From the beginning days of our marriage, he least 40years old at starting cost of $90,000 and need some repair.ive thought of a Manufactured sucidial right now. The way they ruin your vacation is that they are either mentally absent and not interested in anything, or they make you feel guilty for not doing something smart. Confessional #2498539. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You must live your life your way," Tessina says. He dumped our luggage in the mud and left going to work he would not speak to us or any one else even the therapist the union sent him to every Friday. Man he is being so passive-agressive. Any time our older son tries to talk to him, he snaps that he can't talk right now. Thank you so much, man,' Karl said The fucker was heavy and pedaling it around was harder than we expected. Press J to jump to the feed. His He was intimidated when he wanted anything he had earned his father and others just made him work to cover their need to have a slave under our thumbs. Baby, no, come back here, don't put your hand in the toilet! Give him a vacation. My husband threw up and went to the floor, She had an ambulance sent to plant medical and they said something was bad wrong. Remember its good sides, and with enough preparation, patience, and support, you might be able to save your vacation. I'm sorry, but he sounds abusive and you sound like you need support from a women's center. Of course, now he changes his tune and starts insisting that I take a nap. Theres no requirement that you break out every dollar youll spend. He said they had requested he go into the hospital for tests since the ER could not find the problem. Reminder to all: watch out for a creepy pedo posing as an OT/speech therapist giving fucked-up potty-training advice, and don't sweat it if your post gets 1 or 2 instant downvotes. The MRSA shifted to his heart causing another surgery and more antibiotics, As well as blood clots that formed causing a series of three strokes after my husband nearly finished the rehab for the original surgery. Vacation. He was using the work records, the notes of the priest in charge of the rehab, Police records of what it took to get my husband to work as he was told. He dislocated my shoulder and tried to strangle his father to death for canceling our double berth on the Orient Express. The next week I was going with my husbands parents and his fathers best friend to a community awards dinner When the mental health sent him home by insurance taxi, With his mother and sister we planed a dinner the next weekend. We invalidate other people by saying they dont feel what they are saying they feel. Is it too much to ask that maybe he be glad for me when I get a chance to relax? If you enjoyed the holiday season before you knew the narcissist, by arming yourself with the knowledge about what to expect, you can continue to enjoy them now. All he had to do was select from the list we provided and he would get his holidays and vacation starting then, In 1999 he had not had a day off since November 1981. and he had been in several fights with younger employees just trying to get him to at least try our suggestion that he-stay home from the millennials Use his 25 year seniority time of two months and start taking time off after starting on the 8th. The stress was telling on his mother between their oldest son not speaking and his father angry about him being so mean about working the holidays and his insult to me. WebMy husband ruins my vacation days man rant My husband cannot deal when I take a vacation day without him and its driving me nuts. They had dealt with him when he got out of another service the Army before I met him when he was in the next service the navy 4 years later. EVER.AGAIN. I honestly don't know if he does it on purpose but my OH manages to ruin every occasion you could think of. He doesn't have to go there. Present the vacation to your husband as a family business, a series of tasks that he must complete if he wants to save your family and marriage. WebMy husband is a prima Donna and ruins every vacation . I was just trying to see a young couple get a better start in their marriage than we had 28 years before because it now hung over our heads and had crushed any thing we could have had, I plead please don't send me to prison I would forget the society needs and they would have to fend for themselves from then on. over the Christmas 2012 his sister brother and mother arrived and took off with the meal I had ready to serve them and other guests saying my husband was going to get what he paid for that time. They jumped him and in under 60 seconds he turned all four into critical care patients. I agree with Windy. How to deal: Stand by your choices -- and stand by your man. Even if they seem heart-felt in the moment, you are likely to pay in some way for those gifts later. We need to get our stuff together and check out, I need to put in a couple hours of work (which I warned him when we were planning the trip and he said he was OK with, but now acted blindsided about), but also I'm started to feel shitty again, so I ask if I can take a 30 minute nap to recharge so my brain will be clear and I'll have the stamina for the day. You also deserve dignity and respect. Honestly go somewhere without cell service or him. His wife was a RN that drew the holiday ER duty and was not able to come either. !Oy Vey!! However she hasn't even met him and Make all kinds of derogatory comments about him like he's a great jobs, and a good home we bought a year ago). I was going to do Christmas BIG for the first time in my life really. I half-heartedly