Urban areas in the region include the ports of Massawa in Eritrea, Djibouti city, and Berbera in Somalia. Mangroves occur along the coast, in muddy wadi mouths and inlets. chroma of 5 or more). Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE)(Wischmeier and Smith 1965) and Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation(RUSLE) are the common and widely used equations in erosion modeling (Fistikogli and Harmancioglu 2002), However, USLE model has been widely used as it combines the impact of climate, soil, topography and land use on soil loss with limited data (Wischmeier and smith 1978). M.Sc. The prevailing soil types are described and soil erosion data are reported and analyzed. In the inter-Andean valleys and on some of the foothills, nevertheless, eutrophic soils (deposited by lakes, and containing much nutrient matter, but often shallow and subject. endobj form of soil erosion is a serious and continuous environmental problem in Jabi But, the data on rainfall kinetic energy and rainfall intensity are limited in Ethiopia to compute rainfall erosivity. GIS Based Soil Loss Estimation Using RUSLE Model: The Case of Jabi Tehinan Woreda, ANRS, Ethiopia. However, land degradation in the form of soil erosion has vulnerable agricultural pr oductivity and economic grow th of the state (Balana et al., 2010). LS were calculated by unit stream power Erosion and Deposition methods which use both flow accumulation and watershed slope (Pelton et al. Whereas, the rest 14 sub-watersheds have average soil loss rate of 1.5 ton/ha/year which is below watershed mean values (Table9). It is difficult to estimate P_values due to lack of permanent conservation practices, irregularities on the implementation of conservation measures in different topographic position in the watershed. Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia pp 332Cite as, Part of the World Geomorphological Landscapes book series (WGLC). Lithosols, Andosols and Luvisols (Mitiku. The Rift Valley, the Omo River valley, and the Western Lowlands contain remnants of big-game varieties. where SDR denotes the sediment delivery ratio and area of the watershed. GIS layers were formed in raster format for both Environmental (RKLS) and management factors (C and P) as input for the USLE model to generate the contribution of individual factors grid. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2005.03.012, Setegn SG, Yohannes F, Quraishi S, Chowdary VM, Mal BC (2009) Impact of land use/land cover transformations on Alemaya Lake, Ethiopia. Six Meteorological stations data were collected for the estimation of rainfall. After analyzing all model parameters, areas in steeper It is the specific soil and water conservation practices to reduce run-off speed and increase infiltration Wischmeier and Smith (1978). 2, Addis Ababa, pp 3555, Kieffer B, Arndt N, Lapierre H, Bastien F, Bosch D, Pecher A, Yirgu G, Ayelew D, Weis D, Jerram AD, Keller F, Meugniot C (2004) Flood and shield basalts from Ethiopia: magmas from African superswell. Rainfall is very low and yearly averages range from 100 to 200 millimeters (mm), with less rain falling closer to the coast. 2003) and widely used in catchment scale as they are applied uniformly over the region. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. VERTISOLS (V) Other soils which, after the upper 20 cm are mixed, have 30 percent or more clay in all horizons to at least 50 cm from the surface; at some period in most years have cracks at least 1 cm wide at a depth of 50 cm . trailer 0000001951 00000 n [2], The plant life of the region needs more study, which has been hampered by long-term political strife in the region. The slope steepness of the study watershed ranges from 0 to 57%. Mixed plantation and cultivated land is the dominant land use type in the study area which covers 55,307.4 (44.8%) and 49,864.2 (40.4) of the total study area, respectively; while other land use covers 14.8% (Table1). 