the saying (He was) a red man as if he is one of the slaves. No where on planet earth do you see a black person, brown person, yellow person, or mulatto person with such a physical trait. I am from the noble house of the Arabs. Adam formed from dust and Eve formed from Adams rib. ?????? Both words have the color red in their basic meaning but while Edom means "ruddy red" Adam means "dark red". Although the name Adam means red or ruddy; to show blood; it would also appear that the Inner Earth people might have looked a bit different from those on the surface in Genesis and could be easily identified. That may sound like only men were created in God's image. The word adam () indeed means red, but it does not mean to blush, or to become red in the face. If you see them, you will know what He is talking about. They were not as ivory or pale-coloured. Black Adam, real name Teth/Theo-Adam, is an antihero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.He was created by Otto Binder and C. C. Beck, and first appeared in the debut issue of Fawcett Comics' The Marvel Family comic book in December 1945. he had a light black complexion, because his grandmother was a black Ethiopian and he get his black complexion from her. The Hebrew word for white is LABAN. rudig. The color of animal fur is not pink. Published Jul 10, 2020. So I want to reiterate that white people were not the only people on Earth during the pre-flood era or anteduluvian time. And has three Suns . In Hebrew language, the earth, as in soil is adamah. It was very popular as a personal name among . I am well-known. Epigenetics Complexity of Biblical Proportions Part 1, Fertile Crescent, Nimrod, and Confusion of Language Human Migration Part 2, Finding Ham, Shem and Japheth via the Y-Chromosome, How to Build and Rebuild the Human Heart By Automatic Self-Assembly, Noahs Wine Country, the origin of Human and Wine Migration, Where Does Neanderthal Fit in the Bible Update, Where the Spiritual and Physical Worlds Meet (Epigenetics Part 2), Which Came First the Chicken or the Egg? Result, angels have been unable to cultivate the land and raise livestock. If the oxygen levels in the atmosphere were way greater than they are now, there could have been a lot of redness in the skin due to highly oxygenated blood in the body. Rev 21:1). The terms black and yellow were used interchangeably by the Arabs of the past. Possessed by a spirit in a dying cornfield, a twelve-year-old girl in Nebraska recruits the other children in her small town to go on a bloody rampage and kill all the adults and anyone else who . It may not display this or other websites correctly. The probability of finding two unrelated ruddy Neanderthals would be 1 in 10,000. One after the other, they laid the foundations of our globalized society. Its a black complexion with a light-brownish undertone. Cush, Phut,Mitzraim and Caanan. Eumelanin is a very-dark-brown, almost-black color, while pheomelanin is reddish brown. Rastalivewire supports their work! The Bible tells the story without understanding much. What's another name for "dark red" class? Recent genetic discoveries coupled with Scriptures lead us to an intriguing possibility: Adam had red hair and a ruddy, or rosy, complexion. Im sure there was the correct amount based on the environment that God put them in. Adam Was Not Deceived - Part 1 - Vagrant Writer - Read the Article! Rizq which is the 8th Planet in the 19th Galaxy Illyuwn . An Abridged History Africa and Her People by Ruthie Johnson If one looks at the present distribution of skin pigmentation on the globe, it is obvious the darker skin colors inhabit the equatorial regions and the lighter skin colors occupy the more northern and southern latitudes. Especially since it was used so often in the past. commons.wikimedia.org This is not Adam! (1) http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/08/110808-ancient-insects-bugs-giants-oxygen-animals-science/ So a person with a hilya (appearance) sawdaa (black) has a black appearance. Yet as time goes on, were finding it says what it meant, and its factually correct. The beginning of mankind came from Africa. A reddish brown Saudi Arab attended a Masjid in my old neighborhood. Thaalab, the Arabic language scholar of the 9th century AD says, The Arabs dont say that a man is white because of a white complexion. ???? Nevertheless, we have been fearfully and wonderfully made and despite all of the corruption that has entered the creation, God is still in charge and the variations in our hair, skin, eyes, etc. For example in the book Kitab Al Aghani by Abu Al Faraj Al Asbahaani of the 10th century AD, Saeed Ibn Misjah, the well-known Arab singer of the 9th century AD, was described as both black-skinned and yellow in the same chapter. Chalkolibanon (Strong's #5474): Neuter of a compound of chalkos and libanos (in the implied mean of . It must be understood that when the Arabs of the past used the term black to describe a complexion, they meant that the persons complexion was actually blackmuch darker than the complexion of people who are called black today. they were more ruddy in body than rubies. WEBSTERS DICTIONARY DEFINITION OF RUDDY: Websters Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) English advanced version, Ruddy \ruddy\, a. Since DC Comics licensed and acquired Fawcett's characters in the 1970s, Black Adam has endured as one of the archenemies of the . Most scholars believe that the words adamah, Adam, and Edom . The more appropriate question is: whom does he know? When the Arabs described a person as white, they actually meant a dark complexion. ???? Gen 2:21 So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. yellow is called to asian and turkish they call them (bno alas far). (until the fall into the same 3-d world). The Annunaki did not create man from nothing. If Adam and Eve were black or medium brown, inbreeding would have resulted in darker descendants and very rarely lighter ones. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. (1) The name Adam means red. Look it up in any dictionary in any language and it means red. It comes from the Hebrew word adam which means red (Strongs ref H119, H120). The evolutionists say two things: (1) Neanderthal is the base of the human family tree and they come from Africa and (2) Europeans share DNA with Neanderthals and Africans dont. website http://savethetruearabs.com/gpage2.html The first, in Genesis 1:26-31, shows the couple and their relationship with God and the rest of creation. Adom mean Red not Black skinned and not in Arabic. It is important to point out that one Neanderthal fossil was found in Italy and the other found in Spain, leading us to suppose they were not closely related. Al lown means complexion, al hinti means light brown, and bi hilya sawdaa means with a black appearance. The first Indians Malayisans Chinese Japanese had black skin and tight curly hair. He says: Well the Bible tells you He (God) made man in His own image and after His own likeness. The Book of Genesis describes Adam as being made from "the dust of the earth," and in the Talmud as being kneaded from mud. It's "just" 1.8 million years oldolder surfaces are mostly visible in cross section via something like a cliff face or rock cuts. ??????? This was the name given to the brother of Rebekah (Isaacs wife). This notion is based on the following three pieces of evidence: (1) The name Adam means "red." (2) Adam's complexion was tuned for the early atmosphere. quotations . Adam was a black man . Sumer mythology is the original version of the Bible genesis, Greek mythology gives another version of the creation of Man, The hebrew mythology talks about creation, angels and devils, Several billion years ago, an intelligent species came to develop this planet. Gen 2:23 Then the man said, This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. [compar. It is not known whether these variations in Neanderthals are dominant or recessive; it is also not known if the Neanderthals had one or two copies of these variations. Both words have the color red in their basic meaning but while Edom means "ruddy red" Adam means "dark red". It is related to the words: adom (red), admoni (ruddy), and dam (blood). Gen 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, According to the tablets of Kharsag, our creators, the Annuna are different from the rest of the world. Are scalar waves the carrier waves of love? Light to dark. http://www.blackhistoryinthebible.com/the-evidence/zondervan-bible-dictionary-negroes-are-not-from-the-line-of-ham/, https://images.app.goo.gl/zr9Jiea56VyDPehG6. I appreciate the articles and research but you are giving too much credit to these publish or perish archaeologists who continually fabricate and often blatantly lie about their conclusions. 1 Chr 1 . secondly, you mentioned that Allah said he created Adam from black mud , which is wrong , ( ???????? In the garden of Eden ther soil that was their was pure black not clay grey or whatever tell the world the truth come on dont start putting images with long hear portraying to be Adam.You are miss leading the world. As we said in our blog skin color is an important variable in the processing of vitamin D. Thank you for your very good question. pre-flood man) (Ref 2). ruddier; superl. has many meaning such as dark skin , agreement or peace, a plural word of skin, and finally huge body. He was given the name of the substance of which he was made. This term was used by the Arabs very often in the past. the adult male is rich brownish red on the back, sides, and neck, black on the top of the head, nape, wings, and tail, and white on the cheeks. In Kharsag, where heaven and earth meet, the Celestial Assembly , the Great sons of An many wise beings descended on Earth. Because he was an African albino. The early atmosphere was different from what we have now. And then the LORD said up and anoint him: for this is he. Thank you for your questions and interest in the things of God. [as. In Greek mythology Poseidon was the unruly god of the sea and earthquakes, the brother of Zeus. I came across this chain out of interest for the name also. of a color produced by mixing red, yellow, and black, as of dark wood or rich soil: an old brown coat she had warm brown eyes. This boy with a deep, rich skin tone is expressing the maximum amount of melanin. Yes, but Enki had already started the work in secret, as his hobby for genetics excited him a lot. According to the Priestly (P) history of the 5th or 6th century bce (Genesis 1:1-2:4), God on the sixth day of Creation created all the living creatures and, "in his own image," man both "male and female." 28. Really? So, keep believing what you will. Adam as tselem is therefore the black body (statue) of God on Earth. Prior the number was around 350,000 years. MAN HERE IS THE HEBREW WORD, ?? It was the reign of Hathor, the Great Goddess Pachamama who imposed matriarchy to the whole wide world. 119. adam, aw-dam; to show blood (in the face), i.e. Gen 2:14 And the name of the third river is the Tigris, which flows east of Assyria. Most people think that when the Arabs of the past described a persons complexion as white, they meant the same light complexion that is meant today. Very important that people bear this in mind know when you read the Article tselem is therefore black... 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