Of all the toughest zodiac signs, the Leo sign is the strongest on our list, both emotionally and mentally. It takes place from June 21 through July 22. "Leo has a way of making you feel guilty about not letting them have their way. Even in friendships, they never disappoint. There is another negative feature of many Arieses indulging and excusing their weaknesses. This makes their personality super infectious without being threatening. The inevitable distance between two people in love, the restless neediness of love. all about love and couple relationships in their varied forms. Its been said that Scorpio Rising generates fear in others. It might also be that these certain sorts of people manipulate or steamroll you and take your power for themselves. We neither. However, if someone hurts them, these men have hard shells and sharp pincers to protect themselves. They are very objective in their analysis and have a great way of balancing their emotions through their logic and ideologies. They have the ability to be mentally strong and rational which is a great quality. Friend matches for Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 . If you are down and want someone who will actually hear you out and know exactly what to say, call a Cancerian. For some, it is the ability to endure, while, for some, it is the ability to control others. However, in the majority of cases, we seek something positive to be predicted by the stars, leaving out the fact that criminals and murderers can also be revealed according to their zodiac signs. Go-getters who mean business, Aries are absolute magicians at negotiation, dynamism, and creation. Apparently, U.S.A. wants presidents to appear attractive, dependable and smart, in that order. They know how to invest their energy into big things and make most of the opportunities. They know how to use people and get information from them. Aquarians are . Earth signs are considered conservative, realistic, and "down-to-earth." Patience is what gets them ahead in life, because they understand the importance of building up personal or professional goals over . Click, urrently making web more entertaining place. However, Scorpios greatest superpower is that they can always transform and regenerate themselves. . Be it their career or love, what makes them truly excel is their ability to think deeply, analyze rationally and follow through with their ideologies. They do not take any nonsense from anyone and usually hold grudges for a long time. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. In this post, we have discussed the zodiac signs that are astrologically considered the most powerful. So, now you know how you can figure out if you are powerful or not. zodiac sign that has the most power over you. Life is cyclical, and any cycle can be represented by a single digit number from 1 to 9. They are stubborn, determined and tenacious and really dont take no for an answer. It can be really difficult to go up against someone who insists on being in charge and can't ever admit when they're not right, so sometimes it's easier to give up some of your power than continue to battle. VERY ACCURATE, Wow, now I wonder how the other 11 signs dare to exist. Neither one will pull each other out of their treasured comfort zones. Aries. To help you better understand how the element of power plays out in different signs, we have curated a rundown on the most powerful zodiac signs. Copyright 2022 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.For reprint rights: You are now subscribed to the lifestyle Newsletter, These are the 3 most powerful and charismatic zodiac signs, according to astrology. Here are four different tallies of U.S. Presidents zodiac signs. They like a lot of orderliness as well. They do their best to build careers, relationships, and lifestyles that are stable and supportive of their autonomy. Zodiac Signs Characteristics and Personality Traits, Powerful Effects of Destiny number in your life, The Most Powerful Zodiac Sign According to Astrology, The Most Essential Five Tarot Card Readings For Better Life, Born on The Cusp Know What is Your Zodiac Sign, 8 Remedies to remove Vastu Dosh from office, Know Your Perfect Partner As Per Your Zodiac. They are patient and hardworking and will guide others till they can bring out the best in them. These people are tough to break and can never give up easily, Here are 4 zodiac signs who are strong-headed emotionally. Cancer is the most prevalent midheaven sign among U.S. presidents. 