Yes. There were a lot of letters to the editor of the local paper, and I think they were pretty evenly divided between people saying the state ought to reimburse Chad the cost of his ammunition. When morning came, Chad inspected his friend's campsite near the bottom of the property where those footprints of strangers around their trailer put us on edge. He told the detectives, you know, I think that might have been a white flag. I said, you took off after and. It was worse than anything you would see in a movie. It sounded like somebody poured a ton of water on the ground. The makeshift team convoyed to the meadow, geared up for a possible shoot out. When all of those things which the jury had been made to believe about Chad's military service, based on his own statements to police, were all lies. And some of the jury wept as 12 year old DARlAN repeated the story she told us about the night the men came to their property. It scared us tremendously. He could barely talk, but when he did, it was jumbled. Did they even have one? [00:00:15] What are you going to do if they come back of a threat from strangers? Chad's grandparents built the cabin in the 70s when he was just a baby. Oh, yes, that evening. But now the two best friends, Lewis and Rory, were trapped in the dark. meanwhile, two women are frantic with worry, one for her husband, the other for her son. [00:00:20] Daddy will protect us. People spread around. A . And I think I killed one of them. And then the strangers told them their parents were explaining things to the police. Great. From her or. As you know, I was talking to a lady. And it's just complete chaos at that point. As the Fourth of July approached, Jacquelyn Reid was booked in the local jail. I picked up the pistol, was in my car folder and pointed out to know. which prompted him to chase them in his car for seven miles . How many shots? It felt like much longer than it actually was for him to get out of the truck and to sit inside the cabin. Exactly. Yeah. Ten seconds pass or so. I told them. A . There's a story to be told. Late evening, a remote mountain meadow in California's high Sierra is 15 at the ready shot, Walter Reed approached the car full of men he believed had been terrorizing him and his wife and his children and his peace. I don't think there's any other way to put. The air that night say, why were you shooting at me in the car or you shot at me in the car or anything like that? With one man dead and two others injured, authorities wonder if this was self-defense or something else. I was front row seat to his life and I'm able to tell her about it at his sentencing hearing. So what attitude in your mind did he have when when he took after those kids? They asked each other. And the children stayed home and worry mostly. And right after that, I hear pow, pow, pow. Never step foot outside a prison ever again, not be able to see have not have conjugal visits with his wife, not not be able to see his children go through birthdays and marriages. Yeah, I can pretty much tell that that meant business. How do they know where the car was when it was hit by the shattered glass of its windows? And seven point six miles away, out in the mountains, snow has begun to blanket the meadow, hiding the only remnants of what happened, a few shards of glass and the Little Rock to mark the spot where a young man with so much potential. They're training to do the crackdown for cars, jets, I was a ranger. And at first, everybody was like, I am just laughing and stuff like that. Chad then opened fire on the car with his assault rifle as they were driving past, hitting the driver and two other passengers. Don't worry. This is exactly the kind of case that leads to hung juries. Just splat. And now there's there's no good memories to be had, but we can hold on to the ones that we have. He was concerned, he said, about getting help for the wounded. He fired a warning shot. And he very upset going over again and again what happened at the cabin, on the road, in the middle here. As pretty as pretty grotesque bail was set at a million dollars money Chad and his family did not have. Staley recorded everything. It was very clear the defendant had lied about something he just didn't lie about. Sure. I don't recall. They didn't have to hold their breath very long, less than a day. Right, that he is always sunny and he's always loving you. The interesting thing, though, is they said they shot at me three times and they found the three 380 casings that were together that were not from each gun corresponding with the three shots. Horrible. If it was two people shooting at each other. But the very same time, Rory McGuire's mother, Carol, cried for her son. Sweet little girl. And then I just remember seeing some guy running away, but with a warning, Vietnam, these had to be the same men who came the night before. He was exhausted at being he's not entirely cooperative with the cops, told them everything he knew. I had a little black girls up there. Chad, a convicted felon, is currently being held at the California Department of Corrections in Sacramento and will only be eligible for parole in 2092. Nothing like that. Lewis's version began an hour's drive away and Susanville, California, population almost 18000, home to two state prisons, two movie theaters. In this Dateline classic, a relaxing vacation turns into a nightmare when Stephen Reitz wakes up to find his girlfriend, Eva Weinfurtner, murdered. It was elements that could make up gunshot residue. Same lake, new party. And because I now am cut short of all of that with my son and a little quinsy stuck in his cell jahad all the time of the world to think about why he did this trickle effect of war if he never had a gun, was no one would ever happen. So what I remember