On the instructor side, anyone who relies on powerpoints, especially new instructors, would find the lack of included images to be challenging and the need to add images will raise some issues around using copyrighted material from other sources. I think most reasonably flexible instructors would not find the organization to clash with the organization of their course. A suggested and testable explanation for an event is called a ________. I reviewed the book for use in the read more. I predict that this text will serve my students as well as my previous texts for this course. The chapters are organized into 8 main units. One example will suffice: there is no mention of the CRISPR-cas9 gene editing method which even the general public is aware of now because of extensive media coverage of the work of Dr. Jennifer Doudna and others. Instead, both reactions are below, formatted such that they appear on a single line. Which of the following is not a functional group that can bond with carbon? For instance different aspects regarding natural selection are found in three sections in two different chapters, being the sections: understanding evolution, population genetics, and adaptive evolution. I used this text for my 3-term majors' sequence, and although one class does not make a trend, my students turned in the highest grades of any class I've taught in my 29 year career. As no comprehensive textbook like this is ever completely error-free despite the best of intentions, I am sure there are some inadvertent mistakes. After reading the first few chapters students will know what to expect from future chapters. But most other areas well-done -- but i will be looking for supplemental material for those concepts. Although the book will be most naturally adoptable for courses that deliver content in this same order, the book should be flexible enough to allow instructors to adapt it to their own ordering of topics. I think it is a great alternative to using a for pay text, and with the multitude of formats (browser, pdf, app, print) it can be accessed in the format that is best for a particular student. Reviewed by Robert Sorensen, Professor, Minnesota State University Mankato on 6/10/15, The 8 units this textbook, chemistry through ecology, sufficiently cover the range of topics that would be covered in an Introductory Biology series of courses.The order in which topics are addressed follows the common approach of building from However, it is a reality that not all students will be facile with such foundational knowledge, so inclusion of these terms and figures in subsequent chapters reduces compromising student understanding. One exception: it appears that there is an error on page 150 in the image labeling frontal and transverse planes in the goat (at least the image doesnt seem to match the description in the text). I also found the instructor resources to be consistent. I found my topic if the end of the keyword was different from the text but a misspelling in the middle of the word returned no matching results. While it is not as polished as a traditional text, I feel that the advantages it offers far outweigh the costs. the study of living organisms and their interactions with one another and their environments. While the artwork is generally good some of the illustrations are too small and generally not as visually appealing as in commercial textbooks. In Figure 45.10, there is no such thing as the carrying capacity of seals. For additional free and open resources, visit http://www.openstax.org/. d. the degree of inbreeding in a population For example the term collagen appears well before it is described in any detail, and viruses were presented before chapters on molecular genetics. The modules make sense, are well organized, and (mostly) self-sufficient. The book is perfectly fine in its modularity and is similar to most other biology textbooks. Additional content should be added regarding topics such as pseudoscience and the influence of social media and politics on science. 6. The relevance for the most part is good. Diagrams and written content both appeared to be accurate. Since this is an introductory biology textbook, the topics are rather standardized across textbooks in this market. All the components of the textbook, including the terminology and framework, are consistent throughout. Additionally, the end of each chapter features a list of key terms. For example, why does a business major need to know about RNA transcription or the different parts of the translation machinery. These included sites such as Khan Academy. All texts tend to emphasize some areas over others, and this is no exception. A suggested and testable explanation for an event is called a ________. Many of the key terms are highlighted in bold, but it would be nice if students could click on bold key terms to get definitions. Mostly written in a clear efficient style, but some chapters had organizational problems (see above). The text is not culturally insensitive and uses a wide variety of examples. This will make it quite easy to assign specific parts of a chapter. This text is culturally accessible and inclusive. 