Just like the trees shed leaves and change color from season to season, so does human life. Orthodox Christians believe in guardian angels and believe that these spiritual beings are watching over and protecting them from harm. In the Greek alphabet, Christ is written as where Chi is written as an X and Rho as a P. The symbol is formed by overlaying the initial two letters X and P in upper case. It, therefore, represents life itself. I must read for the survival and salvation of the Church. In ancient Egyptian religion, the sun god, Ra, enters the sky each Historical evidence suggest that Swans are full of symbolism, and they represent different things in different cultures. The descending dove started to become a symbol of peace and hope when associated with the story of Noah and the Great Flood, where the dove returned with an olive leaf. Way of the Cross procession makes its way across the Brooklyn Bridge on Good Friday. It is named after King David and appears on the flag of Israel. This journey is called life and is one that no creature on this earth can escape. For example, doves were used by the ancient Israelites as a sacrificial offering in their religious rituals. The secret of the lotus flower had been intriguing to people in ancient Egypt when it became an important symbol of rebirth, representing the universes potential of revival and new life. The gospel of salvation, like a rainbow, is all-encompassing, and everyone is invited to behold it: Writers of the Bible used rainbows to describe the glory of God: In the book of Revelation, the Apostle John saw a rainbow around the throne of God in heaven: When believers see a rainbow, they are reminded of Gods faithfulness, his all-encompassing grace, his glorious beauty, and his holy and eternal presence on the throne of our lives. It is the connection to the afterlife, which made it an important symbol for the Coptic Christians of Egypt in the 4th century CE. The lotus is a symbol of rebirth and regeneration in many different cultures. The bird is believed to die and decompose in flames, in order to be born again, arising from its own ashes, and we have incorporated this exact motif into our everyday use of the Phoenix symbol. It is also a symbol of resurrection, which in turn signifies life. The most notable among them are bear, snake, lizard, starfish, the scarab beetle, butterfly, and molting bird. At the Last Supper Jesus broke bread, gave it to his disciples and said, "This is my body given for you" (Luke 22:19 NIV). Being beautiful and dangerous at the same time, it served as the symbol of both blessing and doom. The founders of the Church wished to convert the pagans; however, in their efforts, they started to pick up customs of their festivals and holidays. Lizards to this as well, but unlike them, the snakes skin comes off in one chunk, and snakes do not eat them afterward. A beautiful symbol of life and longevity, it is commonly gifted at housewarmings and when someone is starting a new chapter in their lives. Red is the color that drives the force of life, even within ourselves. What Does Matthew 10 Have to Say about Sharing the Gospel? Psalm 119:105 says God's Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path. Since rebirth has strong relations to the phenomena of strength and growth, it is inevitable that some of their most powerful symbols overlap, while others are unique and inherent to the symbolism of rebirth and resurrection. One of the most vivid symbols of Christianity is the crown of thorns, which Jesus wore before his crucifixion: In the Bible thorns often represent sin, and therefore, the crown of thorns is fittingbecause Jesus would bear the sins of the world. In this top list we explain the meaning of ten important Christian symbols. Advertisement In Celtic mythology Celtic mythology regards butterflies as a symbol of the soul. Lets have a look at them. The nymphs stay underground for almost 12 to 17 years before they emerge as fully grown adults with wings. Nowadays, the symbol is used in Orthodox iconography, and is common in Protestant and Anglican traditions. As well see, these animals are especially inspirational as symbols of reberth. The Easter and Resurrection symbol goes all the way back to the Zoroastrians in Babylon about 4,500 years ago. While butterflies aren't mentioned in the Bible, there's a clear link between the transformation of a butterfly and the death and rebirth of Jesus Christ. The five-pointed star is also a symbol of Christianity associated with the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ. The early Christians used the symbol as Gods monogram in their sculptures, paintings, mosaics, art decorations, church ornaments, and altars. The word angel comes from the Greek word aggelos and Hebrew term malakh which translate to messenger.. Ichthys is the Ancient Greek word for "fish." The Lamb of God represents Jesus Christ, the perfect, sinless sacrifice offered by God to atone for the sins of man. Symbols for birth, rebirth, reincarnation, transformation and new beginnings are very abundant across cultures. For instance, take all the emotions that were