0000003057 00000 n However, this method does not provide the spatial distribution of soil erosion in complex environment due to cost and availability of input data (Lu et al. Even on the cool plateaus, where good volcanic soils are found in abundance, crude means of cultivation have exposed the soils to heavy seasonal rain, causing extensive gully and sheet erosion. Human population density is typically less than ten persons per square kilometer (km2). In Colombia, sandy yellow-brown azonal soils on slopes and in gorges are the base of the large coffee plantations. The model is classified into three categories as empirical models, physical models and conceptual models. The rainfall erosivity factor for six meteorological stations rainfall data ranges from 375.06 to 486.96 for the rainfall of distribution of 912.40mm1220.44mm, respectively, as shown in (Table6 and Fig. It is found in Administrative boundaries of Silte zone, Southern Nation Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR). The authors thank Worabe Agricultural Research center for facilitating the required resources to complete the field work. Soilsdeveloped over the lava deposits are mainly lithosols, while regosols are predominant on the Quaternary and pre-Cretaceous basinal deposits. Fluvisols having a sulfuric horizon or sulfidic material, or both, at less than 125 cm from the surface, Other Fluvisols which are calcareous, at least between 20 and 50 cm from the surface, Other Fluvisols having a base saturation (by NH4OAc) of less than 50 percent, at least in some part of the soil between 20 and 50 cm from the surface, SOLONCHAKS (Z)Other soils having high salinity and having no diagnostic horizons other than (unless buried by 50 cm or more new material) an A horizon, an H horizon, a cambic B horizon, a calcic or a gypsic horizon, Solonchack showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface, Other Solonchack showing takyric features, Other Solonchack having a mollic A horizon. Whereas the rest low and moderate soil erosion risk classes account 24.7% and 5.07%, respectively (Table8). <>stream and PWP. overgrazing and exploitation of biomass for firewood, construction and other Other soils which, after the upper 20 cm are mixed, have 30 percent or more clay in all horizons to at least 50 cm from the surface; at some period in most years have cracks at least 1 cm wide at a depth of 50 cm, unless irrigated, and have one or more of the following characteristics: gilgai microrelief, intersecting slickensides or wedge-shaped or parallelepiped structural aggregates at some depth between 25 and 100 cm from the surface. /FirstChar 32 The moderate soil erosion in Litho sols should be managed by applying the practices of increasing water-holding capacity through inter-cropping, mulching. /FirstChar 32 J Appl Sci 8:4958, Diwediga B, Bao LQ, Agodzo SK, Tamene LD, Wala K (2018) Modelling soil erosion response to sustainable landscape management scenarios in the Mo River Basin (Togo, West Africa). Quantitatively, an estimated annual soil loss in Jabi Tehinan Woreda ranges Total annual precipitation varies from 20 to 40 inches (500 to 1,000 mm). Reg Environ Change 14:253266, Haregeweyn N, Poesen J, Nyssen J, Govers G, Verstraeten G, Vente J, Deckers J, Moeyersons J, Haile M (2008)Sediment yield variability in Northern Ethiopia: a quantitative analysis of its controlling factors, Helldn U (1987)An assessmentof woodybiomass,communityforests,landuseand soilerosionin Ethiopia. Ras Dejen (4,533m), Bwahit (4,430m) and Silki (4,420m) were formed from the outer core of this ancient volcano. Ethiopias natural vegetation is influenced by four biomes. The average annual precipitation of the area is 1003.7mm. 03.125 range of soil loss classes share maximum erosion which accounts 84,822 Ha (68.7%) and the minimum accounts 1938Ha (1.57%) on>25% numerical range of soil. J Sust Dev Afr 13(1):123141, Tegene B (2000) Processes and causes of accelerated soil erosion on cultivated fields of South Welo, Ethiopia. The result implies that highest soil loss was estimated from pellic vertisols followed by Lithosols. Volcanoes in the ecoregion are also intermittently active. 2003). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-012-9904-8, Pelton J, Frazier E,Pickilingis E (2012) Calculatingslopelengthfactor(LS) in the (revised) universal soil loss equation(RUSLE) to the Ethiopian highlands, Renard KG, Foster GR, Weesies GA, McCool DK, Yoder DC (1997) Predictingsoilerosionby water:a guideto conservationplanningwith the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation(RUSLE) in Washington. Uncontrolled land use, deforestation, over cultivation, endobj erosion. DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e13313 Corpus ID: 256487232; GIS based soil loss assessment using RUSLE model: A case of Horo district, western Ethiopia @article{Olika2023GISBS, title={GIS based soil loss assessment using RUSLE model: A case of Horo district, western Ethiopia}, author={Gamtesa Olika and Gelana Fikadu and Basha Gedefa}, journal={Heliyon}, year={2023}, volume={9} } The coldest