Cactuses have no leaves at all. There are traditional song and dance performed by the local nomad groups. As it approaches the tropics, the air descends and warms up again. Nomadic cultures are those that do not have permanent settlements. Insects such as moths and flies are abundant in the desert. These mountain ranges extend from west to east, from the Indus to the Brahmaputra. Apart from the sample questions given above, candidates can check Previous Year Question Papers with solution PDF to understand the type of questions asked in the general awareness section of these examinations. Antarctica boasts the lowest official temperature recorded on Earth: -89.2 C (-128.6 F), recorded on July 21, 1983. The Thar Desert spans a stammering 446 square kilometers and covers large areas of both Pakistan and India. Wind builds dunes that rise as high as 180 meters (590 feet). But water patterns are not included in the relief features. Pakistan consists of 5 major deserts in the region. Relief features of the Tharparkar desert Get the answers you need, now! The ethnic composition of the Thar is diverse. Tropical storms from the Arabian Sea provide precipitation to the coastal areas but are also variable in character. 'Indira Gandhi Canal' is the longest canal in Country (650 kms) watering part of the Thar desert. The Cholistan desert spans an area of 16,000 square kilometers. The major soil groupings are Indus basin soils, mountain soils, and sandy desert soils. White reflects sunlight, and the loose fit allows cooling air to flow across the skin.These robes of loose cloth can be adjusted (folded) for length, sleeves, and pockets, depending on the wearer and the climate. Trees shed their leaves to avoid excessive moisture loss. They are accumulations of abundant sand, null or dispersed vegetation and predominantly uniform winds that mold long crests separated by depressions and oriented at right angles obeying the strongest wind current. Fossils and artifacts show that lime and olive trees, oaks, and oleanders once bloomed in the Sahara. This whirling column of hot air picks up dust and dirt. The descending air hinders the formation of clouds, so very little rain falls on the land below.The worlds largest hot desert, the Sahara, is a subtropical desert in northern Africa. There are three relief (Physical Features) of Pakistan. Our country has all the features that one expects from a country. The highest temperature on Earth was recorded there:56.7 C (134.1 F).The largest polar desert is Antarctica, at 13 million square kilometers (5 million square miles). Answer: Malwa Plateau. The desert was used for nuclear testing by the Pakistan military, making it the most famous of the five deserts. Most of the Balochistan plateau, especially in the west and south, is exceptionally dry. Topography and Drainage. In the north, northeast and north-west of Pakistan there are three ranges of mountains. That distinction belongs to Death Valley, in California's Mojave Desert. The contrast between these ranges is geologically interesting. Out of these, the plains are the most abundant relief feature found in India. However, the very mode of soil formation gives rise to their diversification even within small areas. The amount of evaporation in a desert often greatly exceeds the annual rainfall. Among the most prominent groups are the Rajputs, who inhabit the central Thar. Drilling into aquifers provides water for drinking, agriculture, industry, and hygiene. Mexican access to the Colorado, which has its delta in the Mexican state of Baja California, was ignored. 2>zP]w$U6pIlb:t;XD>.$nZ2$sGWc(rm&@ Q[At 3L'z a`10+B. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight They are another type of geographical accident that offers the desert whose elevations have flat tops and very steep slopes (Kalman & Mac Aulay, 2008, page 21). If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. Important Deserts in the World PDF- Download PDF Here. Pakistans continental type of climate is characterized by extreme variations of temperature, both seasonally and daily. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. A severe quake in 1931 was followed by an even more destructive one in 1935. The subtropical desert climate there results from persistent high pressure and subsidence at that latitude. rehanbombal rehanbombal 11.07.2020 Geography Secondary School answered Relief features of pakistans desert 2 See answers Advertisement Manhattan, KS (66502) Today. The major soil groupings are Indus basin soils, mountain soils, and sandy desert soils. However, sugar cane is also harvested in the deserts of Pakistan and Australia. Tremors continue in the vicinity of Quetta; the most recent major earthquake occurred in October 2008. Water for irrigation is transported from hundreds of kilometers away, or drilled from hundreds of meters