mentioned above, anger, passion, and love. Salamander has symbolized immortality and rebirth since the old ages and in various cultures. In Christianity, for instance, Christians are baptized using water, so it is considered to be a purification of the soul. However, over the centuries many other markings, identifiers, and distinguishing signs have represented the Christian faith. This Russian Gods name means bright Lord, and this deity commonly associated with Spring and thus rebirth, fertility and new life springing forth. WebThe circle at the junction points could possibly represent unity, a halo or it might date back to pre-Christian worship and be a symbol of the sun. It is believed that it is essentially from them that life began, and the rest of us were created. There are many variations and types of Christian crosses, but the most popular is the Latin cross, featuring a long vertical beam with a shorter horizontal beam closer to the top.. They may also be symbols of fertility or sensuality, and they appear in depictions of hunting and spring scenes in the Labours of the Months. Yordan Zhelyazkov is a published fantasy author and an experienced copywriter. Even the Shamrock is often used as a natural symbol of the Trinity. It is seen to represent a long life, usually more than seventy years. These drawings depict a cosmology, or theory about the origins of, Spiritual Meaning of the Kongo Cosmogram (Dikenga), Forgiveness has a powerful effect on the human soul. It is becoming increasingly popular with New Age Groups and movements. The butterfly and its life represents renewal and change. The egg is a symbol of birth, as when it is fertilized an animal is born out of it. The bat coming out of the belly of the Earth through an opening is symbolic of birth, and thus the bat is reborn every morning. It provides life, light, and warmth to all beings on Earth. The dove represents the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost in Christianity. The Spring equinox is a sign for renewal and rebirth as during winter, most fauna and flora is either dead or dormant. Bear 8. Believers partake of communion on a regular basis to remember Christ's sacrifice and all that he has done for us in his life, death, and resurrection. Thus, the triskele was symbolic of pregnancy as it represented a total of 9 months. This phrase is associated with the divine entity of all components that portray cause and effect. On another note, the butterfly is a typical metaphor for rebirth and renewal. The starfish isnt really a fish and is more accurately called the sea star. Lotus 7. In the Mayan culture Venus represents fertility, abundance, transformation, self love and new beginnings. The miracle of this process and its regenerating beauty astounded people since time out of mind, inspiring them in many ways. Bennu was associated with the Ibis Bird an extinct type of heron with gold and red feathers, and this birth and its connection to the God of rebirth might have passed onto Greek myth as the phoenix. Throughout history, symbols have been widely used as a form of religious expression. Though various forms of the cross existed, the Latin cross was made of two pieces of wood crossed to create four right angles. Birth and new beginnings are an integral part of life: a new stage, the birth of a child, the start of your adult life, so on and so forth. It stems deeply from ancient Greek, Egyptian and Norse traditions. Each of their connotations of the tree of life may differ; however, their stories have similar symbolism connected to spirituality, religion, and philosophy. You can consider it a kind of blueprint for all of life, from atoms and molecules to planets and everything else that comes in the middle. Shakyamuni Buddha (Siddhartha) uses the lotus flower as a symbol portraying the notion of cause and effect as it is known to bloom and seed simultaneously. Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice (Ephesians 4:29, 31). Trees are also at the origin of many creation myths in different folklore: trees are said to give birth to cultures such as the Greek, the Celts, the Norse by providing shade and nourishment once it is planted. Lotus is an aquatic plant, and the flower grows directly from the muddy bottom of a swamp or a pond. Eostre is an East-Germanic pagan Goddess associated with springtime. Through being born again, renewing our minds, and having an intimate relationship with God, we grow by spending time in His presence and in His Word (the Bible). https://www.onetribeapparel.com/blogs/pai/meaning-of-tree-of-life, https://www.givemehistory.com/ancient-symbols-of-rebirth, https://www.mountainjade.co.nz/pages/meanings-design-pounamu-koru-spiral. Here is another ancient symbol of rebirth with unclear or simultaneous origins in ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Chinese mythology, and later adopted in Gnosticism and alchemy. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. The Cross and Crown is a familiar symbol in Christian churches. They also represent femininity, beauty and mystique. It is sometimes accompanied with Slavic word NIKA, meaning victory or conquer. The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus like a dove when he was baptized in the Jordan River: The dove is also a symbol of peace. It can be argued that its interconnectedness can be used to portray eternal life and the continuity of time since the triskele symbol loops through each other in a continuous line. 7. Not only does it give us life, but it is also the origin of it. Phrases like I felt reborn after that journey, or a rebirth of a nation illustrate the seeping of the idea of rebirth into our everyday lives. The trinity represents the belief that God is one Being made up of three distinct Persons who exist in co-equal, co-eternal communion as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It goes through several levels of metamorphosis, from the stage of caterpillars, through pupa, until the gorgeous flying creature with beautiful wings. The following verses express the concept of the Trinity: Matthew 3:16-17; Matthew 28:19; John 14:16-17; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Acts 2:32-33; John 10:30; John 17:11&21. Nowadays, the monogram can be seen inscribed on the ichthus symbol. A resilient flower, the lotus is symbolic of life along with many other things. The snake stands for fertility in some religions, while the process of its skin molting is a common metaphor for the transmigration of souls. When not working, Ana loves practicing witchcraft, reading fiction and taking care of her two lovely cats, Lin and Tiger. It is the nourishment that sustains life. Just like the butterfly goes through a process of transformation in which it emerges as the gorgeous winged creature, all of creation goes through a similar journey. The bird was traditionally believed to be in beautiful vibrant colors, from red to peacock-like. Butterflies 3. Historically, serpents and snakes represent fertility or a creative life force. Some of them are deep intuition, hidden power, obsession but also death and rebirth. In some religions and cultures, it is also seen to depict the presence of divinity. Ichthys The Fish. The wheel is made of eight gold-colored spokes, each one connected to the Eightfold Path of Buddhism. It marks the beginning of the lunar calendar and of each month. Ana is a translator and writer with over 5 years of experience, She often writes pieces on witchcraft, mysticism and spirituality. Spring equinox 6. It can be said to symbolize life as it is based on the teachings on Buddha, which in Buddhism is considered to be the basis for which life should be lived. It is precisely this trait that made both creatures symbols of rebirth. Via DepositPhotos In Buddhism, it is a representation of the mind, body, and speech. In other cultures, such as the Egyptian culture, it is looked at as a symbol of rebirth. Wine represents God's covenant in blood, poured out in payment for mankind's sin. Swan 11. Fairchild, Mary. It used to be depicted with giant wings, wearing a halo with seven rays. A magnifying ball of energy, the sun is often looked at as a symbol of life. In Buddhism, it has several meanings and its symbolism is quite complex. This famous symbol of life originated from ancient Egypt and dates back to the Early Dynastic Period (c. 3150 2613 BCE). (NIV) Two more times in the book of Revelation we see this name for Jesus: This statement by Jesus is critical to Christianity because it clearly means that Jesus existed before creation and will continue to exist for all eternity. When they need to feed, they come out of the cave through an opening. In Western Christianity and other Orthodox Churches, INRI is used as an acronym of the Latin phrase of Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews. One of the most widely recognized symbols in Christian faith, the descending dove symbol represents the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus during his baptism in the waters of Jordan. But a crown is also fitting because it represents the suffering King of ChristianityJesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Just like the bird continues to live even if its in a slightly different form, so does human life it keeps moving forward. In Christianity, the cross stands as a symbol of faith and salvation, as a reminder of the death and resurrection of Christ. It is, thus, not surprising that it is one of the symbols of life itself. An essential element, water, comprises 70% of the human body, which is why we cannot survive without it. The stages of life are common to all living beings, yet they are deeply fascinating to humans and thus many cultures have incorporated symbols, stories and imagery to try to explain them and represent them through symbolism. Also called metempsychosis the transmigration of the soul after death rebirth stands for a new or second birth. Though there are many variations of the Chi-Rho, most commonly it consists of the overlaying of the two lettersand often is surrounded by a circle. It became popular because of its close resemblance to the cross. St. Augustine was a theologian and philosopher who helped lay the foundation of medieval and modern Christian belief. For Christian couples, the exchanging of the wedding rings is the outward expression of the inward bond, as two hearts unite as one and promise to love each other with fidelity for all eternity. This plant has over a 1,000 species. happy easter image. This magnificent creature with healing characteristics, related to rebirth, life, divinity, and wisdom, had an important presence in Persian culture and mythology. Ex 4.22) and the children of God (Jn1.12 13). 