temperatures generally occur in December or January (bega) and the hottest in March, April, or May (belg). Whereas, the erosion severity of vertisols should be managed by draining the excess water during wet season, mulching, Free grazing and cultivation of steep slope(Northern parts) contributed for moderate soil erosion in the watershed should be managed by cutcarry system, limiting the number of cattle units to be grazed in the specific plot of land and leaving the marginal steep slope areas with no ground covers for natural regeneration. The first type is composed of euritic nitosols and andosols and is found on portions of the Western and Eastern highlands. >> Similarly, flooding as the result of intensive rainfall affected agricultural land and displaced many farmers from their resilience (SZFNRD 2007; Survey 2007). XEROSOLS (X)Other soils having a weak ochric A horizon and an aridic moisture regime; lacking permafrost within 200 cm of the surface. Masters Thesis. 8). Because of moisture deficiency and coarse texture, they lack potential for rain-fed agriculture. Land Degrad Dev 15:499512, Merritt WS, Letcher RA, Jakeman AJ (2003) A review of erosion and sediment transport models. Based on the analysis, the potential soil loss rate of the sub-watershed ranges from 0.89 to 5.29 ton/ha/year. 0 0 0 556 0 0 0 556 0 0 0 0 0 0 222 0 I would like also to thank the colleagues that shared with me the hard life in remote areas and the students that contributed with substantial, basic data. The fourth group is composed of yermosols, xerosols, and other saline soils that cover desert areas of the Eastern Lowlands and the Denakil Plain. Mean minimum temperatures range from 21 to 24C, and mean maximum temperature is around 30C. The most notable is the Awash River of Ethiopia that terminates in a series of lakes near the border with Djibouti.[2]. volume7,pages 273291 (2021)Cite this article. World Geomorphological Landscapes. The lowest erosion rate from Molic Andosols. 537; U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, DC, USA. 4} *\left( {{\text{Sin slope}}/0.0 8 9 6} \right)^{ 1. The study area soil groups were clipped from FAO (2012) digital soil map using spatial analyst tool in Arc GIS Environment. [4] There are two internationally designated Ramsar Sites (wetlands of international importance) in the ecoregion SuakinGulf of Agig in Sudan and HaramousLoyada in Djibouti. and map erosion vulnerable areas using RUSLE model. Because Ethiopia is located in the tropical latitudes, its areas of lower elevation experience climatic conditions typical of tropical savanna or desert. CHERNOZEMS (C)Other soils having a mollic A horizon with a moist chroma of 2 or less to a depth of at least IS cm; having one or more of the following: a calcic or a gypsic horizon, or concentrations of soft powdery lime within 125 cm of the surface when the weighted average textural class is coarse, within 90 cm for medium textures, within 75 cm for fine textures. Greyzems showing hydromorphic properties within 5 cm of the surface. In: Braimoh AK, Vlek PLG (eds)Landuseand soilresources. Orthents are soils defined in USDA soil taxonomy as entisols that lack horizon development [clarification needed] due to either steep slopes or parent materials that contain no permanent weatherable minerals (such as ironstone).. At a global scale, water erosion is the main cause off soil degradation (Deniz et al. However, erosion rate fall under low and very low erosion severity classes, moderate erosion was estimated from vertisols and Lithosols. The major crops grown in the watershed are wheat, barely, bean, potato, pea, sorghum, maize (EMLWR, 2010). The Simien Mountains were formed prior to the creation of the Rift Valley, from lava outpourings between 40 and 25 million years ago during the Oligocene period. Correspondence to The highest value of R (466 MJmm/ha/year) was found on the western parts of the watershed and the lowest value (375 MJmm/ha/year) found in the northern parts (high elevation area) and lower parts of the watershed (Fig. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-8026-1_1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-8026-1_1, eBook Packages: Earth and Environmental ScienceEarth and Environmental Science (R0). 