underground.Oases in desert climates have been popular spots for tourists for centuries. Click here to get an answer to your question relief features of pakistans desert. People have adapted to life in the desert for thousands of years.One thing all deserts have in common is that they are arid, or dry. High 59F. Deserts that seem desolate during the day are very active in the cool nighttime air. The booming Inland Empire of southeastern California is made up of deserts (the Mojave and the Sonoran) that rely on water for agriculture, industry, and residential development. Cities like Phoenix, Arizona, or Kuwait City, Kuwait, have a much smaller urban heat island effect. Basins of Northern Balochistan Their seeds may lie dormant for years during long dry spells. The Sulaiman Mountains dominate the northeast corner, and the Bolan Pass is a natural route into Afghanistan towards Kandahar. Many desert cities, from the American Southwest to the Middle East, rely heavily on such aquifers to fill their water needs. The Thar Region forms part of the bigger desert of the same name that sprawls over a vast area of Pakistan and India from Cholistan to Nagarparkar in Pakistan and from the south of the Haryana down to Rajasthan in India. Coastal areas, The Salt Range is a hill system in the Punjab province of Pakistan, deriving its name from its extensive deposits of rock salt. Although temperatures outside varied greatly from day to night, temperatures inside did not. The Aswan Dam harnesses the power of the Nile for hydroelectricity used in industry. February 2023. Desert agriculture, including cotton production, demanded a large portion of the Colorado. Water resources are getting depleted leading to the water crisis in Pakistan. The deserts of Patagonia, the largest in South America, are expanding due to desertification. About 85% of the Thar Desert is in India, and the remaining 15% is in Pakistan. The irrigation project, which facilitated the emergence of intensive cultivation despite semi-arid conditions, resulted in important social and political transformations. The desert is widely known for its extremely arid climatic conditions. When the wind is constant, the shape of the curves is symmetrical. 1. Saguaro cactuses, which live in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona and northern Mexico, expand like accordions to store water in the cells of their trunks and branches. The high plain of the Indus Plain is also called . List of 5 Famous Deserts of Pakistan: Thar Desert - Biggest Desert of Pakistan Cholistan - Rohi Desert Thal Desert Kharan Desert - Sandy Desert Katpana Desert - Cold Desert So let's have a look: 1. This spacing gives some desert regions a desolate appearance.In some deserts, plants have unique leaves to capture sunlight for photosynthesis, the process plants use to make food. This is an extensive area of 347,190km2 with a number of distinct natural topographical and drainage features that can be identified as follows: The vegetation is equipped to survive the scarcity of rainfall and humidity. Clothing is versatile and based on robes made of rectangles of fabric. What are the relief features that are found in the Northern plains? The desert presents an undulating surface, with high and low sand dunes separated by sandy plains and low barren hills, or bhakars, which rise abruptly from the surrounding plains. Climate scientists predict that global warming will lead to more rainfall in some regions, but less rainfall in other places. On this occasion, in order to focus on the dunes characteristic of the desert and omit the coastal dunes, we will take as a reference the classification of the dunes according to the direction of the wind. Many desert regions discourage visitors from hiking or camping in arroyos for this reason.Even urban areas in deserts can be vulnerable to flash floods. The Sindh government, led by the Pakistan People's Party, had previously claimed that there had been an improvement in the situation in Thar, while, simultaneously, members of the same party denied that hunger and malnutrition had anything to do with the death of hundreds of infants. Pakistan is primarily divided into six topographical areas. The oil industry draws companies, migrant workers, engineers, geologists, and biologists to the Middle East.DesertificationDesertification is the process of productive cropland turning into non-productive, desert-like environments. The geography of Pakistan is a blend of landscapes. Away from the river, toward the middle of the doabs, older alluvial soils (called bangar) are widely distributed. In 1997, British pilot Andy Green set the land speed record in Black Rock Desert1,228 kilometers per hour (763 miles per hour). Topographical relief features of desert Economical lifestyle of desert Economical lifestyle of people in indus plain Names of deserts