A homemade compost starter boosts microbial activity and generates more finished compost and then you can make the best compost tea recipe or use the compost itself to benefit garden plants. yes no Shred all leaves, grass clippings, newspaper, clover and dry compost with a lawn mower or garden shears to give the microbes more surfaces to eat at a time. This risk makes the method you collect the urine important when you intend to use it for composting. Note: The urine used in compost must not be contaminated by any fecal matter, which introduces dangerous pathogens to the mix. Humans need to urinate several times a day, but this doesnt mean you should pee on your compost pile every time you go past! Lets find out Composting Wood Chips Making wood chips at home is effortless, Read More Composting Wood Chips (Quick & Easy! Birds love alfalfa too. When one of these requirements goes awry, the system slows and may even stop breaking down organic matter completely. Most often, the reason a compost heap slows to a crawl is an improper balance between nitrogen and carbon materials in the pile. Since urine contains nitrogen components (ammonia and urea), you can use it as green material in your compost. Suppose you rake up the fallen leaves in your garden. 4 Possible Reasons, 13 Handy Tips To Keep Raccoons Out Of Corn, Black Edges On Tomato Leaves: Remedies and Cure, How To Get Rid of Stinging Nettles Permanently? For example, you hear a lot of gardeners using ashes as fertilizer in the soil. Commercial boosters are less budget-friendly and variable in quality. In fact, this is one of the main reasons why so many individuals urinate in their compost piles. Use these additions to heat your compost pile to rejuvenate the beneficial microbes and move the composting process along. If the smell isnt a turn off for you and you can use the necessary quantity of urine without disrupting the plant-growth atmosphere or adversely affecting the vegetables, then, by all means, give it a go and see what kind of incredible results you get. As long as you are not on any medications, it is perfectly okay to urinate on your compost. Affiliate Disclaimer: Tipsbulletin.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com, A homemade compost accelerator usually works by supporting these microbes as they hasten the decomposition process or by correcting an imbalance in your piles carbon to nitrogen ratio, whether you are. If you are judicious in your urine use, this typically wont be a problem, but both salt and heavy metals can build up in your soil over a period of years and make it less hospitable to plants. Indeed, human pee is a fantastic natural fertilizer and compost stimulator. Eliot Colman 7. 3. Protect the pile against large rain showers by adding a cover on top, so it stays moist without getting completely soaked. Hi, Im Anthony.Im fascinated by composting! Why Do I Keep Finding Peanut Shells in My Yard? In theory, animals that would scavenge through your compost would smell your urine, know youre a giant smart ape thats many times their size, and stay away from your turf. Aside from the homemade compost accelerator recipe listed above, there are a few other things you could use to activate your compost heap and jump start the process. Compost accelerator really does accelerate compost. When the season is over, alfalfa plants can be pulled, chopped up, and added back to the soil as a green manure. Or pee in a bucket and toss it on your compost when you can. WebBiolan Quick Composter 220eco is intended for year-round composting of kitchen biowaste. Compost will break down most efficiently between 150F to 160F (65C to 71C). Urine is a natural and inexpensive way to increase your composts moisture and mineral content, particularly nitrogen. FarmerGrows.com is a participant of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program it is designed to provide an aid for the websites in earning an advertisement fee by means of advertising and linking to Amazon.com products. Microorganisms need moisture to thrive, otherwise theyll die and your compost heap becomes inactive. As well as speeding up the process it also makes the resulting compost even more rich in nutrients. Have you been gardening longer than two years? (Answered). What is a compost accelerator? If youre making a lot of compost, youre looking at a major saving. In order to collect enough urine for your compost heap, you can collect it in a bottle in your bathroom and empty it every night. What compost accelerators do is promote the decomposition process by encouraging the growth of bacteria and fungi, which will help break down organic materials in your compost heap. Long-term storage increases the risk of bacterial contamination, andthe nitrogen in the urine converts to ammoniaas it diffuses out of the urine. Urine An underutilized, yet excellent source of nitrogen is within each of us. Widespread fertilizer use leads to algal blooms, oceanic dead zones, contaminated drinking water and several human health problems, and chemical fertilizer use could be cut down drastically if people started fertilizing their soil and compost with their own nitrogen-rich urine. Compost accelerators help kick-start the microbes into consuming the organic material in your compost bin. Many everyday items are ideal to use as a compost accelerator as a way to make compost faster so you can put it out in the garden. Can I put dead flowers in the compost bin? Dont panic when your compost pile slows down. You may need to break yard waste up into smaller pieces