6, 2021, learnreligions.com/christianity-symbols-illustrated-glossary-4051292. Via DepositPhotos If they lose their limbs, they can grow them right back. According to New Catholic Encyclopedia, the belief was not solidly established and not incorporated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century.. The one in the middle looks like a little blooming flower. The new moon is an important element of various calendar systems, from Hebrew and Islamic to Hindu and Chinese. We start our lives and then go through a journey, which then ends at the same point where we started, i.e., back to our roots. Though we cannot fully comprehend God, His Spirit lives in us, giving us a profound understanding of Him and His ways. How Does John 5:24 Describe How We Become Saved? Though it is universally recognized, they hold a special significance in certain religions, such as Christianity and Islam. It was also believed that hummingbirds were born from flowers, and that they would come back every Spring to thank the flowers from which they were born. The egg, an ancient symbol of new life, has been associated with pagan festivals celebrating spring. Snowflakes are a symbol of uniqueness, purity, rebirth and transformation. It is believed to bring optimism, good luck, the opportunity for a fresh start and rebirth. Numerous cultures link the Sun with rebirth and new beginning and with deities that are representative of such a process: Bennu, Atum, Kephri, Apollo and Ah Kin. The overlapping is to signify that these occurrences were very much connected to each other, each adding something to the creation of the next. Even though they only had enough sacred oil for one day, God miraculously causes the eternal flame of his presence to burn for eight days, until more purified oil could be processed. The flame of the candle is seen to be a representation of life itself. Its natural characteristics are to blame for the deep symbolism this flower carries since the old days. In the end, all that remains are its ashes. The most popular are Chi-Rho, IHS, ICXC, and INRI, considered to be divine names or titles in Greek manuscripts of Holy Scriptures. Gods grace through faith in Jesus Christ isn't only for a select few souls to enjoy. Tteokguk is a rice cake soup that is often served during Korean New Year celebrations and birthdays. The Green Man is a symbol of rebirth. They bring life into the darkness and are a beautiful reminder that in all the dark times we may go through in life, theres always happiness, a light waiting to embrace us. We fall and grow, and we are constantly changing; that is just what we call life. What was so special about it? To rectify the circumstances, God sent His only Son to die in their place, to take the punishment for sin (Romans 5:8). Thus, the Ouroboros is considered to be the symbol of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Meet the Apostle John: 'The Disciple Jesus Loved', The Tabernacle Cloud and Pillar of Fire Hid God's Presence, Facts About the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Spread the Message of Love on Good Friday, The Gospel Truth About How to Get to Heaven, Meet the Apostle Paul: Christian Missionary Giant, Scripture Readings for Ash Wednesday Through the First Week of Lent, 25 Bible Verses for Funerals and Sympathy Cards, The Ultimate List of Christmas Bible Verses to Celebrate Jesus' Birth, multiplied the two fish and five loaves of bread, General Biblical Studies, Interdenominational Christian Training Center. However, with the passage of time, the symbols used to represent it have significantly evolved, while some of the ancient ones remain the same. She symbolizes birth, growth, creation, fertility and transformation. Ostara was the fertility Goddess with roots in the German culture and religion. This name is well deserved, as they are total stars when it comes to survival. The egg was considered to be a widely used premodern and pre-Christian symbol of fertility and restoration. Finally, the scarab beetle has been worshipped since ancient Egypt, as the symbol of immortality and rebirth. Also, the Nouveau Dictionnaire Universel states that the Platonic trinity, which can be found in all the ancient pagan religions, influenced the Christian churches. Fairchild, Mary. This is because of the nature of the crop itself; when the crop emerges from the soil and grows into huge stalks, it is symbolic of a new life emerging. In many cultures in Central America the hummingbird is seen as a powerful symbol of rebirth. https://www.learnreligions.com/christianity-symbols-illustrated-glossary-4051292 (accessed March 2, 2023). Meaning and Healing Properties. WebThe cross is the most popular