My grandfather was known as Brownie because of his color, and had indian looking features but his sisters had blonde hair. Hi there I am researching my ancestry and possible Melungeon roots and have hit a brick wall. Please email me when you are available. On an We have been told of Native American ancestry, but the rest is a mystery. How can I help? My family is from Tennessee and Northern Alabama. (pulasky County). I am so saddened by your grandmothers story. An Untold Story of Ethnic Cleansing in America. Thank you! There are many more on the list who are indirect ancestors surnames. Mama was the darkest white woman that I ever saw. My uncles name was Earnest Hall. Thanks for contacting me, Im working on a big project right now and as soon as I can Ill see what I can find. Greetings, It is part of but the site is free. Are there any distant cousins related to them? Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. MARTIN MAYLE MINARD MINER MINOR MIZER MOORE MORLEY MOSELY MOZINGO George Bean later moved to Franklin Co., Tenn. His wife Jane Bean who died about then may have been Isaac's sister. Re: Are these names of Melungeon orgin? Children of both these sets were Morris Baker 1750-1810 m. Jane Smith 1755-1810, my 6th great grandparents both Wilkes NC. The middle two were light complected with brown eyes and hair. I am a Denham..Been researching this info a great confirmation! Hi. April Pilkey Williams I have family tree and dna to work with! Hendricks/Hendrix and Graham from Virginia and Kentucky are prominent in his heritage. I am 4 th cousin s with lowry,revels and bakers per my 2018 test results. These families settled in Lincoln Co and are mentioned in the Indian Commission Affairs and in a report by Robert K. Thomas. Are we related?? Melungeon (pron. I also have connections to various surnames on common Melungeon surname list and trace various branches back to the different areas moving E to SE in Virginia, NW NC and SE Kentucky (Hall surname in Floyd Co. KY). Hi Brent, I am trying to see if I can locate my Great Grandmother. I will soon be 74 and just have forgotten where I have put a lot of things. He married Elizabeth Connor, born in Richmond, 1766 1818. My grandpa Short had black hair and black eyes. We were always told we had Indian blood. Beginning in the early 1800s, or possibly before, the term Melungeon (meh-LUN'-jun) was used as a derogatory term to describe a group of about 40 families along the Tennessee-Virginia border. Of course, these surnames are common names in America, and are only considered "Melungeon" names in the areas where Melungeons live. Little. I think I solved the mystery. But I am trying to find more about my Indian family, and am also related to Pocahontas through her daughter Kaokee. Surname is Turner. Can you help me figure out if there is a melange in connection which might explain this family claim? Knowing it could be a false positive or perhaps true, I have pursued that info. At that time, their native Angolan fa- Would love to do a DNA test but Ill be honest, I work in the medical field and I worry that the insurance companies may use that against us someday, dont really care about me but my kids on the other hand! 36 Grandson of John Snow Creek Taliaferro and Sarah Smith, both from Virginia. They were listed as white on census, but Im at a dead end before 1850 census, a Daniel Boone is listed as the father, and the only other earlier record I can find is a Daniel Boone in Amherst, VA that fits his birth year, but listed black. As time permits my intention is to research as many of these families as I can. hello, my name is hannah Branham. From the Little Peedee in S.C. too Hancock Cty.,TN. Her mother was Elmeda Johnson who died in childbirth,her father Jim cogdill went to ww1 and her grandparents raised her, family stories have suggested her mother was NA and Ive seen the name Luna johnson in my search once , it suggested that Luna johnson was her grandmother or great grandmother, all my grandmothers sons look very Hispanic in old photos but a lighter skin tone,say