though, but you can get a leaf mulcher that works well for this purpose. Did you know that there will also be different bacteria in the heap depending on the internal temperature of the HOTBIN? Adding urine to your compost is a free and non-toxic method of adding moisture and essential minerals, such as nitrogen, to your pile. If your compost heap dries out, the rate of decomposition is slowed down or in the worst case stopped completely. Yet, its discouraging when your pile stops efficiently breaking down your food and garden waste. Whether they are beneficial enough to encourage you to pull down your pants, thats for you to decide. Mixing these ingredients and adding them to your compost heap along with a few shovels of garden soil gives you the perfect cocktail to speed up the decomposition process. Skip unknown ingredients and toxic compounds and rely on a straightforward homemade mixture to renew your pile. Keep turning it frequently in the coming days to prevent the grass from clumping together. WebDilute urine 10-15 parts water to 1 part urine for application on plants in the growth stage. Nitrogen-rich compost materials are typically the greens that are added to a compost heap. Peeing on your compost is good for both the compost you are creating, and the environment itself. However, once the urine has circulated through the bladder, it may come into contact with microorganisms that would then end up in your compost. Or use the ashes from your woodstove and pee on that instead of biochar, which is also a great plant food combination. WebAdding a few filler materials to your compost pile can help it retain the right amount of water for proper decomposition. I knew now that I would have to find an answer to the question that was plaguing my soul: should I be adding urine to my compost pile? Along with its tendency to stick together and form clumps, grass clippings can create anaerobic conditions that will cause the entire compost to smell. It boosts the health and vitality of your plants, and will even improve the taste of your garden produce. Making your own compost accelerator is easier than you think, and requires just a few basic ingredients before adding it to the compost heap. Its not the sort of thing I would normally bother with, as the Really Lazy Composter rarely wants to fiddle with measuring things out into watering cans. When I started composting, I remember trying to figure out the perfect ingredients for my compost heap and whether certain materials would do good or bad! Its no secret that a lot of produce goes to waste because its old and/or spoiled, yet it could perfectly go into your compost heap. What You Should Know, 3 Options To Put On Tomato Plants To Save From Bugs, Are Ants On Trees Good Or Bad? Theres something for every system, from a microbial inoculant to introduce new microbes to your compost bin to supportive nitrogen and carbon mixtures to jump-start the microbes you already have. The smell of human urine can deter certain animals, such as raccoons. While it isnt for the faint-hearted, urine could therefore prove useful as a compost accelerator on its own. This high plant diet makes their manure and urine good for composting. It loses its nitrogen content as it dries so its best to toss grass clippings in the compost immediately after mowing the lawn. The urine will mostly be contained in the straw used to line their cages and can be used with the same principle as using the pee bales for humans. Many gardeners swear that adding urine to their gardens or trees has made them more robust and productive. This is especially true if you have nitrogen-deficient soil. It will consist of three piles of 15 ft 3 of woodchips, which each weighing approximately 161.4 kg. Signs of an imbalanced compost pile include slow decomposition and chunks of unprocessed waste. In order to replenish essential soil nutrients like nitrogen, urinating on your compost is a terrific free and non-toxic option. Urea is used as fertilizer in agriculture. Keeping your compost moist and damp (as well as turning regularly to aerate it) is one of the most important things you can do. GREEN PIG 60 Accelerator Converts Yard Waste to Fertile Humus in 30 Days and Helps Control Odors Associated with Compost Piles, 1 Bag Dissolvable Packets, White, 12 Count Each water-soluble packet contains beneficial bacteria cultures that accelerate the natural composting process, and help to control odors associated with According to Ecology Action, hair will slowly release nitrogen over time as it breaks down. Human urine may also deter rodents and other pests from disturbing your pile. Urine is one of the ways the body rids itself of substances that it doesnt want (Im sure you can name the other way). For example, Im forever asking myself, can I compost that? So, of course, that question naturally applies to, Read More Is Cork Compostable? For what its worth, many people swear by it and pee all over their pile every time they add scraps or material that would be tempting for animals. What Is Making Dirt Mounds in My Yard? The best time let it rain down on your pile is in the morning when urea levels will be at their highest concentration. What I do use is a compost thermometer. Many everyday items are ideal to use as a compost accelerator as a. Even National Geographic acknowledges this. Making your own, homemade compost accelerator requires nothing but a bucket, a flat beer, a can of regular cola, and half a cup of household ammonia. And if Im out stirring up my compost and my hose isnt workingwho