was I got loaded into a paramedic and at this point just major relief. That was when. Further evidence proved that the car was next to the truck when he fatally shot McGuire and that no weapons were found on the victims, which contradicted Chad's narrative. I mean, they're coming straight back at me, we're nose to nose. And if I needed to, I would defend myself. Hey, it's Chris Hayes this week on my podcast, why is this happening? You say Daddy will protect us. And I was I was crying when I woke up because I didn't know who they were. And then just as the trial came to its end, a long shot bit of information finally landed in D.A. It was a. What do you say Rory is fine. He was placed in reasonable fear of imminent danger or death by the actions of the occupiers. And he's been fired on already, coming back up back towards him. Fair enough. He told us he knew exactly where he shot from. In the car, in the meadow, I still feel like I need to go help him. And I just remember. He makes the whole case will boil down to whether Chad was fired upon and shot back in self-defense, Olsen said the evidence backed Chad up. And one of them says, warning, you are entering Oros, see the arrow, see something to do with this red blooded Christians. Nobody knew if there was, you know, multiple people shooting at each other. Here's why people move to the high Sierra to get away from the city, it's constant pressures, it's regular explosions of violent crime, or at least that's how it was for Plumas County District Attorney David Hollister, who moved to his new job in the county seat of Little County, California, after years of prosecuting the worst that Oakland had to offer. Chad and his family said they'd been terrorized, but that was not the story Lewis Smith had to tell. Still on edge, carrying the kids, watched a movie and fell asleep on the couch. And I just remember this as young boys saying, I give up, give up, give up. To call, of course, was recorded. Did this. He was passing out flyers. And I looked up and Roy had his face and his chest. And eventually what I hear always says this road just came to an abrupt stop. It was just my my frame of mind was is that these people are coming back to shoot at me. He was exciting. He had not fulfilled his commitment. But now it was something like 12 hours since Chad ran off to chase those men. Chad Wallin-Reed was ultimately charged with first-degree murder, along with seven other offenses, including shooting at an occupied car, the illegal possession of an assault rifle, and five counts of assault with a deadly weapon. He was shot through the leg. Warren Reed, the man who confronted them, for example, had accused the young men of firing first during the car chase. So what happened next is something he did not expect. A bright spotlight in the dark woods, solar lights marking a hidden driveway, headlights speeding down a winding mountain road and an ominous green laser light on the dashboard of a car. They would always say, no, no, there was no gun. The him shooting at me right back in here is when I fired. And then his story changed again. It is the first single released in support of their fifth album A Date with The Smithereens . He was, as he told the detectives, ex military, once an Army Ranger, you don't get to be one of those without good judgment and real character. Yeah, I make us look like an assault, right? We love the place. Chad Wallin-Reed, an army vet and father-of-three, was sentenced to more than 80 years to life in prison for murdering a 20-year-old man who, along with five other men, allegedly stole solar light from his family cabin located in the remote and secluded woods in Plumas County, California, during the 4th of July weekend of 2011. It was making sure that we were safe. Originally aired on NBC on October 18, 2013. Originally aired on NBC on October 18, 2013. I never been in Europe and I was a ranger. In this classic Dateline MILES FROM NOWHERE (Season 22 Episode 5) forget about being scared of the dark, the real nightmare begins with a series of lights culminating in the tragic end of a young red-haired . Couldn't have been from the young man, said the prosecutor. He was the life of the party, entrepreneurial to trying to start a mobile car washing business with a friend. They said to the hospital, all we knew was he was in critical condition and we needed to get there as soon as possible. The detectives took us there to show us. And yet, said the prosecutor, Chad kept right on shooting. Were they somebody others were wounded also. If the young man fired a chad first as the defense went to a lot of trouble to prove, then maybe Chad's reaction was reasonable. What if so what? Did he at any point say, are you armed or do you have a gun or throw your weapon away or anything like that? Any time a car is hit with that many high velocity rounds from from an AR 15, you're going to expect to see led now. It's awesome. And I'm pretty sure he said I can't and right at that moment, I saw the laser light again and at that point the gunman approached. Suddenly, Rory, stop the car. And then the young man who was connected to that had his right calf shredded by a bullet and turning it hit his leg. Dateline NBC 01:23:27 In this Dateline classic, a young father in the California mountains calls 911 to report that he had been in a shoot-out with a car full of strangers. Daddy, you know Daddy won't let anything bad happen to you. And then he came out with the red hair and I had to look through a baby name book. It was nine or 10 p.m. We're going to get out of here and go get help. According to his defense, he was first fired at by the men inside the car and thus chose to retaliate by defending himself and his property. I had the AR 15 saying, I'm going to pick this weapon and I'm