At a certain point, I wasnt just feeling overwhelmed; I was also starting to feel anxious. The bottom line. TTC since June 2009 Those super small onesies. created content and their own posts, comments and submissions and fully and effectively warrant Please email me with free offers and special discounts from BabyCentres. Even before they were born we talked about how we wanted to have them around others. Secondly, new parents may not be comfortable passing their babies around. Have a parenting question youd like some other mums and dads to weigh in on? Many grandparents are confused and hurt by these decisions. 383. Sometimes parents who restricted visitors with a first child are completely fine with visitors for subsequent births, especially since there is an older sibling to be cared for. And really, if you're so paranoid that visitors might bring germs, I had a SIL like that about her newborn son, though understandably t. First all thanks for all of the responses. 24/06/2020 23:40. Its also advisable to know what potential illnesses are in not just your area, but the places that your visitors are traveling from, too. My wife won't let me say anything, she wants to write a letter to her brother. Some parents may continue to bar visitors during their first days or even weeks at home. Many times when I wanted to take her back people would tell me "but she's not crying." A baby crying is the last sign they give you to let you know they're in distress, uncomfortable or hungry. Physical distancing is one of the most important ways to reduce the spread of COVID-19. His mother disapproves, considering her beneath her son. Youre so happy and in love that it doesnt even matter that youre also tired and smelly. Additionally, there is the worry that germs that produce colds, flu, COVID-19 or other illnesses or diseases could be spread to your fragile new baby. That's a lot of , Access to the comments facility has been disabled for this user. Fun for everyone, right? It's naturaland reasonableto be careful about who should be around your baby. Email Am I being a bad parent by not letting other people hold my new baby?. Start by selecting which of these best describes you! They are creating a protected period for forming a family unit. This should go without saying, but it can be fatal to your child to be around anyone who is sick. Things like no hot potato-ing or kissing their face. Hip Hold. Did those of you that refused to let anyone hold your baby also not leave the house for 6 we. Seeing other people hold her, even the people I loved most, made me feel like a part of me was missing. No vacations, no press trips, no spontaneous beach days or spontaneous anything, no weeks of being at the beach every day, no boat rides (because postpartum pain is no joke), no time to myself, no sleep, no weekends away, no wine, no gym, no time to go for sunset cruises down Ocean Parkway, and very little time for friends. They were both told no for no reason. Inpatient Peds nurse in the US here- to clarify the fever/hospital standards: In my experience, if your newborn is under 1 month of age and presents with a fever (temp >100.4) the physicians will do a full work up (venous stick for blood work, iv antibiotics, lumbar puncture). "For those that want to give baby kisses, the feet and tummy kisses are safest.". Celebrating the birth of your baby with loved ones is a special moment for all new moms. Especially in the winter season, avoid contact with a lot of people, as this is when more viruses are likely to be circulating, Dr. Ahmed adds. Also, know that there often are compromises to be made that can make everyone happy. Like she was afraid of all the Germs or something. If breastfeeding isn't possible, use infant formula. Strategies that Diamond recommends for keeping your baby safe include asking people to wash their hands before holding your child, insisting they wear a mask, not allowing recently sick. Throughout all of that, my phone went off constantly with texts from friends and family members everyone wanted to know when they could come visit. Keep doing what you are doing and dont feel bad about making excuses. I've never understood why people think they are entitled to hold other people's brand new babies who are extremelysuscepible to germs. My baby's skin is dry. Here are 6 common conflicts and solutions, including how you can say "no", how you can avoid alienating your in-laws and how you can be sure to stand up for yourself. Luckily, one way you can boost your child's immune protection is to breastfeed and to have your child receive all the available and suggested vaccines. In fact, a newborn's immune system isn't considered to have adequate function until 2 months old! This may just be the best way to keep all hands off the baby. She may need to be changed or fed, or simply needs your comfort after being handled by people she doesnt know. Baby wants to hold my hand to sleep. But in order to do so safely, he continues, youre going to have to take several precautions. Sitting on the hospital bed watching all these other people hold my daughter, I felt waves of sadness wash over me that I couldnt explain. I cried about once every hour, sometimes because of something that happened, but mostly for no reason at all. Regardless, once you've got your "bubble" stick to that group as much as possible. News images provided by Press Association This means they need to feed little and often. Registered office: 3rd floor, Latin Hall, Golden Lane, Dublin 8. As recently as the 1970s, postpartum hospital stays averaged four days. Newborns are precious and adorable. 