knows what might happen. For straight urine, the benefits just dont strike me as being something that I cant get from a different source without inherent risks. There are a number of things that can be used as a natural compost accelerator. More than 30% of our garbage is compostable food leftovers and yard debris. When composting fresh feathers to heat up a pile, soak them in a bucket of water for 24 hours before tossing them in. Your compost should never dry out completely, but feel slightly similar to a wrung-out sponge. (Answered). And not only do we have access to it all year round, but its also completely free. Part of a beginners guide to composting includes learning how compost works. However, the jury is still out on how effective pee may be at keeping your compost pet free. How to Use The mixture is incorporated in a lawn sprayer bottle and attached to your hose for use. Adding greens to a compost heap is a common practice because of the high nitrogen content of these materials. 11 Reasons Why Plants Keep Dying In Same Spot, 7 Ways To Fix Hydraulic Quick Coupler Stuck, Why Are My Vinca Leaves Yellow? And it can be frustrating trying to find that information. For what its worth, many individuals use this method religiously, even going so far as to urinate on their compost pile whenever they add scraps or materials that animals could find appetizing. Adding blood meal to compost that already contains some greens will take a bit more guesswork as you dont want to throw your C:N ratios out of whack. (Tested & Answered), How To Compost Corn Stalks & Cobs (Easiest & Fastest Way). Urine can be regarded as a green layer in your composting process since it is high in moisture, nitrogen, and uric acid. Step 4: Toss your compost for even distribution, Homemade vs. store-bought compost accelerators. Add ingredients, stir. After youve applied the entire bucket of compost accelerator, add 2-3 shovels full of regular garden soil. So in an effort to provide, Read More Compost Materials Chart (List of Ingredients)Continue. There are several reasons why your compost pile may be sluggish. A Nepalese study found that sweet peppers that are fertilized with human urine and compost yield the most fruits and tallest plants of the eight different fertilizer combinations used in the study. Therefore, you might want to know the answer to the question, Is adding urine to your compost advantageous or not? For that, lets delve deeper into the benefits and drawbacks of using urine in compost. And if so, what benefits could there possibly be to justify adding urine to my compost? People always say stuff like urine is sterile, which is mostly true. Once the grass is in the compost, turn it after the first 24 hours. Many great discoveries have happened accidentally? Heres our guide to using blood meal in the vegetable garden. And as a compost enthusiast, this may have given you a bright idea! You dont get to go on vacation though because you have to stay home and pee on your pile. This is similar to adding greens, kitchen scraps, and lawn clippings to the compost pilebut in a higher concentration. Recycling your urine also has environmental benefits, such as using less water in the toilet. Another advantage with a homemade compost accelerator is that you know exactly what ingredients go into the product. The feathers are then dried and ground up into a powder. Therefore, urine may be applied directly to soil as a fertilizer when diluted with water. Mistake #3: Too Wet or Too Dry Composting Bedding. Below is an easy step-by-step guide that explains how to create a homemade compost accelerator that will jumpstart the decomposition process. How much water do you put in a compost bin? The optimal time to collect urine for your pile is in the morning when urea concentrations are at their maximum. In order to collect enough coffee grounds for a large compost heap, you could try visiting your local coffee shop and ask politely if they would like you to expedite their used coffee grounds for them. Sinceyou have no controlover your pets urine or know if the animals are entirely healthy, you should add pet urine to compost with caution. Compost heaps should be kept moist but not soggy. The average NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) value of our urine is 11-1-2.5; it has considerable amounts of nitrogen. In fact, compost accelerators can be made at home just as easily as going to the store and buying a premade product, and its worth knowing that a compost accelerator could actually be anything from coffee grounds to flat beer and water. When the urine is used to make compost, it adds a lot of nutrients to the soil that plants need. She is a firm believer in working with the forces of nature, and not against them, by creating healthy ecosystems within the garden patch. Compost is an organic matter that is used to enrich the soil and promote plant growth. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Each pile will receive a different amount of urine: 80 kg (1:0.5::woodchips:urine), 160 kg (1:1), and 240 kg (1:1.5). Dont panic when your compost pile slows down. An old down pillow, duvet, or jacket could also be pilfered for the downy feathers inside. WebA compost starter/accelerator is a product that jumpstarts and speeds up the process of decomposition in your compost pile. Urine is a waste product that is expelled from the human body. Compost Accelerator refers to any organic materials that stimulate the fertilization process. Start with a small amount just a teaspoon or two and turn the pile well. As long as you ask politely and explain your situation, the worst thing that could happen is a no. One idea for a compost accelerator is old fertilizer. Urine is suitable for your compost, but as we know, too much of a good thing can become detrimental when used in excess. Urine is such a good compost accelerator as it gives the compost a nitrogen boost. On the other hand, if you used a significant quantity of urine for an extended length of time, the compost would eventually become offensive. So, go tinkle on a compost pile instead of in the toilet. Composting Wood Chips And Cow Manure (Or For example, shredded cardboard has a very high carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (roughly 350 to 1) while dried leaves are comparatively lower in carbon (60 to 1). Urine stinks. The high nitrogen content boosts the action of the decomposition by microbes. Nepalese farmers have been taking a leak on their crops for centuries. WebGarden Composter - Free Compost Accelerator. As a nitrogen fixer, growing alfalfa alongside your other plants helps boost soil fertility. To use feather meal as a compost activator, add about a cup to start. The negligent owner lets the bin dry out. Moreover, youll need to stick to the procedure to guarantee that your compost turns out properly. If the temperature drops below 120 degrees, try tossing the pile in order to mix the contents. The alternative is to urinate directly on the compost pile. We add poultry manure to the compost heap every week when we clean out the chicken coop. Excess urine may cause an unpleasant odor as ammonia builds up in your compost. Power Rake Vs Dethatcher, How to lift riding mower to change blades, 1 can of flat, room-temperature beer (open the can and leave for 24 hours), 1 can of regular cola that isnt sugar free. When appropriately used, compost has the potential to protect plants from a variety of diseases. They use it to make amino acids, complete proteins, and even their DNA. Long story short, you probably shouldnt be peeing on your compost every chance you get. These products are easy to obtain, and you likely have some of them at home. However, if you have lots of brown, a healthy male can produce enough urine every year to add nitrogen to 1800 pounds of compost! Larger predators, however, such as bears and mountain lions, are often curious about the smell and attracted by the salt content in urine. This solution can be used on plants and lawns or to improve the nitrogen content in poor soil. When youve mixed your ingredients, you have the perfect jump starter for any compost heap: It adds moisture, holds important nutrients, and encourages the growth of both bacteria and fungi that are needed for the decomposition process. To process a pile of leaves or woody matter, apply blood meal at a rate of 2.5 ounces for each cubic yard of carbon materials. So why would people want to use urine in compost? Besides adding a homemade compost accelerator, there are a few additional things you could do to further accelerate the composting process. One of the other concerns is that adding a significant amount of urine to your pile will reduce microbial diversity and allow acid-loving microbes to flourish. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. They would likely be happy to share it with you, and youll quickly get started building your compost heap. It usually contains nitrogen, microorganisms, or herbs recommended for biodynamic decay. (Explanation), How To Grow Farro? If urine and ash or biochar can replace fertilizer entirely, imagine what urine and compost can do. The recommended temperature is between 120 and 160 degrees Fahrenheit. That was a new one for me. Now that weve talked about the rosy side of adding urine to your compost, lets step back into reality (and the bathroom) and hit a few of the concerns. If you have a lot of urine in your compost, it might not smell nice because of the ammonia. Otherwise your compost heap could develop hot spots which, according to the Cornell Waste Management Institute, could cause some of the beneficial microorganisms to die off. Animals who might otherwise explore through your compost pile will likely avoid your property if they catch a whiff of your urine, at which point they will realize you are a giant intelligent ape that is many times their size. For this purpose, you could use hay bales or get an insulated compost bin. The majority of plants pull nitrogen from the soil as they grow. Mother Earth News discussed whether compost accelerators work or not, and based on most independent studies the conclusion is that store bought compost accelerators arent worth the money. This philosophy also spills over into lifestyle through a return to our ancestral roots by becoming more self-reliant, wasting nothing, and living simply. Its no secret that human pee is a great fertilizer, and it has been used as such for thousands of years. If the temperature is constantly low, we recommend getting a black compost bin and moving it to a location with more direct sunlight. You may not want to use manure for one reason or another, and coffee is a good substitute for this. Lets look at the issue more closely, starting with the good. ), Compost Materials Chart (List of Ingredients). This may seem like a lot, but considering that humans are about 60% water, that tells you that compost has a lot of room for a lot of water. Can I put old potting soil in my compost? Blood meal has an N-P-K of 12-0-0, making it one of the richest organic sources of nitrogen. For compost-related