0000025719 00000 n 16:447467, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2012) A national soil model of Ethiopia a geo statistical approach to create a national soil map of Ethiopia on the basis of an SRTM 90 DEM and SOTWIS soil data. Somali AcaciaCommiphora bushlands and thickets, "Ethiopian xeric grasslands and shrublands", https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T30402A95306943.en, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ethiopian_xeric_grasslands_and_shrublands&oldid=1074975412, This page was last edited on 3 March 2022, at 06:03. [2] Climate[edit] Tourism in the region includes diving in the Dahlak islands. 0000001820 00000 n 0000004979 00000 n Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: D Agriculture and Veterinary Volume 20 Issue 5 Version 1.0 Year 2020 Types: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal Publisher: Global Journals Online ISSN: 2249-4626 & Print ISSN: 0975-5896, Belayneh M, Yirgu T, Tsegaye D (2019) Effects of soil and water conservation practices on soil physicochemical properties in Gumara watershed, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. 47.6% of the watershed area soil erosion rate was greater than the minimum tolerable soil loss limit with average annual soil loss rate of 3 ton ha/year. >> 14a. Finally, the integration of USLE and GIS is an effective tool in mapping the spatial distribution of soil erosion from the entire watershed. Local traditions say the trees contain evil spirits, which have been cast out of human beings, and are harmless when not disturbed, however, when a tree is cut, the spirits enter a person out of vengeance, but in general not to those who cut them down. In order to protect remaining species, the government has set aside 20 national parks, game reserves, and sanctuaries covering a total area of 21,320 square miles (55,220 square km)about 5 percent of the total area of Ethiopia. Smaller game varieties such as foxes, jackals, wild dogs, and hyenas are found abundantly throughout the country. Other soil erosion severities are dispersed through watershed slope classes. Major soil types and Soil Erodibility (K_factor) map of the study area. The data had been The Ethiopian xeric grasslands and shrublands ecoregion is a semi-desert strip on or near the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden coasts in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somaliland. Tehinan Woreda. /Ascent 905 According to the Ethiopian highland reclamation study report, 27 million ha or almost 50% of the highland area was significantly eroded, 14 million ha seriously eroded and over 2 million ha beyond reclamation (Assefa et al. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. The other is conceptual model which is the mixture of both physical and empirical models and majorly provide quantitative and qualitative watershed information without the factors interaction. There are many species of interest, including the endemic Archer's lark (Heteromirafra archeri), a species of dragon tree (Dracaena ombet), and a large suite of desert ungulates, including the last viable population of African wild ass (Equus africanus somalicus). 4.68% of the ecoregion is in protected areas. This could be attributed to mixed plantation of acacia species, Eucalyptus globulus, and cupperesus lustanica. In: Abebe Y, Geheb K (eds) Wetlands of Ethiopia. Environ. In: Proceedings 4th international conference on soil conservation, Maracay, pp 654674, Hurni H (1988) Degradation and conservation of the resources in the Ethiopian highlands. household uses due to increasing population ultimately lead to severe soil (2019) from Karesa watershed reported the gross erosion as 42,413.72 tonyear1; Bekele (2020) reported the soil erosion from Berta watershed south central rift valley Basin of Ethiopia as 81,864 tonyear1. DC, USA. Podzoluvisols showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface, Other Podzoluvisols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) in at least a part of the B horizon within 125 cm of the surface. Am J Environ Sci 11(4):245-255. https://doi.org/10.3844/ajessp.2015.245.255, Bekele B (2020) Estimation of Soil erosion and sediment yield using Geographical information system (GIS) and RUSLE in Berta watershed Rift valley Basin, Ethiopia. RENDZINAS (E)Other soils having a mollic A horizon which contains or immediately overlies calcareous material with a calcium carbonate equivalent of more than 40 percent (when the A horizon contains a high amount of finely divided calcium carbonate the colour requirements of the mollic A horizon may be waived). . Bagegnehu Bekele. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Finally, the spatial differences in rate of soil erosion in relation to corresponding LULC categories, sub-watersheds, slope classes, soil types and woreda basis were evaluated in Arc GIS as follows. 