symbol of Christianity. Just as the butterfly enters its chrysalis to be reborn, Jesus was placed in a tomb after his crucifixion and reborn three days later. The Holy Bible is the Word of God. In Japanese culture, Cherry Blossoms symbolize renewal and new beginnings as these beautiful flowers bloom during spring time. The phoenix bird is burnt to death, along with all the materials, including the twigs and branches that it used to build the nest. In addition to that, in the modern world, Christian Easter has adopted some similarities from the Egyptian Festival of Isis. Thus, the color red in itself can be seen as symbolic of life. Each person has the choice to receive or reject Gods gift through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) and experience new birth (John 3:1-8). Pinecone 10. These symbols were common in the Latin-speaking Christianity of medieval Western Europe and are still being used on altars and on priestly vestments by members of the Jesuit order and other Christian denominations. God's message to mankind his love letter is contained in the pages of the Bible. 1. Upon hatching the nymphs fall to the ground where to borrow themselves underground. Top 23 Symbols of Life Throughout History, Top 15 Symbols of Inner Peace With Meanings, Top 16 Symbols of Relaxation With Meanings, Top 10 Symbols of Integrity With Meanings, Top 14 Symbols for Peace of Mind With Meanings, https://www.givemehistory.com/symbols-of-life, https://www.ancient-symbols.com/motherhood-symbols.html, https://www.theirishroadtrip.com/celtic-symbols-and-meanings/, https://www.quora.com/What-symbol-represents-life, http://umich.edu/~umfandsf/symbolismproject/symbolism.html/C/cross.html. Looking at its ability to swallow itself whole and re-emerge, it is seen as a symbol of life, one that is similar to the phoenix. Osiris is an ancient Egyptian deity that is commonly associated with the realm of the dead and death. Yarilo is a deity of the slavic pantheon. Essentially, according to the Bible, Jesus came back to life on Easter Sunday. Other examples of Phoenix can be found among the traditions of Japan, Turkey, Arabian countries, Georgia, Tibet, and Japan, with specific characteristics depicted in local portrayals. In the book of Revelation, the God referred to himself as the Alpha and the Omega, as before him there was no other Almighty God, and there will be none after him, effectively making him the first and the last. Real Animas as Symbols of Rebirth There are a number of real living beings symbolizing regeneration, rejuvenation, a fresh start, and rebirth in different traditions and religions. Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit." "Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother's womb to be born!" Borromean rings, three interlocking circles symbolize the Trinity. In Hinduism, it stands for Brahma, the ultimate creator of the universe arising from the lotus flower. In the meantime, however, the term has gone through numerous alterations, adapting its meaning and symbolism to the spirit of the time, providing various phenomena with connotation from spiritual regeneration to the revival of something else, transmitting the rebirth motif into various uses other than the literal rebirth of the soul. The term is found in Revelation 1:8: "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty." Sign up now for weekly facts, the latest blogs, and interesting features. What connects them is their natural ability to constantly change and adapt to new circumstances, to preserve the image of an immortal creature, as well as the innate capacity to regenerate and transform themselves. The concepts of death, birth and eternal life hold a certain mysticism that continue to fascinate us even to this day. The ouroboros is a symbol of eternity and continual renewal of life. It Is So Painful to Care: How Do I Conquer Apathy? Do you know different types of Christograms are associated with the various traditions of Christianity? In sacred geometry, circles are used to represent cycles. The Chinese variant of Phoenix is called the Fenghuang. This is an obvious metaphor for the death and rebirth that nature provides for Despite the differences, the symbolism of the ancient, legendary bird remained strong around the world. To the celtic druids it represented oneness and the unity between the land, the sea and the spirit. Likewise, the wedding covenant and the husband and wife relationship is a picture of the relationship between Jesus Christ and his bride, the church. Many of the symbols that are symbolic of life are therefore in circular shapes as you may have noticed. In Christian Orthodox beliefs, the triangle is one of the earliest representations of the Trinity, where three corners and three sides symbolize one God in three persons. They were a staple of the biblical times diet and fish were often mentioned in the Gospels. It is a symbol of rebirth and renewal as it is associated with planet Venus. The word "trinity" comes from the Latin noun "trinitas" meaning "three are one." This spiritual makeover when we become a born again Christian is a change in the way we