Active Homing A homing (guidance) method where the missile provides its own signal (typically either radar or sonar) transmissions and homes in on the energy reflected off the target. Considered meaningless, it was awarded to anyone who served in a certain time frame during and subsequent to the Vietnam War. Make Way (1) From the Rules of the Nautical Road, when a ship is making way she is proceeding under her own power, whether by engine or sail (or oars, for that matter). Coaming The raised lip around a hatch. Shell impacts must be observed by someone other than the firing unit, whether an aircraft or a team on the ground. England or the UK. Judy - Radio call signifying that the fighter has radar contact on the BOGEY or BANDIT and can complete the intercept without further assistance from the controller. 5,531 talking about this. Hooky - (RN) Leading rate. Liberty Flames Heathered Navy The Champ Tri-Blend Pullover Sweatshirt. United States Forces Korea (USFK) is responsible for supporting and training joint ROK-U.S. Anchor-faced - (RN) Anyone who is enthusiastic about the Navy. 99 (USN aviation) Precedes a radio call which applies to a group of aircraft, e.g. A phone call once every few days on a long leave block does make a difference. Beltway Bandit A company, or an employee of same, located near Washington, DC, which serves the defense industry. Originally used to give the CUT SIGNAL. Published: September 30, 2022 4:21 PM EST. (2) A call to get out of the way, which originated as a call for junior personnel to give precedence to a senior while crossing the gangway. MPA - Main Propulsion Assistant. Generally air-conditioned and soundproofed, the wimps.Essence - Good, pleasant, or attractive. Bumfuck Egypt A (fictitious) bad place to be stationed, or the figurative ends of the earth. (2) Date-Time Group, part of the header of a message which indicates the date, time, and timezone of the message's origin. The pipe consists of a narrow tube (the gun) which directs air over a metal sphere (the buoy) with a hole in the top. For many years, vacuum "flash" evaps were used; reverse osmosis systems are becoming more common now. They dont want to do it either. Gray Funnel Line - (RN) The Royal Navy surface fleet. Arresting Gear - Mechanism used to rapidly bring an aircraft to a halt aboard ship or ashore. dont do that either! Historically the boatswain's call was used to pass commands to the crew when the voice could not be heard over the sounds of the sea. Autorotation (1) A method of making an emergency landing in a helicopter which has experienced engine failure. Answer: The Navy uses a number of codes to track sailors sent to Recruit Training Command's "Ship 5" for separation processing. Loss of the bubble. Balls (or Four Balls) Midnight, which in the militarys 24-hour timekeeping system may be written as "0000," although writing midnight as "2400" is perhaps more common. See "6 D's". Aka Alpha, from the engineering notation for AOA. Hardpoint Location or locations on an aircrafts wings and fuselage where weapons or other stores can be hung. Loadtoad (1) (aviation) See REDSHIRT. If an aircraft breaks the hard deck, it is considered a safety-of-flight violation (a serious transgression). Mustang (USN) An officer who has 'come up through the ranks', i.e. Pronounced 'ee-ow'. DCA - Damage Control Assistant. The lens also has red lights mounted on it which can be used to give WAVEOFF and CUT commands. Brow The proper term for what is often called the gangway, the temporary bridge connecting the ships quarterdeck to the pier. (2) (RCN) A sailor often in trouble. Usually filled with oakum. Strong. "First Call, (Turn off Officer . Monkey on a stick - Derisive term for dish similar to satay chicken, served on skewers, by street vendors in any port of call. Get the best deals for us navy liberty cuffs at Has a tremendous import in the handling and behavior of the aircraft. "The Chief was dripping about the state of the world.". for SAR operations). I saw those things in the shops all the time. The odds that there was a mistake at the lab after post-deployment leave block are slim to none. Used to control the spread of smoke in a fire belowdecks, or in preparation for an NBC attack. (2) In-Flight Refueling q.v. ), but worse, i.e. (4) Missiles, especially in the surface community. Banyan - (RCN/UK) A barbecue or party on the flight deck, usually with steaks and beer. USN usage, 'Jack o' the Dust.' The wings are used to fly the boom into position to connect with the receiving aircraft, then the boom extends to make contact. Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy, on July 1, 1914, issuedgeneral order 99, which rescinded Article 827. HSL Helicopter anti-submarine squadron (light). See CONN. (2) (Aviation) Generating a contrail. Liberty Call Series. See also MSL. (2) Excessive concentration on one situation in a time of plenty, i.e. (2) Time check, though this usage is more common to USAF than USN. Often purveyors of curios, souvenirs, etc. Banjo, Butty (1) (RN) A sandwich. "Your Signal Charlie" means 'commence approach immediately, and land upon arrival.'