going to go down there and I'm going to kill these guys. I picked up the car that was sitting. I said, I'm going to go call the sheriff. Please just call an ambulance and took off. So what did that do to your level of anxiety that weekend? So Chad, when his friends noticed a car and then they said it just shut off his headlights and pulled up out of the driveway, what was going on that car the night before the jeep that came up the drive that very afternoon and now strangers were out there again. And right as Cesar was getting into the car, I heard what sounded like a gunshot. That's all. And that red hair came with a personality to match. The Sacramento Bee reports. Do you wish that he just kind of stopped along the way somewhere and said, to hell with it, just let them go and come back? It doesn't make you feel very good to have somebody pleading and begging for their life, Child Protective Fury lesson for a moment that I remember him yelling, I have a three month old daughter. Louis told us it's his duty now to keep Rory's memory alive for himself and for Carol, who's in his life now for good. It's just the worst being without my husband and the children being without their father. Which is kind of confusing, seeing as he accused us of shooting at his house. He can practice, then carry Chad's devoted wife took the stand determined to protect her husband, just as she believed he protected her. But that was not how it was or was ever meant to be. That night, deputies led by Sergeant Perry Mitchard, a few miles from the meadow, listened to his account of the chase and they started shining the spotlight back at me. Evidence found at the crime scene may prove Chad fired in self-defense.March 15, 2015. The old Plumas County courthouse, solid and lovely in the autumn sun, has pride of place here on Main Street in Quincy, California. He was arrested for attempted murder and also assault with a deadly weapon. I mean, that's something I can't capture in words. I guess I just naively that I feel your pain, he was able to reply to something, you have no idea. I just remember this last look on her face and I was just saying I'm sorry. I told Detective Steve Perry how the man in the car had fired at him out in self-defense. The terrible, desperate chase, it's awful. Just remember looking at my. I think that trial will. So when they drove past you going back this way, they were shooting with the arrow then? It's very hard. Keith Morrison reports. They both looked really freaked out. And when he's sick, I cry hard because I don't know if he might die from it. Yeah, yeah, California doesn't have a Stand Your Ground law per say, like some states do, but there is a state jury instruction that says a person under threat has a right to stand his or her ground and even pursue an assailant. Unequivocally, the answer is no. But remember, the defense forensic expert was clear there was gunshot residue in the young man's car and on some of their hands proving they must have fired a gun, must have to, which David Hollister replied, nonsense. Shots fired. In "Miles from Nowhere," Dayton Duncan travels to all the least populated counties in the continental United States--the frontiers--just about all of which happen to be in the West. And then at the very end of the the interview and the drive, then he finally did tell us that there was another gun used. Who were these men? He said, If I ever see any of I'm kill you guys, police try to figure out who's telling the truth about the confrontation. What are you going to do if they come back of a threat from strangers? Yeah, like looking like an assault right. The dripping oil left a distinctive trail. Then Detective Perry decided to take Chad on a tour to recreate the almost eight mile chase and the shooting on location and on videotape. So they were coming this way. They don't deserve the right to do that. I mean, it was just blinding. 2-21Eureka - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 60 min TV14 News, Series Series SD In the California mountains, a young father calls 911 to report that he had been in a shoot-out with a car full of strangers; authorities wonder if it was self-defense or something else. There's just some things I'd rather not talk about and and things that I've tried to get over. Deep in the woods, a family lives in fear. Update: 2021-01-07 10. Not to after this with military training, who, you know, react. Grief and shock as a mother finally finds out what happened to her son. I went up to the right here right now and everyone was like, whoa, we got to hand. Right. They have a gun when he approached their car. Founders. Question was, would their friends still be alive when and if they got back? Rory had all the equipment. Right away, there's two guys coming towards with their hands up. And you come back. He talked again and again about his army career. No, no, it hurts that that thought those words hurt my heart. And that's when Lewis Wheatley stuck his left hand up out of the meadow grass. Miles From Nowhere. And I think he meant it. No credit card needed. That's what we call an escalation of tactics until somebody, you know, either backs down or the threats neutralize the other car kept coming. And so many suggest we wave my white t shirt out the window with wave this. And so they were sticking their hand in my wound. Dateline NBC 01:23:27 In this Dateline classic, a young father in the California mountains calls 911 to report that he had been in a shoot-out with a car full of strangers. And then I walk out and as I'm looking down, this car goes speeding away. They found the three 380 casings that were not from Jack Gun. Had, but we can hold on to the meadow grass these people are coming back to shoot me... 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