483623. Sick people should not hold your baby. fever of 100.4 or more, they have to go to the hospital & get a I offered to let my mom and mil hold him, but I also knew they were. MEL73104 December 2009 My little girl was born Dec. 15th, so she's 8 days old. I let people hold him, but they HAVE to wash their hands first. Weve never been so exhausted or so happy! No parents, no friends, no visitors. Do not let many relatives into the room. Carefully slide the hand under the neck and the head such that the neck of the baby rests on the crook of your elbow and place on the bottom for support. Try stroking your newborn gently when you change a nappy or at bath time. Newborn babies who are getting formula will likely take about 2-3 ounces every 2-4 hours. If youre going to be outdoors, care should be taken to protect the newborn from direct sunlight to prevent unintended sunburns, says Dr. Alexander. A post on Mumsnet . should not be construed as a substitute for advice from a medical professional or health care provider. Since mom herself will be back on her period soon, there's no valid, medically-proven reason that someone's menstrual cycle would cause any harm to a newborn. Let us know anonymously here! Hattie Gladwell Tuesday 25 Aug 2020 1:42 pm. 3. Just make sure to protect Babys delicate skin by keeping them out of the sun or putting on a sun hat to shield them from the suns harmful rays. Another complicating factor is if one grandparent is welcomed and another turned away. Do I Have Postpartum Blues or Postpartum Depression? Am I being a bad parent by not letting other people hold my new baby? And we're not letting any of the kids hold him. Is it no wonder that everyone is breaking down your proverbial door to snag a sec to snuggle with that delicious baby? Read our, Concerns About Letting People Touch Your Newborn, Use Extra Precautions for the First Two Months, Why Youre Feeling Isolated as a New MomAnd What to Do About It. Yes, youre being a bit unreasonable. It's best to go ahead and do the tasks that you see that need doing, but use good judgment. For example, just because your niece or coworker wants to hold your baby does not mean you need to let them. I dont know how to say no without causing a scene or seeming ridiculous, so I usually say that she needs a feed or is feeling a bit cranky. Side note- I have the same situation, I have one specific person who I don . I didn't agree but didn't disagree as well. Show children how to support the head and neck. I might be missing out on a lot of things Im used to doing, but Ive also never felt so blessed. Anyone else's baby a climber. "Parents are already experiencing so much stress bringing their newborn home," Soneji says. Whether it is in the room, the hospital door, or even your home, make sure to post a list of dos and dont for visitors to follow when visiting your baby. It can be both tempting and scary to let people touch your newborn baby. So we did it. The 7 Best Pacifiers for Newborns of 2023, The 45 Best Gifts for New Parents of 2023, Promising Pfizer RSV Vaccine for Pregnancy May Protect Newborns. I'm tired. Nemours Foundation. 6. I in fact never asked to hold him, only GM and GF did. We had told the grandparents that they were welcome at the hospital and we would draw the line there. Your baby has a right to her own space too. In their first two months, newborns are at the highest risk of infection, warns Dr. Hasson. This little squish has kept me from doing a lotttt of things for the last 10 months and especially this summer. I. my daughter, more than I had ever missed anyone and she was only a few feet away from me. Shes not the property of general public and acquaintances just because she is cute. Then she passes by that little baby face, and . "Have a core set of helpers and visitors that you know are up to date on their protective vaccines," says Dr. Hasson. Make sure to support your baby's head. If someone wants to hold your baby, make sure that he or she washes their hands well before doing so. Make sure they wash their hands before touching or holding your baby and that they are fully vaccinated, especially against circulating diseases and illnesses like flu or COVID-19. Over the next few hours, we were visited by my parents, my mother-in-law, my brother, future sister-in-law, my sister, and her boyfriend. Third-hand smoke (that which sticks to the hair and clothes) is just as dangerous as first and second-hand smoke. And if strangers attempt to touch your baby? Visiting boundaries is a rather sensitive topic as no new parent wants to offend the people who want to be a part of the celebration of the birth of their precious child. Breast milk is the ideal food for babies with rare exceptions. The good news is that once you're ready for visitors, it's completely fine to let friends and family hold your newborn baby. Her Dr. actually told us to be paranoid b/c if a newborn gets a A newborns immune system is its strongest in that first week. It felt like heaven. Moms with newborns - not letting people hold your baby? Likewise, new parents usually are very enthusiastic about wanting to show off their new little loves. by Babymaker02. Just family is allowed over right now anyway, we're not up to other visitors yet. SheKnows is a part of Penske Media Corporation. Stick with breast milk or formula. For more information on cookies please refer to our cookies "If you need to take your baby to crowded places, such as the grocery store, wearing your baby or using a lightweight stretchy stroller cover can be protective.". How Do COVID Vaccine Dosages Work for Kids? 4. Granted, we had DS at the height of flu season, but no one even asked to hold him when they visited, parents, inlaws, or otherwise. The ideal time is when your child is about two months old, but everyone knows that it is not so easy to keep visitors away for so long, and most parents do not want to be isolated for as long anyway. Just tell everyone to wait a week or so, my husband said, reminding me that I had just pushed a baby out of my body and needed time to rest. I would stay up at night staring at her, praying I hadnt assisted in allowing anything bad to happen to her. Now that research has shown that holding babies does not "spoil" them, but is, in fact, what they need most, we would be wise to listen to our hearts and "hold that baby all the time." Pam Leo is the author of Connection Parenting: Parenting through Connection instead of Coercion, through Love instead of Fear (Wyatt-Mackenzie 2005) and is the . In the 1950s, stays of one week to 10 days were standard. Create an email alert based on the current article, The Explainer is a weekly podcast from that takes a deeper look at one big news story you need to know about. I now understand (and so appreciate) why a few of my friends who were already moms texted me to say things like, Ill let you get adjusted before coming by. Its not that I didnt love and appreciate the visitors I had or the people who were so excited to meet my daughter. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. You can obtain a copy of the What the mother and child need is peace. Some take time off from work or work from home in order to be there for the mother and newborn. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. 6. I just make people wash/santitize their hands first. However, newborns do not have a very developed immune system, so it is wise for parents to be careful of how many people touch their little one. But for one Redditor, it was a harrowing moment. Your little baby and their developing immune system simply aren't ready for germs yet. Yoghurt. Reasons Why Parents May Prevent Grandparents From Seeing a Newborn. She has written articles on pregnancy, parenting, and relationships. Most newborns feed every two to three hours, followed by a nap. So visits should not interfere with this routine to ensure that the baby has sufficient time for both. them live close by - 4 sets of parents (we both have divorced parents To get a balanced view, we put the dilemma to a group of Irish parents, keeping things anonymous to encourage honest answers. And of course, part of family bonding when a new baby is born is all about the cuddles; holding, touching and interacting with the baby in a normal and happy way. Im not entirely sold on the idea of cocooning (it seems a bit extreme), but I do wish my husband and I had given ourselves more time with the baby on our own in those first few days and weeks. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The lucky ones even get paidparental leave. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The stories you care about, delivered daily. And if youre feeling guilty that youre going to cut short a visit, you shouldnt. And she would like to continue creating content on health and lifestyle. Everyone has been chomping at the bit to see your baby. by BeeDH. If you unload the dishwasher but simply stack everything on the counter because you don't know where things go, that's not helpful. Get them to sit down on a chair and carefully place your baby in their arms. Your baby will not develop head control until about 4 months old, so until then it will be your job to ensure that his or her head doesn't flop from side to side or front to back. Visitors may bring their own children, and small children can be disruptive, as well as often carrying the aforementioned germs. Others say that the grandparents won't be allowed to visit their newborn grandchild for the first few weeks or even months. . They also offer support and. My beef comes from family (um, DH's parents, for example)who expect to ho, I don't see the big deal. Most infants are ready to bond immediately. That means no sniffling, no sneezing, no coughing and being fully vaccinated. We just said no visitors at all this time since everyone, im not going to lie, I wish i could stop everyone from holding my baby. for the content of external websites. While we can't control for public exposure, like taking an infant to the grocery store, parents can ask. We told our family before she was born that we would not be letting anyone hold her for a while - this time of year there are just too many bugs going around. The Journal supports the work of the Press Council of Ireland and the Office of the Press Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! In addition, if grandparents avoid overreacting, the new parents may change their minds, especially when they experience the realities of newborn care. Helping your baby to sleep How to change your baby's nappy Nappy rash Reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Soothing a crying baby Washing and bathing your baby What you'll need for your baby Originally Published: Jan. 16, 2018. aluxum / Getty. Your Want to win a copy of psychotherapist Philippa Perrys new book, The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read? Its understandable that everyone wants to visit and see your baby, says Dr. Schaffner. Mariana Sifrit contracted viral meningitis . When I think about when I had my twin girls, it would have been extremely difficult . Bex has felt immense anxiety around coronavirus, which has meant she won't let her family hold her 11-week-old baby (Picture: Bex Renshaw) When you . We restricted visits initially. Also Read:How to Hold an Infant Properly? No one has ever made me happier. For others, it may take a bit longer. Dont put your little baby at risk because you are embarrassed to set a limit to keep the hordes of well-meaning baby-gawking friends away for a few months, says Dr. Karp. I was trying to do a million things at once: breastfeed, pump, care for a baby for the first time ever, take care of myself, sleep, eat, shower, complete the simple acts of sitting and walking, change diapers, and keep my house (at least a little) clean for visitors. I missed my daughter, more than I had ever missed anyone and she was only a few feet away from me. They never mentioned the FLU/sickness etc.. Second to the "toy" folks, please read pos. You may want to avoid letting young children or people who haven't held a newborn before carry your baby around. No, my brother in law did most of the talking. Plus there are a lot of people in our family and almost all of Flu is particularly dangerous in babies and they cannot be vaccinated until they are 6 months old. I started to wish that my husband and I had tried cocooning, a parenting trend thats been in the news recently, where parents hole up in their home with their newborn for a few weeks just them, no visitors at all (not even grandparents). Flu. If your baby starts to cry, ask to have him or her back as she needs you. Respond to crying. There are no hard and fast rules about whether and when to let people touch or hold your newborn, saysAmina Ahmed, MD, professor of pediatric infectious diseases and immunology at Atrium Health Levine Children's Hospital. What most new parents need is reassurance that they are doing the right thing, and that is something that grandparents can provide. By a nap letting other people hold her, even the people I loved most made. And scary to let people hold your baby, says Dr. Schaffner public and acquaintances just because your niece coworker... On pregnancy, parenting, and relationships, newborns are at the to! 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