2023, HORO.io - horoscope for today, tomorrow, week. Moreover, they are extremely dedicated and driven and there is no stopping them once they set their eyes onto something. Will is generated with every act: refusal of sweets or the decision to lose weight, or the manifestation of patience instead of rage and irritation. The zodiac signs are an interesting way to categorize individuals based on their date of birth. Amazing friends, colleagues, and partners, Taureans value honesty above all else and are proud that their personal relationships tend to be drama free. Our temperament and assertiveness are definitely among them. The grand total winner for the most prevalent sign among U.S. Presidents is Taurus. "A Leo could think this is a match made in heaven, not realizing Sagittarius is just having a quick flirt & keeping it surface (a frequent modus operandi) leaving Leo stuck with an experience theyre trying to process. This also makes them very strong individuals. They do not pay attention to any circumstances and the opinions of others. The influence of Pluto can result in the Scorpio being magnetized towards danger or even self-destruction. So with this list of strongest zodiac signs, we hope you get a better idea of what exactly each sign brings to the table and how they are all unique in their own ways. Meanwhile, other zodiac signs may do so by ensuring theyre financially self-reliant, embracing unconventional ways of thinking, or simply getting comfortable spending time alone. "Aries, I feel, would be able to exert the most power over Libra," Kerr Wright says. What makes Aries so strong is that historically, they keep putting themselves in hot water and so through survival methods, they've become one of the strongest signs, mentally. Leos, Aries and Capricorn are seen as power signs. They are usually great at expressing love for their partner. Least Powerful To Most Powerful Signs Ranked, 7. Horoscope - Free Daily, Weekly & Monthly Foresight | ZodiacSign.com Horoscope Aquarius January 20 - February 18 Pisces February 19 - March 20 Aries March 21 - April 19 Taurus April 20 - May 20 Gemini May 21 - June 20 Cancer June 21 - July 22 Leo July 23 - August 22 Virgo August 23 - September 22 Libra September 23 - October 22 Scorpio Scorpio is the 8th zodiac sign; itrepresents a powerful mind and transformation. Here are the top 5 most strongest and powerful zodiac signs and their unique strengths, According to Knowinsiders Astrologers Selection! Their amiable skills and desire to stay in the spotlight make them social butterflies. Aries (March 21 - April 19) What makes Aries so strong is that historically, they keep putting themselves in hot water and so through survival methods, they've become one of the strongest. What makes Aries the most powerful zodiac sign in its own way, is its ability to handle a large number of people with authority. We celebrate the happy, imperfect love without judgment or bias, and strive to help people love more mindfully by viewing their relationship patterns from the lens of mental health and psychology. "Both of those Mars-ruled signs have the ability to insist on being right and in charge and Virgo is fine being in the background, but only for so long. Apparently, America wants a leader who can be in control of him/herself more than an Aries is comfortable with. Mental and emotional strength ismade up of a mix of traits like tough self-love, optimism and resilience, which some zodiac signs tend to master more than others. The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On March 1, 2023. Enneagram Eights are certainly the type to rise to a challenge and they are highly ambitious. Capricorn. They have an innate ability to make others self-reliant as well as optimize their abilities for their benefit to get the work done. Everything important has a different facet and trust a Capricorn to prepare for all facets of life. These are extremely stubborn people as well; it is useless to argue with them. However, they often use people for their own purposes. When analyzed by that measure, there is indeed a most powerful zodiac sign at the very bottom of this list. They deserve the tag of game-changing plans and ideas. Strong-willed personalities are also born under spineless signs of the Zodiac this happens less often than with other signs, but if the stars give Cancer or Taurus their strength, they will do so in excess. Some Gemini people need all their life to gain willpower. Smart, ambitious, and trustworthy, Taurus is the anchor of the Zodiac. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. The t-value is 3.76477. Libra rising has the charm and grace that makes it easy for them to win elections. So, this first tally counts just the midheaven sign of the presidents. Power has various meanings. The lion of the jungle and the zodiac universe is the indisputable king when it comes influencing their peers and even people in general. "Pisces and Scorpio are an ideal match," she explains. Survivalist songstress Selena Gomez, born July 22, 1992 is a tender . Astrologically, Taurus natives are full of Bull energy which allows them to face any hardships without any problem. Moreover, Scorpios are very manipulative. They are always there, at any given hour, in any given situation. It is just not what the American people have voted for in a President. They need a constant recharge just like fire does. Being the first sign of the zodiac, Aries always desires to be on the top. 1. You are a calm and controlled personality and, your action is always rewarding and worth appreciation. These willful trailblazers are always ready to take action and make passionate moves, and their unfettered sense of independence cant be restrained or hampered. They are not afraid of showing their emotions, and they cope incredibly well with roles that other men fail in, such as parenting or romance. The result is significant at p < .01. Virgo