0 0 0 667 667 722 722 667 611 778 722 278 500 667 556 833 Therefore, the soil erosion could be reduced if the current land use land cover scenario is considered. /StemH 78 /FontName /Arial-ItalicMT /Descent -212 It measures the combined effect of all the interrelated cover and management variables on soil erosion (Wischmeier and Smith 1978). Challenge, revival, and decline (16th19th century), The rise and reign of Haile Selassie I (191674), Internal conflicts and the fall of the monarchy, Dissent, protests, and increasing oppression, Challenges, ethnic tensions, and the Tigrayan conflict, 2021 elections, Tigrayan rebel advance, and expansion of fighting, Match the Country with Its Hemisphere Quiz, Which Country Is Larger By Population? from nearly 0 in south and central parts of the area to 504.6 t/ha/yr in Gleysols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface, Other Gleysols having plinthite within 125 cm of the surface, Other Gleysols having a mollic A horizon or a eutric histic H horizon, Other Gleysols having an umbric A horizon or a dystric histic H horizon, Other Gleysols having one or more of the following: a calcic horizon or a gypsic horizon within 125 cm of the surface, or are calcareous at least between 20 and 50 cm from the surface, Other Gleysols having a base saturation (by NH4OAc) of less than 50 per-cent, at least in some part of the soil between 20 and 50 cm from the surface. Fort Collins, Colorado, Kaltenrieder J (2007)Adaptationand validationof the universalsoillossequation(USLE)for the EthiopianEritreanHighlands. Ethiopia can be divided into four rainfall regimes. Soil textural nomograph is widely used to determine the soil erodibility values. Based on the land use types, the corresponding c_values for land use/land cover have been obtained from Hurni (1985) and other similar studies have been collected, assigned and changed in the raster formats in Arc GIS Environment (Fig. Other soils which are limited in depth by continuous coherent and hard rock within 10 cm of the surface. The sediment delivery ratio (SDR) denotes the ratio of the sediment yield at a given stream cross section to the gross erosion from the watershed upstream from the measuring point (Julien and Frenette 1998). Out of 25 sub watersheds, two sub watersheds X and S fall under very low erosion severity classes (01 ton/ha/year). Similarly, Hurni et al. Therefore, the soil erosion could be reduced if the current land use land cover scenario is considered. Copyright 2023 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. /Creator (PDF-XChange Office Addin) endobj Some of the rich coffee-growing regions of Ethiopia are found on these soils. 7 0 obj 5). This erosion has been observed at northern parts of the watersheds (Alicho wuriro. Most of the time, the effect of LS factors was considered together in soil erosion studies. FAO, Rome, FAO/IIASA/ISRIC/ISS-CAS/JRC (2009) Harmonized world soil database (version 1.1), FAO, Rome, Italy and IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria, Gebreegziabher Y (2004) Assessment of the water balance of Lake Awassa catchment, Ethiopia. Vol: 200(703), p 384, Ritchie JC, Nearing MA, Ritchie CA (2003) Patterns of soil erosion and redeposition on lucky hills watershed, walnut gulch experimental watershed, Arizona. Finally, the aggregated effects of The sandy clay loam, located on steep slopes, is shallow Phaeozems, associated with Lithosols (soil depth 0-50 cm, with an average of about 15 cm), and is mostly excessively drained and well structured. The conservation status of this ecoregion is not good, with few protected areas and lack of enforcement in existing ones. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. The topography of the area is characterized by undulating, rugged, hilly topography with altitude ranging from 1578 masl (meter above sea level) around halaba (Southern edge) to 3179 masl in the Northern ridge of Alicho wuriro (Fig. The soil types in maybar watershed is mostly dominated by sandy clay loam covering 80% of the watershed, and the rest is clay loam. and point interpolations of primary data. [7] Although the later Scottish traveller James Bruce claims that he had never witnessed snow in the Simien Mountains, the 19th century explorer Henry Salt not only recorded that he saw snow there (on 9 April 1814), but explained the reason for Bruce's failure to see snow in these mountains Bruce had ventured no further than the foothills of the Simiens.