commiserate. I was in orange and white strips in the county jail until labor day. I have no respect for men like him that treat their wives like this. Last night was my birthday. Then we have to turn back and the trip back is even worse. and his foreman was to scared of my husband to write him up. Fuck everything. Mine ruins every vacation and getaway. We got home two hours later, he does the whole contrite "I'm sorry I was an asshole, I don't know what my problem is" routine that frankly isn't effective the third time in less than 12 hours. We finally find it and it's closed until dinner (off-season hours). WebMy husband ruins every vacation If you love your husband/wife but feel like your marriage is losing its spark (or your spouce wants a divorce) then read this postto save your marriage. I hope you feel better soon! Here are some of the typical complaints I hear from clients regarding the holidays: She hates my family and picks a fight the week before were supposed to visit and then refuses to go and gets mad if I go alone. It was just to stop him from going until his 45th Birthday January the fifth and I just did not fight their decisions. You are not the only person who goes through this same feeling of let down in what the holidays and special events of the year should be like. Move on and find someone else. He is convinced that he knows everything best and does not take your wishes into account at all, and on vacation, he especially wants everything to be as he wants because how else would he be able to rest. We arrived at Church his father, the committeeman, the rent a foreman as my husband called him and the deacon were all laughing about how angry my husband was about that latest way of forcing him into work his father said one day that boy of his would know he was going to do exactly as he was told or never have any thing he wanted. We got back and went straight to his fathers safe deposit and he dragged his father out kicking him and up the sidewalk telling us he would have his property returned he slammed his father on the managers desk handing him the box key telling him he just wanted his passport returned. The "Happy Holidays" season has just begun, make it the best you can. The police handed him his passport and he left us there saying find your own way home. Lots of hugging and smiles of joy as the family gathers around to make memories of another holiday. Even if it means that the plan is nonexistent. When he really cant get you out of sync, hell look for another victim for his outbursts of discontent. about his seniority rights. Please keep yours, at least in your heart. I resent him. If he won't work on or get help with his temper and start respecting your feelings, you really should think about getting out of this relationship. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. When we get to the end, before we turn around, he dramatically collapses on a bench (ladies and gentlemen, the Man Cold, physical exertion edition) saying he has to rest for a minute because he's so exhausted. I have a friend who is a vulnerable narcissist. Not only are all of those other things taking your attention off of themyou may also be sharing in activities that make them feel left out. Completely killed it! Do you have any friends that you could talk to that may share your enthusiasm? A codependent person on vacation will want to do all things together. What in the holy hell is his problem?? He put his hands at 10 and 2 on a wagon wheel in his fathers yard already with rawhide wrist ties told those there get him tied to the wheel so the slave could properly be whipped. NEVER AGAIN. Oh, you have a day off? Why does it have to be about him and his wants and needs? But my life has always been hard. Be prepared for all the things he doesnt want to do; you will do alone on vacation. I was hoping when we came back on the 13th of June he would listen to the proposal for our honey moon that was aborted when on our wedding night he had a change of orders to report that night to kings bay for his first patrol due to other sailors being busted in a drug test. We have been married 25 years and a Usually we're able to snap the hell out of it pretty quickly though if we get called out. He can stay out for hours hanging with his boys in the freezing cold and rain, and never utter a single complaint, but heaven forbid we spend a pleasant evening taking our kid on rides and eating fair food. I had set up the B and B four hours to the north as the hoped for replacement that he was being given by the company adding 2 paid weeks on to the two months he had not used a day of, I found a German sex shop and bought some very sexy things to wear on that two weeks and had the hope after that since he had so much money in the bank and the doubling of the pay he earned since he was hitting everyone over the head with grievances over having to work the holiday. Then this morning, he comes downstairs, sees me relaxing with my iPad and coffee and immediately starts whining about how he wishes he could have today off. You may be experiencing abuse, but not realize it, because their strategy of expressing hostility is covert and manipulative, leading to I feel devastated. I hope that you and your husband can really talk about what is causing these sudden mood changes. Sometimes I get negative or my husband does and if we don't address it, it becomes this. It became more and more of a conflict. That contract made it very hard to get things done in the social structure. I refill the water bottle from a water fountain after husband drinks all of it. About ten minutes after we got home with the Christmas lights, my husband (who has a temper problem) blew up at me for no reason. Then he bitches that the selection isn't very good. Your email address will not be published. 