lighter than a Mexicans but quite a bit darker than a regular Caucasian,she her self had what Ive heard described as very ruddy complexion but to me she looked pure cherokee. Thank you for the informative blog. Well hope you know and I hope you enjoy my DNA. I have that genealogy somewhere but trying to find it is a different thing. Louise Ralston Brown 4/23/02. Thanks Ms. Gray! I am looking for any leads towards a melungeon bloodline within my family because it would answer a lot of questions. Lucas. All of them were from West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, and North carolina. He was buried in Arlington, Virginia. Love recognizes no barriers. A few years ago I came across a possible Melungeon connection. I, too, have no Native American or black ancestry showing up in my DNA results from, nor any Spanish, Portuguese, or Mediterranean ancestry. I am just trying to think of other places to look, other avenues to try. I was looking to see if anyone that is connected to the Jones line. I am on Ancestry and 23andme I do have both Indigenous and African dna, as well as Iberian and Ashkanazi Jewish. Would appreciate any comments/information you may be able to provide. BENNETT BERRY BEVERLY BIGGS BOLEN BOLLING BOLTON BOONE BOWLIN It possibly accounts for my 0.7% West African/Congolese DNA. My fathers name was Creed and his mothers name was Emma Jo Hall. Is Jones her maiden name? What an interesting article. Home > Forum > Surnames > Melungeon. Dorothy E., Mary, Sebron, Neal M., Henry, Hugh, ruby, Mac Harris, Julia M., & Henry Gaston. My grandfathers was a Falin, Gilliam, Cox, Mickelborough, Mayo, Hylton, Burnett, Pettus, Strachey, Ogilvie, Graham, Wells Witt, Skaggs, Hatfield, McCoy, Mace, and so on. She grew up there and was adopted by a Mitchell family. She was very religious. So then we need to go to our trees Is there any way to find out if there is Melugeon in my history. Surname is Goin. where o you believe she was raised? The thing I have been asking, but still dont know. His grandmother was a Julia Jones. My grandma also removed warts, used scripture to stop bleeding, blew the fire out of a burn. Good afternoon, You have so much work put into this. Thank you for writing, so let us see where this takes us. Among the northern Europeans, the Melungeon ancestors include English, Scot, Irish, Welsh, Dutch, and German parents. Also, the Revells family, from Cumberland,Sampson and Robeson Co, were living near my Brooks and Clarks. I believe that she was melungeon. Log in or Sign up to hide all adverts. Hello! For centuries, they remained almost invisible to the American mainstream. Bryson Gibson was born between 1775 and 1782 Washington County, Virginia to Thomas and Mary Gibson. Looking for Starnes. Chapman, Chavis. Thanks! Since then, the Dutch started adopting surnames. I believe that in the frontier days a colony of Melungeon people migrated from Virginia and North Carolina to what is now Claiborne County, Mississippi. C 2. She had pictures of both g- grandmothers. 2 vols. I descend from Reeves coming into Tennessee via Virginia. Holler back! called Quattlebaum Nation: besides the Quattlebaum surnames, I see many other names on my family tree. Viccars. Would you mind giving me some pointers as to where I can look to find birth records of Melungeon children? But I seen the Smith name were Melungeons just trying to find out about my family history. No indication of his mother, but it was not Alma Hall his other wife. They came into Tennessee via Virginia. The Melungeon culture has typically been associated with the Appalachian region. I am from these areas as well on both sides of my family, paternal and maternal, back 8 generations. Researchers with ancestral roots in North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia may have Melungeon genes. At the most basic level, he learned, they were a group of interconnected families that had lived in certain counties in Tennessee, Virginia, and. Harold Lee denton/Richmond,va Owens, Ke. Enjoying The Company While On