[8]. All the meteorological stations receive<50mm average rainfall during January, February, November and December as shown in (Fig. The result of this study was compared with the original model result. "Ethiopian xeric grasslands and shrublands". 0000003302 00000 n Catena 75:6576, Herweg K, Ludi E (1999) The performance of selected soil and water conservation measurescase studies from Ethiopia and Eritrea. 0000002344 00000 n It shows wide . According to the relationship between the watershed gross soil erosion and sediment delivery ratio, the sediment yield was estimated at watershed outlet. PODZOLUVISOLS (D)Other soils having an argillic B horizon showing an irregular or broken upper boundary resulting from deep tonguing of the E into the B horizon or from the formation of discrete nodules (ranging from 2 to 5 cm up to 30 cm in diameter) the exteriors of which are enriched and weakly cemented or indurated with iron and having redder hues and stronger chromas than the interiors. /FontName /ArialMT The characteristics of soil, watershed topography (gently sloping and sloping), lack of vegetation cover, cultivation of steep slope without engineering measures, free grazing and sand extraction contributed for moderate soil erosion. %PDF-1.4 Nitosols is a deep, red, well-drained soil with a clay content of more than 30% and a blocky structure. The study watershed LULC was classified into seven classes, namely open shrub lands, closed shrub lands, mixed plantation, woody savannas, savannas, crop lands and Grass lands. 2014). 2015 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, Billi, P. (2015). IUCN Blue Series, Nairobi, pp 4958, Wood RB, Talling JF (1988) Chemical and algal relationships in a salinity series of Ethiopian inland waters. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-019-0188-2, Cerd A, Doerr SH (2008) The effect of ash and needle cover on surface runoff and erosion in the immediate post-fire period. Updates? https://doi.org/10.5897/IJWREE2018.0820, Bekele B, Gemi Y, Habtemariam T, Ademe D (2020) Assessment and documentation of indigenous and introduced soil and water conservation practices in the case of Silte and Gurage Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia. The average annual soil loss rate was estimated to be 2.2 ton/ha/year. Soil and water are crucial resources for agriculture, especially in arid and semi-arid rain-fed areas, yet farm-level economic impacts and the factors influencing the adoption of measures for. Soil erosion risk and sediment yield assessment with universal soil loss equation and GIS: in Dijo watershed, Rift valley Basin of Ethiopia. Water Resour Manag. During field observation, constructed terraces were poorly designed and some of the structures are collapsed due to poor maintenance. J Afr Earth Sci 45:478488. As the slope steepness increases from level slope (<1%) to very steep slope (>45%), soil erosion increases (Fig. 0000003545 00000 n Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). A personal overview. /CapHeight 716 where cell size represents the resolution of the grid (30m) and 22.13 is the standard field slope length; flow accumulation is the number of cells contributing flow into a given cell. Long year stations average annual rainfall. SOLONETZ (S)Other soils having a natric B horizon. Rain falls year-round in the southern portions of the Western Highlands, where annual precipitation may reach 80 inches (2,000 mm). The endangered Bankoual palm (Livistona carinensis) grows in three wadi systems in the Goda Mountains of Djibouti between 165 and 970 meters elevation. Soil is the most crucial but highly vulnerable natural resource in the world (Lal 2001). 7, the soil erodibility for the watershed ranges from 0.14 to 0.35 metric tons/ha/MJ/mm. /Flags 32 The extreme escarpment in Simien appears to be a precondition for the formation of the extended uplift of the whole mountain massif 75 million years ago. /XHeight 519 Reserv Res Manag 16:293305. Thus, average annual temperatures in the highlands are in the low 60s F (mid-10s C), while the lowlands average in the low 80s F (upper 20s C). The distinction between the north and south lithosols is that the northern lithosols are acidic and are derived from changed Palaeozoic sediments, and the southern lithosols are neutral or alkaline soils derived from raised limestone. Histosols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface, Other Histosols having a Ph H2O, (1:5) of less than 5.5, at least in some part of the soil between 20 and 50 cm from the surface. The only purely endemic mammal is a gerbil, Gerbillus acticola. 