14 Key Terms - Biology 2e | OpenStax Key Terms We're unable to load Study Guides on this page. The online version also linked the figures to the text itself, so students could click the referenced figure and have it appear as they were reading. The book is nicely comprehensive in its overall selection of units and chaptersall the basic components of any standard semester-long or year-long general biology course for majors or a mixed nonmajors/majors audience. catalyst in a biochemical reaction that is usually a complex or conjugated protein. Sections are numbered within chapters, which makes it easier to assign parts of chapters. As noted above, I like the logic of the subdivisions of each chapter (not too many, not huge blocks of text) and the amount of material on one page is less than I feel most other books offer. Most require that students explain or apply a concept from the textbook. Now that you have the Water Cooler of your choice, you will not have to worry about providing the invitees with healthy, clean and cool water. For example, there is no reference to CRISPR-cas9 gene editing. But I applaud the effort and appreciate that they are there to use as I settle in to the new text. I found few errors. Each section is very short. Error p.375 I was unaware that Rosalyn Franklin was considered for the Nobel prizeshould have been. As mentioned above, changes in our understanding of biology are happening quickly, but those can be incorporated into the the framework of this textbook in a straightforward way. Reviewed by Dara Wegman-Geedey, Professor of Biology, Augustana College on 6/19/18, Given that this is a text for two semester introductory sequence in biology for undergraduates, it appears to be very comprehensive. For example, I didn't find any mention of drift, mutation, or gene flow. WebTotal Pages Answer Key N/A. WebAnswer Both systems involve chemical messengers that must interact with receptors in order to have an effect. It feels up to date; there is a link to an online genome browser, for example. molecular genetics) I don't think this book reflects very well the sate of knowledge now. Overall, this book provides a mostly adequate resource for teachers who are trying to save on textbook costs. In some cases, the text over-focuses on certain topics while omitting others. Interactive exercises (links to learning) and visual connection would be well appreciated by the students. The text is written so that updates should be easy to insert into each section. Click on the cover of the book for which you would like to submit a correction., 3. I would feel confident in this textbooks ability to provide scientifically sound ideas to my students. The textbook is divisible into smaller reading sections and it is self-referential. Again, this reinforces student misconceptions and lack of familiarity with fungi, protists, and prokaryotes. I recommend this book highly. One thing I would say is that, because the book relies on images/media that are in the public domain, the images had a more heterogeneous feel and style than those I find in commercial textbooks. The first third of this Biology 2e text is roughly equivalent to our abridged version of Biology in Focus. The process of ________ helps to ensure that a scientists research is original, significant, logical, and thorough. Overall, acceptable trade-off to conventional high quality textbooks. New vocabulary is introduced throughout in bold, and key terms are repeated at the end of each chapter. Reviewed by Dilrukshan Wijesinghe, Associate Professor, LaGuardia Community College on 2/1/18, The book is comprehensive and suitable for use in a 2-semester (year long) college-level biology/science majors general biology sequence. I have not identified any specific errors in the text. For my course, "Integrative Biology: Animals" at the sophomore level, this book should be a useful resource for students. Each chapter begins with a list of learning objectives. I dont see any problems with relevance/longevity for this chapter, or with the text more broadly. I think that the chapter glossaries and ample index do a good job with the jargon. On page 481, the text fails to explain why a mutation may be neutral. Examples used earlier in a given chapter may be revisited later in that same chapter or unit, facilitating continuity and flow. Alternate ISBN (s) 9781506699851. There is consistency with the presentation in each of the chapters with the art inserts and the glossary and test questions. On page 243, the text states, Every single atom of matter and energy is conserved, recycling over and over infinitely. No, this is not so. Any student who can download Acrobat can search for vocabulary terms I assign. I found it to be broad in scope but still provided the depth you would want in a major's level Biology course. Sources were cited appropriately and they were relatively recent. are licensed under a, Atoms, Isotopes, Ions, and Molecules: The Building Blocks, Connections between Cells and Cellular Activities, Structure and Function of Plasma Membranes, Potential, Kinetic, Free, and Activation Energy, Oxidation of Pyruvate and the Citric Acid Cycle, Connections of Carbohydrate, Protein, and Lipid Metabolic Pathways, The Light-Dependent Reactions of Photosynthesis, Using Light Energy to Make Organic Molecules, Signaling Molecules and Cellular Receptors, Mendels Experiments and the Laws of Probability, Eukaryotic Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation, Eukaryotic Translational and Post-translational Gene Regulation, Viral Evolution, Morphology, and Classification, Prevention and Treatment of Viral Infections, Other Acellular Entities: Prions and Viroids, Structure of Prokaryotes: Bacteria and Archaea, The Evolutionary History of the Animal Kingdom, Superphylum Lophotrochozoa: Flatworms, Rotifers, and Nemerteans, Superphylum Lophotrochozoa: Molluscs and Annelids, Superphylum Ecdysozoa: Nematodes and Tardigrades, Animal Nutrition and the Digestive System, Transport of Gases in Human Bodily Fluids, Hormonal Control of Osmoregulatory Functions, Human Reproductive Anatomy and Gametogenesis, Fertilization and Early Embryonic Development, Climate and the Effects of Global Climate Change, Environmental Limits to Population Growth, Behavioral Biology: Proximate and Ultimate Causes of Behavior, The Importance of Biodiversity to Human Life, https://openstax.org/books/biology-2e/pages/1-introduction, https://openstax.org/books/biology-2e/pages/2-review-questions, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, shells 