TheJourney. Ramey, Rasnick, Reaves/Reeves, Revels, Richardson, Roberson/Robertson/Robinson, Russell. All the matches to me, thousands, had African blood. I have been trying to place my Melungeon ancestors as well as my Native ancestry. They also married into the Goins, Ashe, Whitworth and Wellman families. There is actually an unincorporated community named Goin that had a post office until the mid-sixties. Had always been told a great great grandma was Native-Cherokee but both my fathers and my own DNA shows minimal to no Native. to Clark co. Ill. Linders wife, Jane Sophia Lee. By the way we are a 9CM match on gedmatch, distant cousins. These families seem to have originated in the same place and traveled together to Mississippi after the Louisiana Purchase. I have traced my ancestry back to the right areas at the right times, I have pictures of them that just dont match up with the white on their census records. Its been a long road just to here! He also stated that his cousin, Beulah, told him in the 40s that she had documented this. If anyone can help us that would be amazing. Brown. Boone, Bowman, Badby, Branham, Braveboy, Briger/Bridger, Brogan, Brooks, Brown, Bunch, Butler, Butters, Bullion, Burton, Buxton, Byrd. PHIPPS PRINDER POLLY POWELL POWERS PRITCHARD PRUITT, RAMEY RASNICK REAVES REVELS REEVES RICE My ancestor, John Washington Cooper, left Virginia for Louisiana circa 1830, where he and his children married into old French Creole families. Looking at my Ancestry DNA, I have a match with a common Bass ancestor. I appreciate any help you can give. Not looking like any of the others. Do you have any information on the Bunch family? There are Coopers who live in Somerset, Ky. and a lot of the older generations have died. Patterson. Also, I am related to the Bolling which go back to the Randolph and then to the Carters, and Hill last names. HAWKES HENDRICKS HENDRIX HILL HILLMAN HOGGE HOLMES HOPKINS HOWE The pages wont let me open them. Both of my maternal grandparents are from that area. HYATT, LANGSTON LASIE LAWSON LOCKLEAR LOPES LOWRY Some families that descend from lines known to be of Melungeon origin, but cannot find Native ancestry, may need to search more in that direction for their exact mixture. If this helps my ftdna kit # B511534. Genealogist My maternal grandfather was Clarence Gibson from Wharn Cliff West Virginia. My great grandmother was Leeann Cox and it was said she had Indian blood. I will research from one of my books and let you know. linda mckee 12/16/08. The census shows that the area was settled by Gibsons, Griffins, Mullins, Cox, Bowlings,Wests, Elmores, Williamsons,Gowins, Cooks, Crows and Perkins. Suddenly thing are starting to make so much more sense. Just found out through 23 and me that I have spanish/portuguese ancestry. My great grandmother, born Dema Delph, was adopted by another family and we have no insight into her birth parents. Webster (1962, 1122) described the Melungeon as "a member of a dark-skinned people of mixed Caucasian, Negro, and Indian stock, inhabiting the Tennessee mountains."5 Davis (1963, 16) identified the Melungeons as "dark-skinned, reddish- brown complexioned people [who were] supposed to be of Moorish descent, neither Indian nor Negro, but . My DNA has me 98% European and 2% Asian. I am seeing Miner, Smith, Bolling, Nichols.. Hello, West Virginia were noted by Dr. N. Brent Kennedy during his My 4th G-Grandpaw was Jeremiah Bass Jr. b.1746 Bertie, N.Carolina d.1808 Addams Co, Mississippi. But alot of these surnames are in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana AKA No Mans Land. My paternal grandmothers grandmother was a Bunch from Indiana. crcst test prep; crcst free test questions; paid test; crcst exam prep notes; subscribe Brunie Barthol Wood, 1872-1964, Illinois to Indianapolis. Any info on the Boone line would be appreciated, or sites with Boone dna projects. Gann, Garland, Gibbs, Gibson/Gipson, Goins/Goings, Givens, Gowan/Gowen, Graham, Green(e), Gwinn. She died in 1906 during childbirth with my grandmother. Aaron had a wife, Nancy Gray, and a son named Moses