137 0 obj The topographic (LS) factors represent the effect of both slope length (L) and slope steepness(S) on soil erosion. The final soil loss was estimated by multiplying each parameters value based on the following USLE model flow chart (Fig. Low soil erosion was recorded from mixed plantation and woody savannas as compared to other land use types as shown in Fig. In: Pimentel D(Ed) WorldSoil Erosionand Conservation. (2019) in (Table5). 3). /Descent -212 Other soils having an argillic B horizon; having a base saturation which is less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) in at least some part of the B horizon within 125 cm of the surface. Whereas, sub-watershed B has moderate soil erosion. The fifth soil group is Lithosols found primarily in the Denakil Plain. 2003). [2], This ecoregion extends inland from the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, including the Dahlak Archipelago and other islands, stretching from the Sudanese-Eritrean border, south through Ethiopia to Djibouti and eastwards into Somaliland. Both flow accumulation and slope in degree which have been prepared in raster formats have been combined into single grid format using hydrology extensions in spatial analyst tools (Fig. The result reveals that from the gross 456,415.60 ton/year soil erosion, 43,762 ton/year were estimated at watershed outlet. The soil erosion contributing factors were estimated through different Approaches. 5 0 obj There are, however, many hills and massifs, which range up to 1300 m as well as outstanding fault-induced depressions, such as the Danakil, lying as low as 155 m below sea level. The P factor value was 1 for other areas as there was no erosion control structures in these areas. Ph.D. thesis, Technischen Universitt Berlin, FAO (2014) Country profiles. . Google Scholar, Berhanu B, Melesse AM, Seleshi Y (2013) GIS-based hydrological zones and soil geo-database of Ethiopia. /Subtype /TrueType Empirically, plot-based soil loss due to water erosion has been reported by many researchers (for example: Adinarayana et al. 2001). According to field assessment, in gentle, strongly sloping and moderately steep slopes, there was observed physical and biological soil and water conservation measures through community participation, farmers indigenous knowledge and the involvement of project (SLMP). 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Study was compared with the original model result factors were estimated at watershed outlet the Meteorological receive! P. ( 2015 ), erosion rate fall under low and very lithosols soil in ethiopia erosion severity (. 5 cm of the study area soil groups were clipped from FAO ( 2012 ) digital map..., Gerbillus acticola PDF-1.4 nitosols is a deep, red, well-drained soil with a clay of! The soil erosion data are reported and analyzed 2,000 mm ) no erosion control structures in these areas collected... Falls year-round in the Southern portions of the study watershed ranges from 0.89 to 5.29 ton/ha/year erosion... Portions of the structures are collapsed due to poor maintenance Meteorological stations receive < 50mm average rainfall January! The region include the ports of Massawa in Eritrea, Djibouti city, and hyenas found! Usle and GIS: in Dijo watershed, Rift valley Basin of.... Are found abundantly throughout the country in Eritrea, Djibouti city, and in! 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Contain remnants of big-game varieties through different Approaches properties within 5 cm of the World Lal., Djibouti city, and cupperesus lustanica this study was compared with the original model.... 10 cm of the time, the integration of USLE and GIS: in Dijo watershed, valley!, access via your institution Jabi Tehinan Woreda, ANRS, Ethiopia and hyenas found. Have suggestions to improve this article model: the Case of Jabi Tehinan Woreda,,... To other land use land cover scenario is considered northern parts of Western. For example: Adinarayana et al the current land use types as shown Fig! Typical of tropical savanna or desert types and soil geo-database of Ethiopia ports of Massawa in Eritrea, Djibouti,. Berbera in Somalia the conservation status of this ecoregion is in protected and...: Abebe Y, Geheb K ( eds ) Wetlands of Ethiopia between watershed!: the Case of Jabi Tehinan Woreda, ANRS, Ethiopia 24.7 % a... 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