products, it is known as the Activator Agent which contains a huge amount of bacteria and fungi. Only collect urine when you pee and use a separate container, such as a bottle with a lid. A small amount of an all-purpose garden fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, can also be added to supply nitrogen to the microbes. Source: mygoodgreen.com. One of the vital roles of compost is to replenish the Nitrogen in your soil and do you want to guess whats rich in Nitrogen? Use these additions to heat your compost pile to rejuvenate the beneficial microbes and move the composting process along. Good compost should be about 40-60% water. An adult Ford 3000 Tractor Review: Should You Purchase It. For example, pre-soaking paper and cardboard with urine is one of the best ways to use these two composting ingredients. Believe it or not, bird feathers are an amazingly rich source of nitrogen. Active microorganisms need a moist environment. We recommend that you avoid adding any thick branches and/or thick leaves to your pile, as theyll take forever to decompose and your compost wont be as uniform as desired. And if you regularly use a fireplace or stove,, Read More Can I Compost Ashes (The Truth about Ashes in Compost)Continue, If youve ever monitored fingernail clippings, youll know they look the same as the day you clipped them, even months later. Buy on Amazon. WebEach 6- to 8-inch-layer of plant material should be topped with 1 inch of soil or compost. Although it might come as a surprise to many, its a well known fact among the gardening community that urine can speed up the composting process! The test will take place in the spring of 2021. Adding 2 handfuls of urea to the pile when you start the composting process and an additional handful every 3 to 4 weeks will speed up the decomposition of wood chips. ThatBackyard.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com (at no additional cost to the buyer), About Us Affiliate Disclosure Privacy Policy Contact Us, Algreen Soil Saver Compost Bin My Review After 2 Years, Top Dressing Your Lawn With Compost (Best Time & Method). Take note that urine is considered a green in composting, since it is high in nitrogen. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. As previously mentioned in this article, keeping the right temperature is important for your microorganisms to thrive. The addition of nitrogen drives the decomposition of the brown or carbon elements in the compost pile. Another effective method of using urine in compost is to lay out some straw pee bales and urinate on them throughout the day as needed. A DIY compost accelerator rebalances your system, supports the existing microbes, or encourages new ones to increase the rate at which finished compost is produced. Urine has ahigh nitrogen content,but it also containspotassium, phosphorus, and other trace elements that are good for plants. Some folks find it easiest to add browns and greens in equal volume, adjusting amounts as they go along. Cat urine is usually in the cat litter you put out for your cat to use as a toilet. According to The Grow Network, these 5 things are great compost boosters and are often completely free: Once youre done weeding your garden or mowing the lawn, save the clippings and add it to your pile. So why do some people not use wood chips in compost, and how can these difficulties be overcome? So long as youre healthy and not taking medication, its completely safe to pee on your compost. Plus, we have a dry compost toilet which is manually emptied onto the compost heaps every few days. And its free, readily available, and renewable! These nutrients are released into the soil slowly, making alfalfa gentle enough to be used on the youngest seedlings and sprouts. This is a mix of seaweed, bacteria and fungi. Theyll most likely have large bags full of hair, that you can get for free. Our team independently selects, reviews, and identifies the best products. Here are a few tips you should consider if you want to buy a compost accelerator. Urea is widely used as a fertilizer in agriculture. Glacial Rock Dust vs Azomite- Which One Should You Use? How Often Do You Empty A Composting Toilet? QUESTION: Does urine speed up composting? By Sammie Dejesus | Submitted On July 01, 2009. Moisture content is one of the main distinguishing factors between hot and dry composting. However, Bio8 sent me some Envii compost accelerator tablets to review. The constituents of human urine include urea, water, ammonia, creatinine, inorganic salts, and trace minerals. According to the Oregon State University, used coffee grounds are a great addition to any compost pile. So what are your options with old layers of mulch in your garden? The same applies to store bought compost accelerators. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is an incredibly useful little plant to grow. You might then wonder whether fingernails decompose (and if not, what happens to all the little bits people worldwide keep snipping off their nails?). WebCan we save the world with urine? Grass has an N-P-K value of 4-1-2 when its still green and moist and fresh. However, some would argue that this is a more natural method than a commercial product. Does urine speed up compost? To hurry up the process, use a little urine! Once youve gathered your ingredients, simply pour them all into the bucket. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these.... The human body justify adding urine to my compost to 71C ) released! 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