1 and 2 are full, and shell 3 has nine electrons, shells 1, 2 and 3 are full and shell 4 has three electrons, shells 1, 2 and 3 are full and shell 4 has one electron, shells 1, 2 and 3 are full and no other electrons are present. However, in order to sustain student interest, it maybe useful to add a few more examples where biological concepts are applied to daily living making this subject more interesting to the reader. This text also contains chapter summaries, review questions, and critical thinking questions. However, a significant strength is that the online, editable nature of the book enables an instructor to edit the text to best fit their course. The book's grammar seems to be good. Short answer: not at this time. This is not correct in the formal sense of classification. Many terms are used before they are defined. The Inheritance chapters stood out as chapters that had significantly less detail than common commercial textbooks-- a big disappointment if you love that topic and also a missed opportunity to provide more information about inheritance in humans. At the level of details, I found a few places in the text in which terms were used before they were defined, though in such cases they were usually defined in the following paragraph/page. The text is available in multiple formats: online, pdf, app, print, and iBook. How many grams and how many liters of water would have to be evaporated through perspiration to rid the body of the heat generated during two hours of exercise? Also, many of the videos are laced with advertisements that a faculty or a student could find offensive. No mention is made of other ways of testing hypotheses such as with new observations (as predicted by a hypothesis), by comparative studies or natural, inadvertent, or unfortunate experiments, or by mathematical modeling. Which of the following sciences is not considered a natural science? Finally, the sections on eukaryotic transcription, translation, and gene regulation (Ch 15 & 16) provide sufficient background for students to understand why all cells in an animal can have all the same genes but nonetheless have very different patterns of gene expression and function. One misconception is in the link on text page 149 to the process of diffusion as it actually links to a video showing dispersion of a dye in water due to turbulent currents created by adding the dye to a beaker of water (and is correctly labeled as dispersion in Wikipedia), rather than diffusion. In Fig 5.11 the diagram depicting osmosis is misleading due to the depiction of the height of water following its movement across the membrane. read more. The content of the text does have some inaccurate sections. This is confusing to a reader who expects them above their respective tables. Chapter 19 I found that the level of detail is appropriate for a lower level undergraduate biology course. The majority of the photos in this textbook are images adopted from American-based resources. However, I firmly believe that these small errors are mainly in sections that would not be covered in most one-semester courses, and could easily be clarified by the professor if they were covered. If there are provisions for regular revisions of the textbook these issues can be addressed easily. The textbook is broadly set-up to explain the subject of biology starting from broad (chemistry/building blocks of life) to specific (organ systems) and going from simple (cells) to complex (ecology) and therefore is structured in a way that inherently builds off of the concepts from previous chapters. These features are useful and work well. Nursing students, business majors and arts students would like the easy to read and brief descriptions in this book. The topics are presented and arranged in a traditional manner as most biology textbooks and as taught in many colleges. read more. This is a science textbook, so there are very few places to talk about other cultures and ethnicities. P.375 PCR is introduced before it is explained. The text wast not culturally insensitive of offensive and when used examples where cultural diverse throughout the text. I was expecting to see basic cellular biology and a survey of organismal diversity including units on evolutionary change and interactions of organisms at the ecosystem level, but I was surprised to also find several chapters on human anatomy and physiology including the basics of the immune system. Although alternative splicing is mentioned in Chapter 16, it should be described in Section 15.4. In every other published textbook, taxonomy is presented first, and it can then be discussed how cladistics is a better approach since it takes relationships into account. My major complaint is that many of the figures were small in my browser, with no way I could find to be enlarged, except for right-clicking and opening them in a new tab. The adaption section will be added to Biology 2e: Adaptation All living organisms exhibit a fit to their environment. I greatly appreciate the attention given to this textbook's organization down to the subtopics within each section of every chapter. Links. I suggest that instructors pay close attention to review and end-of-chapter questions in this and all textbooks! My overall impressions of Biology from OpenStax by Rye et al. Aside from the figures, other aspects of the interface function well. Each chapter includes at least one link to an external resource. Students can download this text for free, view it on their devices and print it out. It would be nice to have links to the full-sized image. For example, chapters on Chemistry and Biological molecules both explain important fundamentals and provide adequate detail to maintain interest and give context to these topics. I found that the