Bass. Sammons, Sampson, Sawyer, Scott, Sexton, Shavis, Shepherd/Shephard, Short. My ancestral lines take me to Muskogee (Creek) in Georgia/SouthCarolina ending in Oklahoma. Mississippi never had a law like that, because such a law would have prevented the states finest old families from marrying their neighbors. As soon as I get things settled and get back to researching Id love to connect with you. Upon reading message boards someone suggested that the father could be Mlungeon. She was born in Hancock County, TN we assume. The mother of my grandfather, Harris Brown, her name is Eliza Ann Jenkins Richardson (Brown). I suspect that they were mulungeon and passed as white after moving to Indiana. My ancestors are Wood. I have always been the odd duck in my family. He is the Hawkins County, TN archivist, has written 2 books on Melungeons, "Melungeons and Other Pioneer Families," now out of print, and " Melungeons, Footprints from the Past .". The ones that I do not have in my lineage, my husband probably has a large number of the other names plus my son-in-law has a lot more of those other names. In Callaway County and Randolph County Missouri, known Melungeon surnames in the community are listed on Census records, Minor, Gibson, Hicks, Hix, and more. SHEPHARD SHEPHERD SHORT SHORTT SIZEMORE SMILING SMITH STALLARD Hey, his email came back to me as address not existing! Campell, Carrico, Carter, Casteel, Caudill, Chapman, Chavis, Clark, Cloud, Coal/Cole/Coles, Coffey, Coleman, Colley, Collier/Colyer, Collins, Collinsworth, Cook(e), Cooper, Cotman, Counts, Cox/Coxe, Criel, Croston, Crow, Cumba/Cumbo/Cumbow, Curry, Custalow. Im going to share your comments with Angela Walton Raji and Melvin Collier, they have Bass out of Arkansas. Sincerely, All of the people with that last name probably came from the same last name when they came here to the U.S. My husband had a distant relative to contact him about 2 months ago about her relatives. His name was James Turner born 1791 in Russell, VA. Is it possible he was Mulugeon? . Smiling, Smith, Stallard, Stanley, Steel, Stevens, Stewart, Strother. We are looking for information on these family lines not to upset current family members, or to find living people, nor to upset lives. These families became the plantation aristocracy. A new DNA study in the Journal of Genetic Genealogy found that the families historically called Melungeons are the offspring of sub-Saharan African men and white women of northern or central. Match case Limit results 1 per page melungeon and melung eon-related s urnames (North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky) ADAMS - ADKINS- BARKER - BARNES - BECKLER - BELL - BENNETT - BERRY - BIGGS - BOLEN - BOWLIN - BOWLING - BOWMAN - BRANHAM - BROGAN - BULLION - BURTON - BYRD - CAMPBELL - CARRICO - CARTER - CASTEEL - CAUDILL - CHAVIS - CLARK - COAL - COFFEY - COLE - COLEMAN - COLES . Jack, a Melungeon descendant through several ancestors, expected that his Y paternal . Melungeons: The Last Lost Tribe in America. The Clarks were said to be Portuguese. (LogOut/ I guess meaning that I have far far less matches in R1b as compared to the majority of testers. Mixed Melungeons had lived in Vir- ginia from 1660. Jane Taylor was born in Virginia in 1798 and died in Marietta ,Ohio in 1883 or 1888. I realize my writing style is very erratic (like somebody said squirrel in front of a hound,lol) and I apologise for that, but thank you so much for your time Mrs Gray, sincerely Edward Davis (P.S. Fathers surname of CROS(S)LOW seems to hit a wall several generations back. They were considered black from then on out, right down to my grandma whose maiden name was Goins. The core Melungeon families in Hawkins County, Tennessee are Bolin, Bolling, Bunch, Collins, Denham, Gibson, Goins, Goodman, Minor, Moore, Mullins, Sullivan, and Williams. Melungeon/Indian Genealogy By Marion Pezzullo April 08, 2005 at 12:29:40. Some Notes on Jordan Gibson. I just recently found out about maternal grandmothers line. What I know this far is that theres a definite Cherokee lineage with respect to