. Terminal lances are out of f**ks to give. Also used as a phrase in flag or Morse comms. A. J. Squared-Away The mythical sailor who always has his stuff together. WWII. $7999 with code. Bin Rat (RCN) A person who works in Stores (supply). Grannie (or Granny) (1) A mis-tied square knot. Main Space - Engine room or fire room or, collectively, both/all. "I think I'll have a gonk before we hit the beach.". The pilot of an F/A-18. FUBAR - Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. Dog Watch (1) A shortened watch period. Note: this term is also used for literally dozens of other objects in the naval service. Responsible for positioning and chaining down aircraft. Killick - (RN, RCN) Leading rate. Benny Sugg (USN) Beneficial Suggestion program, a program where personnel were rewarded for making suggestions to improve some aspect of military life, usually living conditions. Butt (1) Cigarette. One of a number of standard combinations of flight profile and headings used to depart an airfield. A magnetic or acoustic mine. The Attachment rails, officially known as the rail integration A few thousand years ago, our ancestors wore Sign up for our newsletter and receive the mighty updates! Largely composed of ascorbic acid. Hot Runner A high performer, one who consistently does well. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, MIGHTY NETWORKS, 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Direct Fire Gunnery and fire control where the fall of shot can be directly observed by the firing unit. See "FRITZ.". The terms meaning today is to reveal a secret. Similar to CANDYASS. If you are hearing-impaired, dial 711 for your state's number for TTY/TDD access E-mail: Markets & Policy Implementation Economic Research Financial Institution Supervision See also OCCULTING. Represented as two heraldic dolphins flanking the prow of a WW II-type submarine, gold for officers and silver for enlisted. Cat (1) Catapult. (2) (UK) The opposite of hard charger, i.e. Get the liberty cuffs, to brag to fellow soldiers about how much better the Navy is. (2) In aviation, short for afterburner. Droplights - Red lights arranged vertically below the RAMP, on the approach centerline, on the carrier's stern. Deuce (or Ma Deuce) Browning cal fifty heavy machine gun. Bracket and Halving A method of correcting the aim of shipboard gunnery. Burner - (1) In a submarine, a system that burns carbon monoxide and hydrogen out of the air, converting H2 to water and CO to CO2. CAG - Carrier Air Group. Sort of. Mass confusion and chaos. The aircraft does not have sufficient speed to fly, and usually crashes. Do not leave a station selector button depressed when the "busy" lamp is lighted. Hotel Services Power, water, and steam used for cooking, heating, laundry, or other non-engineering or non-propulsion purposes. Afterburner - A system in the engine(s) of many tactical aircraft (and a very few non-tactical a/c such as the SR-71 and U-2) which dramatically increases thrust at the cost of doubling (or more) the fuel consumption. Coffeepot - Nuclear reactor. Back Afty - (RN) Anything to do with the nuclear power plant or the people who operate it. Knot A measure of speed, equating to one nautical mile per hour. May be counted for a pilot, a squadron, or an airwing. Junior in authority to the COB. Hogging The behavior of a ship where the midships area is supported by the crest of a wave but the bow and stern are less supported due to the troughs of the wave. INT Spoken as "eye-en-tee." Similarly, RCN = Royal Canadian Navy, RAN = Royal Australian Navy, RM = Royal Marines, RNZN = Royal New Zealand Navy, UK = general usage in militaries of the former British Empire. 9-thread line); larger line is sized by its circumference (rather than diameter). Feather Merchant A lightweight, i.e. Regular: $2499. (2) To leave the scene of the crime, especially when liquor and members of the opposite sex are involved, and particularly if the member of the opposite sex in question is a GRONK. In the old wooden-hulled ships, devil seams joined the external hull timbers with the deck planking; there are also references to a devil seam back aft, where the hull timbers join at the rudder post. Their unofficial motto is "We hide with pride." We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at . Generally the brow and all shore services are secured and the ship is on internal systems only. Coast Guard. Yes, its your leave block too. Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs): A BAA announces an agency's research interests including criteria for selecting proposals and soliciting the participation of all offerors capable of satisfying the government's needs. The low note was for the pause and preparatory; the high for pulling on the line. According to legend, some ships have had such spaces which do not show up on the official blueprints at all. DACT Dissimilar Air Combat Training. Dick the dog (1) Screwing around; being unproductive. See also DIXIE CUP. 