level of detail is appropriate for a lower level undergraduate biology course. Some of these topics, for examples DNA sequencing, only Sanger sequencing has a figure and next generation sequencing is described in a few sentences. Within chapters some of the graphics are labeled art connection, evolution connection, etc. This text, while far from being obsolete, probably needs an update as it was finished in 2018. I found no problems with the accuracy of major concepts or with the more specific steps of cellular respiration. Biologists refer to this fit as adaptation, and it is a consequence of evolution by I feel the text is quite readable, concepts do not require much interpretation, and students do not appear to get lost in a concept, In no case did I find a chapter that appeared inconsistent with the overall quality of the text., nor clarity of concept, It does fit well into the organization of our curriculum, though I would prefer that the discussions of Evolution be moved to the beginning of the text, and more emphasis put on the role of Evolution in life, As above, I'd prefer that evolution be discussed in the first section, The book is very easy to read, concepts are well presented, and illustrations support the writing very effectively. The content and organization of the textbook have great potential to be a popular textbook if the clarity and interface were improved. The textbooks content and depth of coverage are comparable to current commercial introductory biology textbooks. The authors linked climate change very clearly to human activity. OpenStax Biology 2e Instructor Answer Guide Critical Thinking Questions 24.Describe the different cell types and their functions in sponges. I would love to see a version that takes advantage of the electronic format more and becomes a little more interactive. Second half an easily be taught out of order while keeping the integrity of the textbook order. 122 an entire sentence was inside the parentheses. This text is fairly comprehensive. 10. It covers the main topics such as genetics, evolution, and cell biology in sufficient detail. The text is very accessible to students in terms of clarity and accessibility of prose. do you have any more reading guides made and if you do, could you post them? I found no grammatical errors, nor did I find distracting terms. I think that in an introductory course, it is more important to convey the more general, big picture of concepts without adding confusion with over-exertion of details. Art program is adequate but not inspiring. They are a strength of this text and, in many places, serve as the focus for the author's discussion of the topic. read more. I have the .pdf file from Openstax broken down into chapters, which I share with my class over google classroom. Also, there is no discussion of applications of next-generation sequencing (e,g, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq) that are commonly used today. This textbook covers the typical introductory biology course topics for biology majors, including chemistry, cells, genetics, evolution, biodiversity, plant and animal form and function, and ecology. The overall clarity if the text is equivalent to other introductory level biology textbooks, but one feature that I feel elevates this text beyond average is the inclusion of several "Visual Connection" items in each chapter. I like the way the text is easy to read, it seems different than the worst textbooks. The 8 units this textbook, chemistry through ecology, sufficiently cover the range of topics that would be covered in an Introductory Biology series of courses.The order in which topics are addressed follows the common approach of building from the simplest level of organization up to the highest level. I use Openstax Biology 2e as a textbook for my AP Bio and dual credit class. The book uses relatively few examples or images of people, so while it does not highlight diversity, it also did not feel exclusionary to me. There is no discussion of hypotheses that cannot be directly tested by controlled experiment, for ethical reasons or reasons of temporal or spatial scale. When I re-arranged chapters, the individual chapters could be understood without referring back to previous chapters EXCEPT for the basic chemistry and water chapters. Thanks! Overall the content accuracy was on par with an introductory course. All of these interfaces are image heavy. Some of the chapter introductions could use improvement. The information and real life examples provided in the text are both up-to-date and relevant. Necessary and appropriate disciplinary terminology is employed well, and definitions in context are supplemented by end-of-chapter lists of key terms, with definitions. This would be what good instructors always do, but new instructors often have to take more of their clues from the text. Finally, each chapter has review questions, both multiple choice and short answer (critical thinking). My review of the text found no errors and it appeared in every since to follow the standard for a quality general biology text. I did not find any obvious examples of insensitive or offensive language. Also within chapters are QR codes and URLs that take the reader to animations and movies on the OpenStax website. I found chapters and subheadings on nearly every topic that I expected to see in a biology text for majors. The book is divided into topical subsections much like mainstream print books of its kind. The book is very well organized, with all of the typical topics for non-majors biology classes present. The text is very concise--I would estimate that the chapters are probably half as long as traditional texts (hard to tell exactly because of the online format). I do intend to advocate for the adoption of a customized version of this text to my colleagues who