'We can only live and dream. We return the stupid cart and husband is still staggering around dramatically. He has ruined so many holiday/birthday/special days. Each has its own motivations and outcomes for the narcissist. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Then when he's ready to go and I ask if I can refill my water bottle before we leave (because sick) he sighs and bitches about that. Most of my friends are associated with interest groups: Organic gardening, bird watching, ecology, etc. Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked. When the ER found his EEG all over the place an MRI was done and a tumor was found on the top of his brain stem and he suffered from Hydrocephalus that night in a 25 hour surgery that his father screamed was to be done when nobody else needed the time off they stopped the brain swelling and removed the tumor. Thats why they always go to their ultimate limits of endurance, and rest is another job for them to do. I'm congested, my throat hurts, and I'm hacking up chunks of green stuff. He has no reason to bitch, I'm the one with the squirmy baby in my lap but I don't mind, I think we're having fun. One solution is to agree with your husband that he will keep his comments to himself and endure his discomfort about the change. If they are in the middle of juggling several people at once, they may attend a holiday event and conveniently forget to invite you or they may use an invitation as an excuse to be somewhere else. I told him my laptop worked fine, and I didn't need a new one. Hs fathers friend the judge was under investigation as to what other bribes he had taken and if he had used the evidence locker to support his drug habit for decades since he had signed out of evidence in cocaine and had it in his blood. He did not believe a word I said about never again would I stop him from having the time off he wanted. As I said I hoped that when we returned on his 45th birthday he would be receptive to trying any thing that would mean time off and just keep the peace in the community, He was not! Vacation should be a time when you forget about your daily responsibilities and indulge in enjoyment in various ways. He said he was hot to the touch. But my life has always been hard. He notices there's a pedal-cart rental place nearby and spends lunch talking about how much fun it would be to rent one and ride up and down the oceanfront. So instead of sucking up his pride and telling me what was going on he just acted like a dick and made me think it was my fault. But then of course the reality of having two small children in a hotel room sets in: "4yo, put your pants on. There are many ways for your husband to ruin your vacation. I'm taking the Christmas lights back to Lowes, if he will ever give me the receipt, which I asked for I give up trying to celebrate anything since he always ruins it for me, anniversaries, Christmas, Thanksgiving, my birthday and the forth of July. The more I tell these stories, the more horrified I am at my obliviousness through the years, and my blindness to what asshole moves these types of beliefs and behaviors are. Marriage with a narcissistic person comes with a lot of risks. Through my work I have also spoken to many other families and have discovered that there are 6 ways to suck the joy right out of family dinners: Advertisement. I suggest that you don't take your lights back to Lowe's, but instead set up a place in the house just for you that's your own celebration. He went out and found his father waiting to take us to church Jumped on his hood yelling this is what I think of you and society as he urinated on his windshield then left for work with his mother crying. I finally fall asleep a bit later. In 2003 I gave his father his passport to lock in his safe deposit to stop him from the Ireland trip to keep his father happy, I left a note to please just make a list of what he would consider for the time after the new year or better yet just talk to his foreman get the time arranged for and then make the reservations just not any place cold He would get his passport back before the new year and nobody had to be beaten to a bloody pulp if he would just keep the peace about choosing something else after the new year, In that note I said there had to be a way to stop the impasse. The holidays can be a painful time of year for people who are in relationships with narcissists. Baby, did you poop? Hope you feel better soon and your husband realises what a dick he was being. Thank you for responding. So we try to salvage the last of the vacation. His father had three other men helping also armed as i plead please go and work He would be paid and we could try and work something out after the holidays. This emotional buildup, Cramer says, can very easily create to a poisonous stew of anxiety, guilt, and the need to undo whats been done. For whatever reason, he's flat-out refusing to consider letting me take a quick nap and then continuing on with our trip as planned and wants to torch the whole thing. Understanding this enables one to have compassion for their ex-spouse. Compassion is important. After awhile he apologizes for being an asshole. I've also pretended to go to work and just snuck into our guest room and shut the door , Thats why you dont tell him your taking any time off and pretend like your going to work, the hole 9 yards. In the rehab my husband used several hundred in cash to get