Passes of western mountain 5 rivers names Balochistan rivers How urdu is a symbol for unity. Hot and Cold DesertsThe largest hot desert in the world is the Sahara, which is 9 million square kilometers (3.5 million square miles). The world's coldest desert is Antarctica. The name Indus comes from the Sanskrit word "sindhu", meaning "ocean", from which also come the words Sindh, Hindu, and India. However, it comes at a cost to the environment. Julivert, M. (2003). In Arabia, Australia and North Africa reach altitudes of 100 meters and lengths greater than 100 kilometers (Araucania Geological Routes, 2017). The Islands II. (ii) It is an undulating sandy plain covered with sand dunes. People who migrate to the warm, dry desert for the winter and return to more temperate climates in the spring are sometimes called snowbirds.In rural areas, hot days turn into cool nights, providing welcome relief from the scorching sun. Regional descriptions. In some deserts, temperatures rise so high that people are at risk of dehydration and even death. Fennec fox communities work together to dig large burrows, some as large as 93 square meters (1,000 square feet). They look like a platform because they are flat on the summit and abruptly raised on their slopes. 1. The roadrunner, native to the deserts of North America, obtains water from its food.Some xerocoles have bodies that help them handle the heat. Pakistanhosts fivedesertswhich were at some point historical forests. 10th Class Social 1st Lesson India: Relief Features 4 Marks Important Questions and Answers. The largest glacier is Engil'chek Glacier, which is about 60 kilometers (37 miles) long. Deserts are arid terrestrial areas characterized by scarce rainfall with scarce vegetation and fauna. >> Nomads move frequently so their flocks of sheep and goats will have water and grazing land.Besides animals like camels and goats, a variety of desert vegetation is found in oases and along the shores of rivers and lakes. By using this website or by closing this dialog you agree with the conditions described. Greens vehicle, the ThrustSSC, was the first car to break the sound barrier.Wind is the primary sculptor of a deserts hills of sand, called dunes. With little vegetation to block it, the wind can carry sand and dust across entire continents and even oceans. Winds that reach the Gobi have long since lost their moisture. And most deserts, far from being empty and lifeless, are home to a variety of plants, animals, and other organisms. They look like tiny tornadoes, but they start on the ground rather than in the sky. Shallow residual soils have developed along the slopes and in the broken hill country. They are the consequence of winds of variable direction and great amount of sand. At the foot of these formations, water drops its burden of gravel, sand, and other sediment, forming deposits called alluvial fans.Many deserts have no drainage to a river, lake, or ocean. The efficiency of the monsoonal precipitation is poor, because of its concentration from early July to mid-September, when high temperatures maximize loss through evaporation. Pakistans soils are classified as pedocals, which comprise a dry soil group with high concentrations of calcium carbonate and a low content of organic matter; they are characteristic of a land with low and erratic precipitation. This area is subject to frequent seismic disturbances because the tectonic plate under the Indian plate collides with the plate under Eurasia as it continues to move northward and to push the Himalayas ever higher. Their shape is best seen from an aerial view and when they are formed successively they look like a roof of tiles. Sunsets on the Atlantic coast of the U.S. state of Florida, for example, can be tinted yellow.First-time visitors to deserts are often amazed by the unusual landscapes, which may include dunes, towering bare peaks, flat-topped rock formations, and smoothly polished canyons. Much of the coastal region is arid desert with sand dunes and large volcanic mountainous features. One railway line serves the southern part of the region. Much of Pakistan's land area comprises either deserts or mountains. Apart from the rural settlements, the majority of nomads earn their livelihood from livestock as they breed animals to be sold, milked and shorn for their wool. Evenings are cool; the diurnal variation in temperature may be as much as 20 to 30 F (11 to 17 C). It is separated from the central irrigated zone of the plains by the dry bed of the Ghaggar River in Bahawalpur and the eastern Nara Canal in Sindh. Plains: The plains here are famous for their fertility and high agricultural production. In the rest of the country, temperatures reach great extremes in the summer; the mean temperature during June is 100 F (38 C) in the plains, where the highest temperatures can exceed 117 F (47 C). Since the 1960s, Lake Chad has shrunk to half its size. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Abstract. If desert communities use groundwater faster than it is replenished, water shortages can occur. The Himalayan region - The peninsular plateau: 2. Question 26. Growing up in the rayless basement of the Trapper Motel, Johan Garcia Casteln would keep busy by chucking mittens at a wall and diving to catch them, like a soccer [1] The relief in the area is remarkable due to its sharp contrasts and the multitude and variability of the morphological elements. Between the moist periods came periods of dryness much like todays.The Sahara is not the only desert to have dramatic climate change. People often use the adjectives hot, dry, and empty to describe deserts, but these words do not tell the whole story. The water level in the aquifer has sunk as much as 30 meters (100 feet) since the 1950s, while the land above the aquifer has sunk as much as 10 centimeters (4 inches).Rivers sometimes provide water in a desert. New York was built on wetland habitat, and Atlanta was built in a wooded area. The interior dunes of the desert are scarce in nutrients and water. Animals that have adapted to a desert environment are called xerocoles. The environmental impact of dams was not considered when the structures were built. The rainy monsoon winds, the exact margins of which vary from year to year, blow in intermittent bursts, and most moisture comes in the summer. Precipitation throughout the country generally is erratic, and its volume is highly variable. There is a possibility that some plants will grow during the short rainy season but die quickly after it has culminated. The small city of Quetta was almost completely destroyed, and the adjacent military cantonment was heavily damaged. However, as the season of harvest gets over, the roots of the crops die off, returning the desert to its actual state of naked emptiness. Here rainfall is very low and large number of sand dunes are found. Lowest point: Sea level Reptiles such as desert iguanas, snakes or chameleons are often found in this type of landscape, but we can also find coyotes, kangaroos, camels, vultures, tarantulas, rats, coyotes and scorpions. These shimmering waves confuse the eye, causing travelers to see distorted images called mirages.Temperature extremes are a characteristic of most deserts. Aquifers take a long time to refill. Straw is poked partway into the sand, forming a pattern of small squares along the contours of the dunes. Most of the animals that live there have harsh and hard skins that protect them from other predators and allow them to lose less water by the skin. Cholistan desert hosts an annual Jeep rally, known asCholistan Desert Jeep Rallywhich is the biggest motor sports event in Pakistan. The plains of the desert are extensions of flat earth that generally appear corrugated by causes of the dunes that are formed on her. In some waterlogged areas, however, these soils are salinized. They include both shifting sandy soils and clayey floodplain soils. This project, a childhood ambition, will continue to strive in alleviating child poverty in Pakistan. Aridity is the most pervasive aspect of Pakistans climate, and its continental nature can be seen in the extremes of temperature. Pakistan is a subtropical country spread over an area of 79.6 million hectares (mha) lying between 24 and 37 N and 61 and 75 E. Most of the area is semiarid to arid, extending . There is a great variety of classification of dunes according to the color of the sand, the direction of the wind, the type of sediment, etc. The dunes are in continual motion and take on varying shapes and sizes. Some areas of the Atacama are often covered by fog. Rural Israeli communities called kibbutzim rely on aquifers to furnish water for crops and even fish farming in the dry Negev Desert. A soaking rain can change a desert into a wonderland of flowers almost overnight. Most experts agree that a desert is an area of land that receives no more than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of precipitation a year. Some xerocoles avoid the sun by resting in scarce shade. Hydrogen molecules in the fat combine with inhaled oxygen to form water. It adjoins the Thar Desert, extending over toSindhand into India. National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036. Zalmout said that the . Throughout the Middle East, communities have dug artificial wadis, where freshwater can flow during rainy seasons. There are coastal areas along the Arabian Sea and mountains of the Karakoram Range in the north part of Pakistan. The surface is made up of aeolian (wind-deposited) sand that has accumulated over 1.8 million years. Much of the province south of the Quetta region is sparse desert terrain with pockets of inhabitable land, mostly near rivers and streams. Massive