co-teach this course. The integration of career connections are an added bonus. The format of the Textbook is highly modular. This is inevitable to some extent in any text, but the editors have some smoothing out to do. The book has links to external digital content at OpenStax but some of the QR codes and/or URL do not seem to function. The book followed a typical format of introducing biological concepts starting with cell and ending with community biology. All areas of introductory biology were covered. read more. I believe this will allow for easy alignment into any new or existing Biology course. This book has a degree of modularity that should readily accommodate a variety of approaches for covering its topics. hi, i am a student and i have been using your reading guides to help me with my reading assignments for this book and they have been extremely helpful! At the end of each chapter, there is a glossary of key terms, chapter summaries (divided by section), visual connection questions, multiple-choice review questions, and short-answer critical thinking questions. The text is easily divisible into smaller reading sections just by including the link to the text in a syllabus and specifiying which sections need to be read. (It might be worth mentioning here that Concepts of Biology also from OpenStax is meant to be used in non-majors biology courses.) In a few cases, I saw Hydrogen ions referred to as protons (and vice versa) without explaining that they were the same thing in the same chapter. I would not suggest adding more subjects and I appreciate the depth of coverage in the text giving the instructor the option to choose which sections to focus on in their courses. Few minor errors are present in some materials. This book is perfectly appropriate for all readers. On page 518, the term linkage disequilibrium is very poorly explained. Instructors frequently choose to omit one or more early chapters for the sake of time and because there may be an assumption that students are already familiar with those concepts. The content of the text is generally accurate but not uniformly. This text easily lends itself to be parceled into units/modules, such as between two semesters. The glossary appears comprehensive, however, many duplicates (ie. While I feel some of the topics and concepts are broken up over more than one chapter, there is ample opportunity to pick and choose which sections to use. In some cases, oversimplification of a topic can be misleading for students. It doesn't really provide much differentiation from paper products other then the fact that it is free. This reviewer did not notice any jargon being used. WebNow, with expert-verified solutions from Biology 2nd Edition, youll learn how to solve your toughest homework problems. It would definitely improve the interface if there were a softer color scheme. Each random number should be in the range of 1 through 100. I was pleasantly surprised at how interesting and easy this book was to read. No errors of fact or interpretation were evident to me. In general, the topics in the text are presented in a logical order, with more basic ideas coming before more complex ones. The machines are affordable, easy to use and maintain. Here also, we are willing to provide you with the support that you need. The structure makes sense and is consistent with most presentations of this material. When jargon is used, it is well defined and the meaning is clear. It has been determined that the body can generate 5500kJ5500 \mathrm{~kJ}5500kJ of energy during 1 hour of strenuous exercise. Others are likely typos (e.g., in Table 4.1, it is shown that "Some" bacteria have cilia, which is not correct. The text does not dive into the controversy, merely puts forward the biological information as it should. The introduction to scientific approach and the culture of science is generally good. It is likely that an instructor adopting this text, seeking the best possible learning environment for her students, will use many resources from other publishers, in effect, shifting the financial backing for resources to publishers who charge considerably prices to access their products. The very brief discussion of sociobiology on page 1372 is biased, sketchy, and inaccurate: Sociobiology also links genes with behaviors and has been associated with biological determinism, the belief that all behaviors are hardwired into our genes. I did not read any insensitive or offensive language in the chapters I reviewed. I also think that the consistent lumping of Archaea and Bacteria together as prokaryotes is out-of-date (see my comments on this above). The order of presentation is basically the same as any other textbook. This is a very nice textbook. This would allow the subject matter to be distributed among two or more courses easily. The approach of including Hardy Weingberg under population evolution and drift, flow, mutations, and natural selection under population genetics is different from what Ive seen in other books. It should work very well with logical breaks for interactive materials or group work. Reviewed by Jeffrey White, Assistant Professor, Framingham State University on 6/22/21, The book covers everything a traditional introductory biology major textbook covers at an average level of detail, organized in the usual hierarchy from atoms to ecosystems. Each section is relatively short and self-contained. However, this reviewer feels that there are too few images/charts to explain concepts. In Chapter 11, the text states, Spores are haploid cells that can produce a haploid organism or can fuse with another spore to form a diploid cell. Spores never fuse with other spores to form diploid cells. Content is consistent with any basic entrance level Biology course. 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