taken in a wheel chair To certify in Microsoft, cisco, and networking servers. Almost too good to be true. Having angry reactions to feedback instead of being open to it. At first husband tells me to go back to sleep, he'll take the boys down to the free breakfast and for a walk on the beach so I can grab an extra hour - sweet! Just say what's going on. OK THEN. Don't side with your parents against your spouse, and don't carry their criticisms home to your spouse. me the picture. When I ask him why he's reacting that way, he explodes that he JUST TOLD ME that he feels like he's going to puke (but of course still "FINE." document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Thank you and take care. You cannot subordinate your pleasure to your husband just because he wants to be dominant. Just have to say - I can totally see my husband doing/saying all of these things when he's in his bad mood. The boys, who are sitting in basket seats on the front, are having a blast. He said I was ungrateful. Dont sabotage your holiday for your partner. Just moments of unnecessary crankiness and complaining. Just be aware of narcissists gift-giving strategy as a way to get something in return. They spin tales about how they never got any presents when they were children, or about how their ex always ruined the holidays for them. It would be best if you left him no room for doubt. Protect your (actual) holiday. I do it for my kids. Key points. Heading to the car, I remind him that I want to stop and get coffee and he makes a snotty comment in that "aggressive tone that has enough of a laugh in it that I can claim I was 'just joking'" voice. I don't get a nap, but I stop at a coffeeshop to have a large latte and bang out some work, and am feeling pretty good when he comes back to pick me up a little over an hour later. This holds true regardless of what holiday or holidays youre celebrating or even if youre not celebrating at all. After awhile (I can be slow lol) I They saw him and his photos land in the Jitny isle with I don't want my nose rubbed in the fact I am a slave without any say in my life. How you frame the invitation is up to you. My husband started ruining the holidays as far back as 1985. his father had not slept well on the rollaway in the front of their room He took the other mans room and I spent the night with the man that escorted me. My husband went so he could see his kids and I stayed home and looked after our dogs so we wouldnt have to board them in a kennel. It makes them feel important and powerful. Depending on the type of narcissist,they thrive in chaos for many reasons. So its not like we had different ideas of what spouses should do for one another or anything, he was just being an ass. Its not just the holiday seasonthey also have a tendency to ruin other special days, such as anniversaries, birthdays, and Valentines Day,as well as vacations. the deacon and his church secretary wife put their three kids in the front pew then went and took their seats on the dais She found a folder that instantly set me on edge since it was those used by my husband for photos from his 35 mm. he would start respecting his and the other people of influence in the county and what they decided he could do. Dont ruin your holiday for your spouse. So I give up and say fine, we'll go home (at this point he's spent 30 minutes arguing with me anyway). This stuff about having his way and the people it hurt was getting to be insanity on his part. I have a whole saga about the last time we went to the local fair. Did point out the "you didn't have to come" part at one point when he was been completely OTT about how "difficult" the child was being. More Vacations. Six days latter I had an ambulance in front of my house two badly hurt men one with a book case pulled down on him breaking both legs above the knee. I stepped out of my bedroom right into my husbands chest In a brand new outfit I was going to wear to the dinner that evening, I knew i had to do something to go with the group and started telling my husband I had promised his father to go that evening. On vacation, you should also rest. Addiction to anything. No big deal. Narcissists try to ruin the holiday season by holding our desire for joy and harmony over our heads so that they can get their way. It might not be the same but it would start a way to peace and nobody else would end up going to the ER. BULL. OH GOD, the whining about crowds. Most readers thought that the guy did nothing wrong by asking his wife to sit his uncles wedding out instead of showing up in a white dress that was sewn in a similar style as a wedding dress. He had talked about buying a new computer for a couple of weeks prior, and I told him mine still worked and I didn't want or need a new one (about 8 times). She was gone with the bank accounts and all the household goods and the newer of the two cars and had moved to her fathers in El Paso and filed for a divorce the deacon found himself without his family, the committeeman that was planning to run for the office the next election found no seconds when he tried. Although such behavior often does not seem particularly worrisome at first glance, it may indicate there are certain problems in your relationship that you have not resolved. Not a bad idea tbh. But somehow I manage not to be such a whiny bitch about it. See my husband to write him up i said about never again would i stop him from until! He wanted people by saying they feel why does it on purpose my! Would i stop him from going until his 45th Birthday January the fifth and 'm! 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