is the most powerful zodiac sign? sign definitely influences a career as public as the presidency. You get it by being a badass Taurus with a bone to pick. . And they will make sure that everyone knows that about them. Representatives of these powerful signs are distinguished by their activity, creative abilities and indomitable energy that make the Zodiac signs moving all the time. The mighty Taurus is undoubtedly one of the most powerful and dominating signs of the zodiac. Sometimes, if you find someone particularly interesting, captivating, or attractive, you might think it's worth it to give up some of your power to the other person if you think it'll help set up the foundation for a relationship with the person, or help get to know them better. RELATED:The Best And Worst Cancer Personality Traits. Sagittarians are constantly challenging their own and others beliefs, expanding their horizons, and fearlessly charging into new territory so they refuse to be pinned down or held back by anything that puts a damper on their wild sides. Sagittarius people have a strong personality. Most commonly, power is seen as the ability to exercise influence over others, either through domination or intimidation. The Aries strength for fearless risk-taking can make them one of the most successful entrepreneurs or business types. Which fire sign had the lowest average? What Are Your Most Valuable Zodiac Sign Traits? Now, this doesnt make them powerful, then what else can be. RELATED:20 Best & Worst Traits Of The Sagittarius Zodiac Sign. Why are Libra, Taurus, and Virgo most prevalent among presidential rising signs? Scorpio is always ready for a party; they love being in the center of attention, making everyone laugh. Aquarius is the sign associated with friendships and community, so they have a natural understanding of the importance of working together and being part of the collective. The ascendant and the Mid Heavens are interacting and the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the greatest number of presidents makes it more significant as the US is a cancer country with its birthday on July 4th. Aquarius (Practical intelligence and analytical capabilities) Aquarius, the king of practical intelligence. They are admirable people to have on your side, and they are loyal (Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio). It might be that you're so attracted to something about them or their personality that you give that power away. So, in essence, they are more than capable of functioning alone or in isolation which makes them really powerful leaders. Yes, they love the spotlight, but the raw deal is that to be under the spotlight, you have to have mental stamina in order to deliver something worthwhile and they always deliver! Eventually with either of these signs Virgo might be inclined to acquiesce to their need to be first and be right.". So then what is the strongest zodiac sign? But what else is their most powerful zodiac sign element which makes them this way? At the simplest level, zodiac signs are compared by Sun signs. Scorpios energy emanates throughout the room, and life is never boring with them. 1. They are short-tempered and arrogant. These diligent people are born to care and nurture, and that is why these are called the people born with innate strength and power. Besides, Leos are one of the most badass zodiac signs. Nobody can turn the tables around as Scorpios can. Scorpio Rising people appear to be hiding something even when they are not. If they feel their life is not in order, theyre susceptible to experiencing a lot of anxiety. However, for the most independent signs of the zodiac, having autonomy is even more important. The grand total winner for the most prevalent sign among U.S. Presidents is Taurus. So, to counter the effect of the entire world just assuming their frail basket cases, they have honed their "mentals" into one big statement of mental strength. The patron of this sign is Jupiter, the planet of generosity and creativity. Nah. People born in this zodiac have extraordinary power to control their emotions and actions in the time of difficulty. Another impressive quality is the conviction and clarity in their thought process. "When a Gemini comes into the picture Aquarius usually gets both from Gemini, and Aquarius may sacrifice some of their personal power to try to get closer.". You might just have an Aries on your hands! *See the bottom of this page to see which presidents are excluded from each tally. Well, Cancers are famous for a few things. Sagittarius often suffers from excessive egoism trying to be in the spotlight. They are always active, while their hearts are filled with warm light and fire, which attracts others. Let us start with the element- Fire. Continue reading if you want to find out which are the most powerful and courageous signs of the zodiac that are born with leadership skills. Here is the url of my website: I also examined the significance of the Mid Heaven and again used the signs of the moon as a control and the result was very significant as well. The women of this zodiac are also one of the fiercest, known for their tenacity and guts. Here, you can get free horoscope, free daily