In v.24 he reveals how willing he was to deny self in serving the Lord. Here are 4 ways to find contentment in Christ: #1 Accept rejection. Serving God means obeying and enjoying our relationship with God as our Heavenly Father. You see, regardless of the challenges we may face in life in our ministries, Jesus expects us to be faithful to his call of making disciples, his call to reaching those who dont know him. Your soul needs the nourishment contained in every part of it, and not just from your favorite books or passages of the Bible. Reach out and call Gods name. Christ went to Jerusalem towards the end of His earthly ministry, despiteknowingthat He would be betrayed, condemned to death, humiliated and crucified there (Matthew 20:18,19). Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. Tozer acknowledged the paradoxes of a believers life and thinking: A real Christian is an odd number, anyway. - Watch past sessions at Muslim is on a journey to Allah. This is better than anything we could imagine. If you have an immediate prayer need, please call our 24-hour prayer line at 800-700-7000. . You can be secure in Gods love, which is a demonstrated, sacrificial, and caring love (John 3:16; 1 John 4:10, 19). This can be seen in the call which He gave to the church of Smyrna in Revelation 2:10Be thoufaithfulunto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.It is also seen in the commendation which the servants received from the Lord in Matthew 25:21Well done, thou good andfaithfulservant: thou hast beenfaithfulover a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.. But now we come to the question. God's purpose for the problems he allows us to face is so different than our way of thinking. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed" (Deuteronomy 31:8). An important part of the gospel is that in Jesus Christ we can begin to serve God again with the promise of being able to serve him perfectly and forever in the age to come. In the following paragraphs, I have listed 10 common things that can interfere with our walk with God. Thats why Christ bestowed all the spiritual gifts which the Church needs for service. We just cant do it. Job had three friends who came to see him when they heard about the misfortune that befell him. The punishment has been paid. Now we shall read what Paul said to them, as recorded in Acts 20:17-35. He didn't say, "you should not serve both God and money.". Fear of the unknown can prevent us from following God's promptings to serve and fully accept all that He has for us. This was approved by the church, and they selected seven men to take care of the ministry of food distribution. Obstacles to God's Will Do you want God's will for your life? God allowed this to happen to mobilize the church from becoming inwardly focused. The first exhortation is found in v.28:Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flockThe Ephesian elders would already have known that they were to guard the flock, which is the church. During his ministry there, a thriving congregation developed and the Gospel was disseminated throughout the western part of Asia Minor. And He said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.'. Do you know that prayer was the secret of success in Pauls ministry? Jesus is the only way to restore our relationship with God, and so He is the only way we can truly serve God as well. Verse Concepts. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. It is, There is an important detail here which I want you to notice. Jesus said in Luke 16:13 (NLT) "No one can serve two masters. As the people contemplated God's instructions, they faced the challenge . In Romans 12 Paul reminded the church not to be conformed or fashioned by the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewal of the mind. Without prayer all that we do willlackGods power and enablement. We have already read the first 11 verses of the passage during the responsive reading. Paul was telling them to take heed untothemselvesfirst, in order toremain fitto guard the flock. You may be diligent in feeding others, but you also need tofeed yourself. The fear of disappointment, on the other hand, says, Oh yeah, I get that relationship stuff. 1. Tozer, Root of the Righteous (Harrisburg, PA: Christian Publications, 1955), p. 156. To recognize and prepare for these common obstacles can be half of the battle to overcome them. This helps to shift your perspective and gain the confidence needed to know you can handle it with Gods help. We dont have to be afraid of Gods judgment anymore. If you do, you won't ever feel alone. Here are seven ways you can rely on God to help you break down and overcome the challenging obstacles that are standing in your way: Focus on God's power rather than on the size of your problem . 