Benjamin Sinnes (daughter, Jemima Sinnes-Goin). Glad to see the name here. One set of my 7th great grandparents were Jane Bunch, Carolinas, 1740-1782 m. Hugh Smith, d. Wilkes Co. NC, 1738-1781. They lived in Gilbert, West Virginia. Melungeons ( / mlndnz / m-LUN-jnz) are an ethnicity from the Southeastern United States who descend from Europeans, Native American, and sub-Saharan Africans brought to America as indentured servants and later as slaves. But I still need help. My grandparents are from Big Stone Gap Virginia. Smith (40), Williams (27), Johnson (26), Brown (26), Davis (19), Jones (16), Martin (15), Moore (15), Clark (13), Taylor (13), Cox (11), Jackson (10), Hill (10). George Boone 1850 m. to Rose/Rosa Richardson. My Grandfather was Cleo Berry Son of Lydia Price and Calvin Berry. On the early 1900s census our family was classified as mulattos born in Virginia/Western Virginia. My brother is very fair and red hair. Joyceann. Thank you for this site. I wish I knew more about, but anyone I can ask are now passed. My dad was always told we had Cherokee in us. I did find her husband and kids. My grandmother Margaret Davis is dark and had coarse hair. Robert K Thomas mentions an offshoot of Lumbees settling in Lincoln Co, Asheville and Macon Co NC in the link below. His 7 th/gg/was Mary rock Smith whos dad was LT John Rock Smith from plymouth,ma colony. If you are Melungeon and do not see your family name or a qualifying county please contact our historian at SURNAMES Adkins Allen Bowling/Bollin (g) Bennett Brown Bowman Bunch/Punch Campbell Carter Childers/Childress Chavis Clark Cox Collier Collins Cumbow Duncan Davis Denham Dial Interview your folks and any elders still alive. Earlier they may have lived near the Atlantic coast but, preferring a more secluded setting . RICHARDSON RIDDLE RIVERS ROBERSON ROBERTSON ROBINSON RUSSELL, SAMMONS SAMPSON SAWYER SCOTT SEXTON SHAVIS Revels, Sampson. Her folks were from Pennsylvania. I hope you get your answers. 1999. I was astounded and wondered where all these genes came from. Thanks for adding me. We think she was born in Wythe County, Va in 1927 and was married to my great grandfather John Rufus Mink, Sr around 1913-1914 as she had their first child in 1915. Boone, Bowman, Badby, Branham, Braveboy, Briger/Bridger, Brogan, Brooks, Brown, Bunch, Butler, Butters, Bullion, Burton, Buxton, Byrd. Look in Bibles and record any folklore that might have been passed down. I honestly believe we are Melungeon. Family still has very unique mix of features listed in connection with Melungeon. I had no idea what that meant. I have looked through the regular channels on Ancestry and also in records local to me but have yet to drive over to Lee County, Va or to Hancock county to look at physical records but it is in the plans at some point. My great grandfather is Harris Brown, a Melungeon, and also has Portuguese ancestry, however I don't have information past his father John Brown who married Eliza Ann Jenkins Richardson a . I did take my fathers death certificate when she was unaware. I'm pale in the winter but will tan a nice golden . Have you started a family research project? Over the generations, many other surnames have become associated with the Melungeons. Annete. This years meeting is in a couple of days! These were all Melungeon surnames. I have been trying for so long to do this on my own. It was great to get your email, Ive been asked to speak in Charles Town and as soon as I finish up with that presentation Ill be back on my Melungeon research. Well hopefully you can work your skills to help me find a better understanding. Https: // fbclid=IwAR21JgwWwyYej0aPBQ8JKjGvNaHk_pXexc7Ddmkn6kKdxF6vaLxJdglOIf8 1791 in Russell, VA. is it possible he was Mulugeon connection... It possibly accounts for my 0.7 % West African/Congolese DNA this info great. So let us see where this takes us, back 8 generations family, from Cumberland, Sampson and Co... Change ), Gwinn to hide all adverts I get things settled and get back to me thousands... 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