tarot reading, information about Zodiac Signs and Compatibility under one roof. For a public figure who is seen mostly on TV or video rather than in person, the midheaven sign will be the most noticeable, even more so than the rising sign. Scientific aspects of the art of personal numerology help us more fully realize our place in the past, present and future life. If there's a way to make something happen, Capricorn will get it done. If you need help, nothing is impossible for a Scorpio. Even if your zodiac sign doesnt rank in the list, you may still explore the post and know what makes them powerful and what are the traits that you need to develop in yourself. Leo's patron planet is the Sun. The p-value is .000765. Share. Have you ever crossed paths with someone and instantly felt intimidated, awed, or influenced by their very presence? Fire signs ranked the lowest among the combined tallies. This takes talent, and Scorpio is one helluva talented sign. These people are very pragmatic with their approach and prefer thinking before taking any action. Feeling stressed and in need of some comfort? For more science and to see how I do the research go to my website: Your email address will not be published. But to enjoy pain, well it takes mental stamina and ability the ability to bypass human feeling and really get into the inhuman nature of simply being mean and harsh to others. Scorpios are some of the most faithful and trustworthy friends or partners you will come across. Belonging to the strongest Zodiac signs, Leos like the explosive music of revolutions and wars they may cause. They will be whatever you need them to be in times of distress and will know exactly how to get you out of that melancholic mood. Water: Responsiveness and . Earth, water, and air signs are pretty well represented in all of these tallies. It gives Scorpio the ability to get through any difficult life period, no matter how difficult it seems. He is hardy and self-motivated but not always ready to fight even for his happiness, and there is nothing to do with the problems of other Taurus. Check! Libra and Virgo both have a tendency to submit to others, or at least, appear to submit. Weekly Love Horoscopes 26th February 2023 to 4th March 2023, Capricorn Man And Sagittarius Woman: Relationship Compatibility, Pisces Compatibility In Love With Other Zodiac Signs Ranked From Best To Worst, Taurus Man And Virgo Woman Compatibility In Relationships, Top 10 Most To Least Mysterious Zodiac Signs Ranked, Your True Zodiac Spirit Animal Find Out Here, Which Sign Is The Best (And Worst) Match For An Aquarian Woman Top 5 And Bottom 5 Ranked, 15 Things To Know When Dating A Taurus Woman, 8 Most Compatible Zodiac Sign Pairs According To Astrology, 18 Sure-Shot Signs An Aquarius Man Is In Love, Sagittarius And Sagittarius Compatibility Love, Marriage, Sex, And Problem Areas, Which Sign Is The Best And Worst Match For An Aries Woman, How Does A Leo Man Test A Woman 13 Peculiar Ways, 21 Definite Signs A Cancer Man Is Serious About You, How Does A Cancer Man Test You And What You Should Do. Taurus is the most faint-hearted representative of Earth. Intense, exciting Scorpio tends to have the most power over Pisces. Beyond all doubts, Capricorn is one of the most resourceful sign of the zodiac. "Cancer lives for plumbing emotional landscapes and they enjoy time with other signs that can go deep with them," Jaye says. Thats why Virgo is also the strongest female zodiac sign. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. Easy Way To Understand The Basics of Tarot Cards, Gemstone You Should Wear According to Your Zodiac Sign, Know Your Lucky Number As Per Your Zodiac, Effect Of September Equinox On All Zodiac Signs, Understanding The Master Numbers in Numerology. Not even one U.S. president has had Scorpio rising. The best fuel for Leo is praise and worship. Scorpios are considered to be some of the most powerful signs of the zodiac. Sun Signs and Elements Sun signs are the 12 most popular zodiac signs; they are divided by the following elements: Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) Earth (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) Air (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra) If you know your zodiac sign birthday, you know what zodiac sign rules your life. The ruling planet of Scorpio is Pluto, giving a certain mystical charm and secrecy to them. Louis Liotta. First, it may be that U.S.A. does not want a sexy president. The sun sign has a very strong command over their language and has a larger than life presence. The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Also, look at the tally by elements and qualities. "Polar opposites are drawn to each other like magnets because they complete the spectrum of strength their sign represents. Five most competitive zodiac signs 1. And what better than a zodiac sign who truly uplifts others? In relationships, they give one-hundred percent, and they never stop pouring love. When people think of the most powerful zodiac signs, Sagittarius is hardly ever counted as being one among them. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. The most powerful zodiac sign indeed, Leos are visionaries, and their ambition and drive pave the way for them to achieve it all. While each sun sign has its own forte and strength, there are certain star signs which have an innate ability to stun people around them with their wit, charm and personality. They have good control over their emotions and they rarely show the ugly side. So babies born that year are Fire Oxes. Their dedication to a cause or an idea is rarely compared to any other. If you prefer instead, see a table of the zodiac signs of all the U.S. Here is the list of the 5 most powerful zodiac signs that are blessed with intrinsic traits to overcome all the obstacles physically or emotionally. As an Enneagram Eight, Zoey Pierson is assertive, direct, and self-confident. They take the plunge when others would back off and go the extra mile when others would quit. Cancer. They are known for their positivity and reliability, which is very common among earth signs. Cancer males are always a bunch of inconsistencies they are very caring, soft, charitable, and emotional at first sight. They exhibit a domineering appearance and are never scared of showing their valor and exuberance. 2. Top 4 Zodiac Signs with Hidden Power and Unrealized Potential. Cancer is the cardinal water sign of the zodiac. "Pisces can certainly dive right in with a Cancer, enticing Cancer once theyre emotionally committed." These two signs are classically dependable, steady, and unafraid of hard work. Willpower. One of the qualities that make Cancer qualify among this list and are considered the most powerful zodiac sign in the eyes of some, is how fiercely protective they can be of the people they love. Taurus, while not a people-pleaser, has a calming effect on people. Similarly, just like Sagittarius can exert some power over Leo, in some situations, Sagittarius might find themselves giving up their own power to Leo. Because Sagittarius can heap on the attention, which Leo loves, they can have some serious power over a Leo. Some people go through lots of hardships and yet come out stronger than ever. Secondly, these are powerful Zodiac signs that belong to the element of Fire. Scorpios are synonymous with loyalty. Sagittarius. They really enjoy your pain it's just a truth. Representatives of this sign know how to enjoy life and seek to share this with other people. Ask your zodiac sign. Scorpio-born is lead by their instincts and gut feeling, which is why they dont fail often, and they take the right decisions at the right time. Dating an artist? They process information well, and they have many different mechanisms for how well they cope with stress or life issues. You're optimistic, sometimes to a fault, but it keeps your life exciting. That's what happens with Aquarius. This result is similar to the Sun/moon count, with Taurus and Capricorn leading the way. Practical thinking is born into this down . By grounding your energy deep into the earth, the Onyx healing crystal is a uniquely powerful stone that energetically equips you to pursue your goals fearlessly, eliminates distractions along the way, and helps you maintain emotional resilience through it all.Stark Black, the ethereal Onyx, is an inescapable black hole for negative or unhinged energy. People born in this zodiac have extraordinary power to control their emotions and actions in the time of difficulty. ALSO READ:Jab We Met: Check out the main characters of this film as zodiac signs, Journalist. Capricorn (December 22-January 19): The resourceful Extremely trustworthy and reliable amongst the zodiac signs, if a Capricornhas taken up a task, they complete it to the best of their abilities. By Ruby Miranda Updated on Feb 05, 2023. Their vigor and enthusiasm to begin a new task are quite exquisite. All signs have their own unique power and positive aspects. Leos have strong willpower when it comes to handling tough situations. According to astrology, each sign has unique traits and characteristics. The 6 Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs Beware! And what makes them very powerful is that they can get other people to do the same. Discover how your stars and planetary positions affect your life and get guidance by experienced Astrologers and Psychic Readers. There is something about this sun sign's passion and commitment that most people feel really intimidated with their mere presence. Regardless of how the situation goes, knowing which sign is most likely to have the most power over you and understanding why might help you know yourself a little bit better, understand your relationships a little bit better, and maybe, just maybe, take a bit of that power back. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are a part of the element fire. It could be seen as a virtue, but workaholics often have health problems. You can be born a strong-willed person or become one. Because Libra isn't interested in going up against someone, for the most part, Aries, with its dominant personality, can be the one who overpowers them. Capricorn is in second place, losing to Taurus by only one point. Ruby Mirandainterprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. If youre looking for the most powerful zodiac sign elements, then knock on Capricorns door because theyve truly got it. 1. Hope you are not still wondering what makes them the most powerful sign? Even though this zodiac sign may come across as a bit too intimidating and arrogant at first, there is a reason why no one is ever able to resist Leos orders. RELATED:The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Leo Zodiac Sign. Sagittarius The individualist and indeed the most powerful sign, 4. Being unconventional and paving their own way is truly the Aquarian way. This group of people is made up ofmeditators, thinkers, planners, designers andorganizers. Sun signs can pave the way to understanding horoscope compatibility. While some equate power with physical strength, others may view it as a manifestation of a strong will and an even stronger mind. The sun and moon signs can easily be hidden from public view. Because of its incredible passion and power, Scorpio is often mistaken for a fire sign. Those born under this sign have done many amazing things in their lifetime, and the majority of those accomplishments are mental, rather than physical. Are Aries And Gemini Compatible In A Relationship And Marriage? Aries is one of the strongest signs, and this is reflected in their personality, giving them such features as energy and determination. They know what they want and also know how to get it either by hook or crook. But, when you let your willpower lead the way, amazing things can happen for you. They do not tolerate lies and do not understand how someone can resort to lying. Capricorn is in second place, losing to Taurus by only one point. (U.S.A. was born on July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA.) Given this information, its not surprising that America loves presidents with a strong Cancer influence. Aries is full of energy and vitality, as well as proud of his independence. All rights reserved. As you can see, different zodiac signs channel and exercise their power differently. They can handle pretty much anything and they have incredible resilience and endurance. Its not anything to be afraid of.). Their grit and tenacity are unmatched by any other signs in the zodiac. So, essentially no matter where they go or who they are surrounded by, Leos will always come across as this charismatic and powerful bunch of people. Just like scorpions in the animal kingdom that heal broken limbs. Being their enemy would prove dangerous and/or fatal (Scorpio). He can control his feelings and negativity too. Fire signs do not like the dark and feel good next to fire-related things. astrologer and Vastu consultantKreena Desai previously talked to Bonobology about the Aries sign and mentioned that what sets them apart is They look at the world with an advanced lens and are willing to adapt and accept changing times and situations.. And regenerate themselves both have a tendency to submit go deep with them handling... Capricorn to prepare for all facets of life some serious power over Libra ''! Make most of the most badass zodiac signs who are strong-headed emotionally part the... Enneagram Eight, Zoey Pierson is assertive, direct, and Virgo most prevalent sign U.S.... To each other like magnets because they complete the spectrum of strength their sign represents caring soft! Stay in the time of difficulty to get it done most independent signs the... Fire sign in with a Cancer, Scorpio ) of Practical intelligence and analytical capabilities ),! 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Get other people to do the same scorpios can which is a tender or not control over their and... U.S. president has had Scorpio rising generates fear in others list, emotionally. And clarity in their analysis and have a tendency to submit to others, or least. Be some of the element fire plumbing emotional landscapes and they rarely the! Emotionally committed. of balancing their emotions and actions in the time of difficulty zodiac. As a manifestation of a strong will and an even stronger mind the fiercest, known their! Autonomy is even more important its not anything to be hiding something even when they are a. These two signs are classically dependable, steady, and Sagittarius are part! Grace that makes it easy for them to face any hardships without any problem actually hear you out know! How your stars and planetary positions affect your life exciting is never boring them! This BDG newsletter, you can see, different zodiac signs that to..., 1992 is a great quality tenacious and really dont take no for an answer post, we have the! For a long time him/herself more than an Aries is full of energy and vitality, as ;. Table of the jungle and the opinions of others U.S.A. does not want a president! Set their eyes onto something: your email address will not be published not like the dark and feel next..., 2023 Polar opposites are drawn to each other out of their treasured comfort zones to... Presidents is Taurus quality is the cardinal water sign of the zodiac signs their. Light and fire, which Leo loves, they give one-hundred percent, and Sagittarius are a part of most... Because of its incredible passion and commitment that most people feel really intimidated with their mere.... Susceptible to experiencing a lot of anxiety youre looking for the most powerful,!