3. And it is the Holy Spirit who made the elders fit for their role as overseers, so that the flock would be well fed. But in serving God, there will always be obstructions and hindrances. Regardless of any problem or issue we face as a church; we must never neglect Christs mission: to reach the lost; to make disciples of all nations through the preaching of his word. Paul was faithful in his role as achurch-planter, testifying of the Gospel of the grace of God wherever he went. And everyones role is important for the church to grow and to be used of God. All you have to do is put your trust in Him. See also: Is 40:31, Eph 6:10, and Jas 1:5. Have you ever wondered why we get caught in the same sins over and over? More growth and new challenges would come ahead. Your browser does not support the audio element. Have you seen how crazy my life is? This is a fear that doesnt tempt us to stop believing; it tempts us to forfeit a life of intimacy with Jesus because we just dont think that kind of life is possible for us. These verses will strengthen your faith in God. God would use any thing to mobilize his people when they get inwardly focused and neglect to fulfill his mission in the world. Overcoming Obstacles to Serving. Paul then left Ephesus to visit all the churches he had planted in Macedonia and Achaia during his previous missionary journey. Were on a mission to change that. Satan began to attack the church through severe persecution. There are obstacles in our way. Growing in Christ wont be without struggles. Do you seek to fulfill God's purpose? The river was flooded and nearly impossible to cross. He said, Paul was heading for Jerusalem in obedience to the Lords direction for him, despite knowing the awful trials he would have to face there. This letter exhorts us to persevere, and this profound call to draw near to God is right at the heart. Others have been blessed with spiritual gifts of faith, administration, discernment, hospitality, giving, mercy, or encouragement. All Rights Reserved. Elijah, God's prophet, had just had an . The apostles handed the food distribution to seven men selected by the church. Doesnt this remind us of what our Lord Himself did? The elders of Ephesus were faithful in their roles asshepherdswho provided for the flock and protected it from danger. As a Christian, its important to not let your obstacles in life tear you away from your faith. Seven times in the book of Hebrews, the author captures the heart of Christianity in a simple, wonderful command: draw near. This is a spiritual thermometer. Other people of faith who are overcoming their own challenges can lift you up in spirit, remind you of Gods truth, and cheer you on as you strive for your goals. These commands, then, can seem foreign to us. Besides all that, Paul was alsowarningevery one night and day with v.31. But what needs to be impressed on us is thatwe allhave a role to play in Gods kingdom. Thats why Christ also sent the Holy Spirit to work within each believer. He wrote this 3 chapters later,Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.(1 Timothy 4:16). When the stresses of this world and the worst of suffering might seem to extinguish our hope, it doesnt. We overcome the emotional barrier when we believe it is safe to yield to God. Our Christian life comprises of many obstacles we meet. Answer Jesus talked to those who would follow Him about taking up a cross, counting the cost, and giving up everything ( Luke 14:2533 ). I hope that everyone who is serving in any ministry of Life Church will take this exhortation seriously Guard yourself! He alone can give us the strength and wisdom we need to endure. We see in God's dealings with people, that in almost all cases, God uses the obstacles/difficulties and overcoming them, as a means to inculcate great character in people and to prepare them and use them for great purposes. The food distribution ministry was just caring for the needs of those in the church. 1. Hearing from God is rooted in faith and belief. . If God Is Loving, Why Is there So Much Pain in this Life? God does not willingly make His service hard; it would not be hard if we were not sinful. And so as Proverbs4:23says, you mustKeep [your] heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life., Unfortunately not everyone in Ephesus heeded Pauls exhortation to guard themselves. Trusting God gives us direction (Proverbs 3:5-6). You can be assured of Gods intentions that He has your best interests at heart (Jeremiah 29:11-13; Hebrews 12:10). He said,neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received ofthe Lord JesusIn v.22,23 Paul says,And now, behold,I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there: save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying thatbonds and afflictions abide me., Paul was heading for Jerusalem in obedience to the Lords direction for him, despite knowing the awful trials he would have to face there. They help us see how strong and powerful our God is. It can be frustrating to give up control of your life, however to be a follower of Christ it must be done. With God, you can move from being a victim to being a victor. You may be diligent in feeding others, but you also need to, If you want to remain faithful, you must give sufficient time to the study of Gods Word. Sometimes God may call you to a different ministry. It is part of the process of sanctification, being set apart for God's purposes and . Jesus has an active, priestly role for our sake at the Fathers right hand. This command to draw near might be summarized as a summons to live in a rich God-accomplished relationship with God. No tongue can bid me thence depart nor can anything else in all creation separate us from his love. 2. "The way is hard that leads to life," He said ( Matthew 7:14, ESV ). In those days when the number of disciples was increasing. We must continue to work together tobuild a united church family that is committed to making disciples through Salvation, Sanctification and Service to the glory of God. It would also distract them from the main mission. As we now enter into our 67thyear, let us resolve to give Him thefirst and central placein all that we do as a church, so that we may be faithful to Him. The suggestion to handle the ministry: (v.3) and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near . They told the church they had no desire to abandon the preaching in order to embark into another ministry. December 10, 2018. But what if they aren't enemies? Paul did not withhold any teaching of Gods Word from the Ephesians. And that's hard to do. Error: There was an internal error submitting your form. He is much more powerful than any obstacle you will ever face! The writer tells us . Did the Ephesian elders fulfill their role well? God wants you to be successful and triumphant, and has a great plan for your life. They had a great system going on, a great fellowship and God reminded them that though that ministry is important, it was not the mission of the church to run a food program, but to preach the gospel to those who are lost. Quote This: 2 Corinthians 2:14 But people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's Spirit. He . With this obstacle, we ask, Is it possible to trust God? Notice how verse 19 begins, Therefore, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus. He means that we have access to God now because Jesus died in our place. Life is full of ups and downs. However, when it comes to serving while single or serving while married, the . In Pauls discourse we can see how greatly concerned he was that the Ephesian church should remain faithful. The enemy of God, the devil will not stop until he turns away the people who are drawing closer to God. God sometimes challenges us with a warning. Anne Frank Sitting here with pen in hand, able to put words and thoughts on paper, is a miracle all by itself, as Parkinsons Disease has made me unable to write, How do you know if God is talking to you or Satan? There are many other roles of service in Gods kingdom besides these. Required fields are marked *. 2. These seven men will oversee the ministry of distribution of food. You think a person as messed up as you just isnt supposed to be close to God. John 12:26 says. Yes they certainly did. And therefore weve bunkered down into a Christian life solely about survival. Draw near to him. Everything else comes after that. Hebrews 7:25 tells us, Jesus is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. He is always praying for us, always fueling the furnace of our faith. Tit was through all these works of God that the Ephesians had now grown into a thriving church, But there is still so much more that needs to be done as we move forward as a church into our 67, build a united church family that is committed to making disciples through Salvation, Sanctification and Service to the glory of God. Be bold. You can cling to its truth when life throws you a curveball. For example, Sara was able to conceive a child after years of inability through the help and faith of God (Hebrews 11:11). This morning we will see how the apostle Paul highlights the need for faithfulness in Gods service to the Ephesian elders by his example and his exhortations. Right when the church experienced such growth (a problem arose). God made it possible for you to know. If you handle the small things, God brings you big things to handle. This is mentioned in vv.26,27 where Paul said,Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. If we allow fear to take over, then faith gets pushed aside. Their widows were being overlooked or neglected in the daily distribution of food. Do you remember when you first yielded your life to Christ? Gods plan may seem confusing, unconventional, or mysterious at times, and especially when you are facing difficulty. Cloaked in humility, taking the form of a servant, our . To draw near. You can place your steadfast trust in Him. Please check your information and try again or call us at 1-800-759-0700. Tit was through all these works of God that the Ephesians had now grown into a thriving churchwithin three years. You may not enjoy having to eat more high-fiber, low-fat, low-sugar, low-salt meals regularly, but the long term benefits do make it all worthwhile. Thats why Christ bestowed all the spiritual gifts which the Church needs for service. As followers of Jesus, we will struggle with trials and tribulations. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:6-7). Warning. Some use their service to God to upgrade themselves they urge people to give and give sacrificially to support their ministry, but they fly business class or in their own private jet, they stay in the most expensive hotels, and they eat at the most expensive restaurants. Serving God is what we were made to do as his creatures, but our service has been corrupted by our sin and rebellion which has rendered us unable to please him. Rejection and betrayal are part of life and help us grow closer to God when we realize our weaknesses are actually strengths. Copyright 2020 Life Bible-Presbyterian Church. No matter how many ministries a church may have, if the preaching and teaching of Gods word is not the main priority then I doubt that true disciples are being developed. You first yielded your life obstacles in serving god please call our 24-hour prayer line at 800-700-7000., taking form... That everyone who is serving in any ministry of distribution of food distribution ministry was caring. Pauls ministry call us at 1-800-759-0700 you think a person as messed up you... At 1-800-759-0700 not just from your faith take over, then, can seem foreign to us Ephesians had grown... Not willingly make his service hard ; it would also distract them from the mission. Of suffering might seem to extinguish our hope, it doesnt times, and this profound to... 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