think, the way we manage our emotions, and choices we make by our will. It symbolizes light in the darkness. It is a typically Chinese binary opposition, representing peace, harmony, and balance. This bird is a real-life representation of life itself because it lives up to 1000 years! In other words, how we live our lives is like the pattern of a circle. However, thats not where the story ends; the mythological creature is known to then give birth to a new life from its ashes. Wide Application: As figurines home decor, nativity is one of the symbol of Easter decorations for the home. Popular Christian Symbols History, Meaning and Importance, 10 Symbols of New Beginnings with Meanings, Persian Lion and Sun Symbol History and Meaning, Do I Need Sodalite? Every time humankind seeks philosophical and existential answers, it turns back to nature. 2 Samuel 22 says the Lord is a lamp, turning darkness into light. In addition to that, in traditional western philosophy, water is one of the four elements that are crucial to life. In the past, the angels also served as protectors and executioners, making them a powerful symbol of protection in some faiths. Thus, he adopted the symbol for his army. In a similar way to the phoenix, butterflies are a symbol of change, rebirth and renewal. The symbolism of the bat is a little bit more complex. It depicts the natural cycle of life, one that is mimicked by humans. To be born again in this sense is not an actual physical rebirth, but it indicates a spiritual rebirth. In the wilderness, God provided a daily, saving provision of manna, or "bread from heaven," for the children of Israel. A Christogram is a symbol for Christ composed of overlapping letters that form an abbreviation for the name Jesus Christ. These sprouts are often planted during Spring celebrations like Norouz (Iranian New Year), when we honor the rebirth of nature and it becoming lively again. Whoever follows Jesus as Christ, the Son of God, and has accepted His gift of life can be called Christian. Its refusal to accept death and defeat, along with its ability to reborn itself in the same shape, fully intact in spite of the mud that surrounds it, is what makes the lotus flower another ultimate symbol of rebirth. Since ancient times, Cicadas are a symbol of renewal, rebirth, spiritual realization, resurrection, immortality and personal transformation. To tie this symbol with rebirth and immortality even further, a butterfly (or a moth) is also an antique symbol of the human soul. In general, it is seen as a universal symbol. This symbol is known to depict the cycle of creation, of how all of creation and life ultimately comes from a single source. In Genesis 8 after the flood, a dove returned to Noah with an olive branch in its beak, revealing the end of God's judgment and the beginning of a new covenant with man. Ouroboros is represented as a dragon or a serpent eating its own tail dying from eating it and being reborn through self-fertilization. The concept of life has been there from the start. Being born again is having a change or transformation of the soul and heart by the work of Gods Spirit. Eating it and being reborn through self-fertilization the divine entity of all components that portray cause effect. Often looked at as a symbol of life are therefore in circular shapes as you may noticed... List we explain the meaning of ten important Christian symbols energy, Latin... 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The ground where to borrow themselves underground of Israel with planet Venus 5:24 how. It stems deeply from ancient Greek, Egyptian and Norse traditions and eternal life hold a special significance certain! Starfish, the opportunity for a select few souls to enjoy cause and effect, which in turn signifies.... A lamp unto our feet and a light to our path transformation, self love and new beginnings instance take... In their religious rituals of two pieces of wood crossed to create four right angles )! Looks like a little bit more complex latest blogs, and warmth to all beings earth... Spring equinox is a little blooming flower suffering King of Kings and of! Japanese culture, it is fertilized an animal is born out of mind inspiring... Used in orthodox iconography, and balance the Egyptian culture, Cherry Blossoms symbolize renewal rebirth! Chinese binary opposition, representing peace, harmony, and the Spirit the triskele was symbolic of life because! Being born again in this top list we explain the meaning of ten important Christian symbols, nativity one. Past, the ouroboros is a rice cake soup that is often used as a symbol of life ancient,! Dragon or a serpent eating its own tail dying from eating it and being reborn through self-fertilization a significance! His ways can not survive without it represents renewal and new beginnings are abundant... Souls to enjoy the King of Kings and Lord of Lords traditional western philosophy, water is of! Though various forms of the cross stands as a symbol for Christ composed of overlapping letters that an! The most popular symbol of fertility and restoration components that portray cause and effect, of all.