inselbergs, or isolated rock masses, often dot otherwise featureless desert plains. According to their movement, the dunes are divided into five classes: They have an inverted"U"shape and point to the opposite direction of the wind. It isn't the hottest place on Earth, though. As for the desert fauna, there are few animal species adapted to this extreme biome. The meaning of relief features of India is the mountain ranges, hill chains, plateaus , rivers, lakes, islands, deltas, deserts , flood plains, river valleys, and rolling lands. Alkaloids, used for making medicine and oils for making soap are also extracted. The temperature stays high even at night, making the city an island of heat in the middle of the desert. The Thars desert sands overlie Archean (early Precambrian) gneiss (metamorphic rocks formed between 4 billion and 2.5 billion years ago), Proterozoic (later Precambrian) sedimentary rocks (formed about 2.5 billion to 541 million years ago), and more-recent alluvium (material deposited by rivers). Question 25. The summit is oriented towards the direction where the prevailing winds travel (Types of dunes, 2017, page 33). This article was most recently revised and updated by,, World Wildlife Fund - Southern Asia: Western India into Pakistan, Academia - A study on the geology of Thar Desert. The two highest peaks in the Tien Shan are Victory Peak, which stands at 7,439 meters (24,406 feet), and Khan Tngiri Peak, which stands at 6,995 meters (22,949 feet). An abaya is a sleeveless cloak that protects the wearer from dust and heat. Religious sites (churches, temples, etc.). People, animals, and plants all surround these oases, which provide stable access to water, food, and shelter.When groundwater doesnt seep to the surface, people often drill into the ground to get to it. Pakistan, part of the greater Indian subcontinent, is situated at the crossroads of the Middle East and Asia. What is the influence of the Himalayas on Indian Agriculture? Deserts are arid terrestrial areas characterized by scarce rainfall, sparse vegetation, and wildlife. Among those the Tharparkar breed is the highest yielder of milk, and the Kankre breed is good both as a beast of burden and as a milk producer. The desert spans an area of square kilometers and is surrounded by northwestern scrub forests. Often associated with intense sun and sand, however, they can also be cold. Ideal Environment: Pakistan is fortunate because Allah has blessed it with an ideal physical environment. Nanoclay is a substance sprayed on desert sands that acts as a binding agent. Agreements that were made in the early 20th century failed to account for Native American water rights. The air then cools and forms clouds that drop moisture on the windward (wind-facing) slopes. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. The resulting cooler, drier air mass moves away from the Equator. The Balochistan plateau is located in the south-west of Pakistan with altitudes mainly ranging from 600 to 3010 metres. Sandy desert soils cover the Cholistan part of Sindh Sagar Doab and western Balochistan. The two highest peaks in the Tien Shan are Victory Peak, which stands at 7,439 meters (24,406 feet), and Khan Tngiri Peak, which stands at 6,995 meters (22,949 feet). Overgrazing and deforestation remove plants that anchor the soil. It is situated in Punjab, Pakistan between the Jhelum and Sindh rivers near the Pothohar Plateau. States of the Colorado River Basin continue to negotiate today to prepare for population growth, agricultural development, and the possibility of future droughts.Life in the DesertPlants and animals adapt to desert habitats in many ways. Growing plants are xerophiles such as cactus, palm trees and bromeliads, which have thorns in their hard bark to prevent predators draining the water they have stored to survive long periods. Strongly alkaline soils are localized in some small patches. At night, these areas cool quickly because they lack the insulation provided by humidity and clouds. These funds, he said, are yet to be accounted for publicly. During other seasons the prevailing wind is the dry northeast monsoon. They include:-. Relief features are not any pattern of drainage where water channels are available. Sunny skies. The Kharan Desert is located in Northeast Balochistan (a Pakistani state). It serves as a natural barrier between India and Pakistan. South Africa is losing 300-400 million metric tons (330-441 short tons) of topsoil each year.Many countries are working to reduce the rates of desertification. In broad valleys a surface of low relief and gentle downward slope occurs between the playa and other alluvial fans of the mountain front. East and Asia is located in northeast Balochistan ( a Pakistani state ) Kharan desert is located in northeast (... 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