'Fox Four' is sometimes used derisively to refer to a midair collision. Beach Ashore, or to be put ashore. Joker (Aviation) Critically low fuel state. Probably comes from adrift.. In its original form, toilet facilities were found right forward in the bows, so that the smell would be blown downwind and away from the ship (since sailing ships could not lie directly into the wind when underway). The derision arises from the lack of experience and naval knowledge of the typical graduate. A term indicating sublime indifference to someone elses plight.Dink - Spoken form of 'Delinquent In Qual, pronounced to rhyme with pink. Someone delinquent in PQS qualification points. DONCEAP offers free 24/7 personalized and confidential help for DON civilians and their family members. EM (1) Electricians Mate. Only possible on modern carriers with an ANGLED DECK (q.v.). Signifies 'Good Job' or 'Well Done.'. The balls were stacked in a monkey, a metal frame which was laid on the deck to help contain the bottom layer of the pyramid of cannon balls. Before the advent of the stick, the man using the stone would kneel as if in prayer, aiding in the development of the nickname. Dockyard Tour - (RN) An excuse to slide away early when at a fleet school. This is normally weekends and holidays, not to exceed 72 hours. Call 1-844-DONCEAP (1-844-366-2327) / TTY: 1-888-262-7848 . ones spouse. Bingo - (1) Fuel level or status requiring either an immediate return to base or vector to a tanker, 'bingo fuel'. Together. a diver who wears the spherical metal helmet of a Navy diver). GMT General Military Training. Refers to the size of the sterns of some (usually female) navy personnel. (2) A curve or bend in a shoreline, or a small body of water formed by same.Bilge - (1) The area below the deck gratings in the lowest spaces of the ship, where things, especially liquids, tend to collect. A fire-fighting agent which is mixed with water and sprayed on flammable liquids fires. See MESSCRANK. High Speed, Low Drag (1) A HOT RUNNER (a very strong performer). Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Midwatch - A watch stood from midnight (2400) until 4 a.m. (0400). (3) To slowly turn the propeller shaft or shafts of a ship when engines are stopped, both to maintain the oil film in shaft bearings and to prevent the shaft from bowing from its own weight. In-Flight Refueling Replenishing an aircrafts fuel supply in flight. FOD - Foreign Object Damage. Also seen as HPAC, pronounced "aitch-pack.". Replaced protein foam. Extra Duty The 1MC announcement at 1900: Now muster the extra duty men. Fancy Dinns (UK) Steak and wine night at sea. The chain device is usually referred to as 'overrun gear', as it acts to stop an aircraft which is about to run off of the end of the prepared runway surface. (2) FAST ATTACK sub. someone who doesnt hold up his end, or doesnt do his (or her) share of the work. :$. Fougasse The combination of an explosive charge and a container of gasoline. "Grand Slam with birds" signifies a kill with missiles. CPA Closest Point of Approach. mall and had chai at the Burj al Arab. Another spot is applied back to the left, half the amount of the previous correction. All terms frequently modified by Naval personnel with the fond adjective "fucking". The USN form is STEEL BEACH (without the beer). Liberty Call Distilling's two locations include its manufacturing distillery in Spring Valley and its Barrio Logan restaurant-distillery at 1985 National Avenue, open Monday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and until 5 p.m. on Sundays. REUNION 2010. Iron Lung - (RN) Soda dispenser filled with beer. DTG - (1) Days To Go. (3) The process of removing excess pressure from a system, or venting it completely. RN form is Action Stations. King Neptune - The mythological God of the Sea. Deadlight A glass window set in the deck or bulkhead. Put the social media down for one day and Google some fun stuff. Used as an antipersonnel weapon. Derives from the historical use of a leather collar or stock to protect the neck from saber cuts. in that painting is generally used to denote detection and tracking, while illumination is generally for targeting and/or guidance of weapons. Once the ceremony is completed, the POLLYWOG is now a SHELLBACK. Banca is literally translated from the Tagalog as boat.. Blue Water - Literally, 'deep water,' or 'deep draft,' but more traditionally, 'away from land.' (2) (RN) Executive Officer of a ship, if a Lieutenant Commander or below. Camel Station - Rendezvous point for ships in the Indian Ocean. Sailing ships which were becalmed here often had to throw live cargo such as livestock over the side to conserve water. The surface community stock to protect the neck from saber cuts wears the navy liberty call announcement helmet. 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