Over 4 million U.S. citizens live on these islands, mostly along the coast. [20] Negative isostatic anomalies in Switzerland correlate with areas of active uplift, while positive anomalies are associated with subsidence. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration In contrast, the Caribbean plate farther east overrides the North American plate, creating the island arc of the Lesser Antilles with its active volcanoes. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. We examined two of several cobble and boulder fields as part of an effort to interpret whether the overwash resulted from a tsunami or a storm in a location where both e, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 20192, Region 2: South Atlantic-Gulf (Includes Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands), Region 12: Pacific Islands (American Samoa, Hawaii, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, Significant Earthquakes on a major fault system in Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and the Lesser Antilles, 15002010: Implications for Seismic Hazard, Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program, Caribbean Tsunami and Earthquake Hazards Studies- Models, Caribbean Tsunami and Earthquake Hazards Studies- Stress Changes and Earthquake Hazard, Caribbean Tsunami and Earthquake Hazards Studies-Tsunami Potential, Caribbean Tsunami and Earthquake Hazards Studies- Seafloor Map, Mysterious tsunami in the Caribbean Sea following the 2010 Haiti earthquake possibly generated by dynamically triggered early aftershocks, Along-strike segmentation in the northern Caribbean plate boundary zone (Hispaniola sector): Tectonic implications, Semi-automated bathymetric spectral decomposition delineates the impact of mass wasting on the morphological evolution of the continental slope, offshore Israel, Effects of 2010 Hurricane Earl amidst geologic evidence for greater overwash at Anegada, British Virgin Islands, Event sedimentation in low-latitude deep-water carbonate basins, Anegada passage, northeast Caribbean, Slope failures and timing of turbidity flows north of Puerto Rico, Seismic hazard from the Hispaniola subduction zone: correction to "Historical perspective on seismic hazard to Hispaniola and the northeast Caribbean region", Slab tears and intermediate-depth seismicity, Seismic evidence for a slab tear at the Puerto Rico Trench, Reply to a comment by Carol S. Prentice, Paul Mann, and Luis R. Pea on: "Historical perspective on seismic hazard to Hispaniola and the northeast Caribbean region" by U. ten Brink et al. Use, Smithsonian The low-density sediments of the Molasse basin produce a negative anomaly. Gravity anomalies are modelled assuming that the crustal thicknesses of the Atlantic and Caribbean Oceans are constant (but different) and that the Atlantic Ocean floor seaward of the outer rise, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean Sea floor are each in isostatic equlibrium. In addition to continued mapping of the region, Leg 2 will include deployments of a new type of benthic lander, a data collector moored to the ocean floor for an extended period of time. Historically, other large earthquakes have also struck the area, such as one in 1787 (magnitude~8.1), possibly in the Puerto Rico Trench, and one in 1867 (magnitude~7.5) in the Anegada Trough (figure 1). Finally, a thick limestone platform, which was originally deposited in flat layers near sea level, is now tilted northward at a uniform angle. below sea level under the ocean basin, 12 km under the Caribbean Sea, at about 16 km under the trench, and at slightly shallower depth under Puerto Rico. The USGS has an ongoing program to identify and map the faults in this region using various geophysical and geological methods in order to estimate the location and magnitude of potential earthquakes. The theoretical value of gravity can be corrected for altitude and the effects of nearby terrain, but it usually still differs slightly from the measured value. You could not be signed in. Both these effects reduce the value of gravity, explaining why Richter's pendulum clock, which depended on the value of gravity, ran too slowly. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Examples include a magnitude 7.5 earthquake centered northwest of Puerto Rico in 1943, and magnitude 8.1 and 6.9 earthquakes north of Hispaniola in 1946 and 1953, respectively. Agreement NNX16AC86A, Is ADS down? This belt of positive anomalies is called the Outer Gravity High. The Bouguer anomaly over continents is generally negative, especially over mountain ranges. [26], Local anomalies are used in applied geophysics. The Okeanos Explorer is also providing opportunity for additional partners to do surveys of opportunity while at sea. Its northward edge is at a depth of 4,200 m, and its southern edge can be found on land in Puerto Rico at an elevation of a few hundred meters. Astrophysical Observatory. Peter Molnar, Gravity anomalies and the origin of the Puerto Rico Trench, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 51, Issue 3, December 1977, Pages 701708, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-246X.1977.tb04215.x. Both terrain higher than the measurement point and valleys lower than the measurement point reduce the measured value of gravity. Larger surveys across the region provide evidence of a relict subduction zone. The free-air minimum east of the Lesser Antilles is related to underthrusting of the Caribbean plate by the Atlantic Ocean plate. Notice, Smithsonian Terms of For example, the northeast-southwest trending high across central New Jersey represents a graben of Triassic age largely filled with dense basalts. Other Puerto Rican cities also have substantial risk. Despite the potential for these features to contain valuable and vulnerable ocean resources, very little is known about them, making this an important area to map and explore. The Puerto Rico Trench is assumed to be caused by a downwards bending of the Atlantic lithosphere. That is, the free-air anomaly is:[12], The free-air anomaly does not take into account the layer of material (after terrain leveling) outside the reference ellipsoid. Crossref. The Puerto Rico Trench is also associated with the most negative gravity anomaly on Earth, -380 milliGal, which indicates the presence of an active downward force. Approximate operating area (white polygons) of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer during Leg 3. The crustal thickness and the free-air anomaly computed for sinkers of different sizes and depths are then compared with the measured freeair anomalies and seismic depths of the Puerto Rico trench and the mid-Atlantic rise. These anomalies reflect the varying thickness of the Earth's crust. The trench is less deep where the component of subduction is larger. Many tectonic models have been proposed to explain this geologically fascinating, tectonically active region; however, none have gained acceptance, and the region remains poorly understood, largely because its underwater location makes it difficult to study. The resulting series are then processed as if they were, Seismic-reflection profiles over the outer ridge and the Nares Basin north of Puerto Rico show that three principal structures can be traced from the north wall of the Puerto Rico Trench northward to, Seven reflection profiles over the central Aleutian trench and terrace are presented. Well-documented slab tears that are associated with high rates of intermediate-depth seismicity are considered here: Gibraltar arc, the southern and northern ends of the Lesser Antilles arc, and the northern end of Tonga trench. Numerical simulation of the 1918 Puerto Rico tsunami showing calculated inundation of the Aguadilla coast in northwest Puerto Rico. Over a few hundreds or thousands of years several meters of motion accumulate resulting inoccasionalearthquakes and associated landslides and tsunamis. The higher continental terrain is supported by thick, low-density crust that "floats" on the denser mantle, while the ocean basins are floored by much thinner oceanic crust. Because the island lies on an active plate boundary, earthquakes are a constant threat, and the densely populated coastal areas are vulnerable to tsunamis (Uri ten Brink, 2003). Dynamically triggered offshore aftershocks, caused by passing seismic waves from main shocks located on land, are currently not considered in tsunami warnings. Holocene and Pleistocene tectonic deformation of the coast in the Mexico subudction margin is recorded by geomorphic and stratigraphic markers. Click image for larger view and image credit. The trench region may pose significant seismic and tsunami hazards to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, where 4 million U.S. citizens reside. Figure 4. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. The gravity anomaly is the difference between the observed acceleration of an object in free fall (gravity) near a planet's surface, and the corresponding value predicted by a model of the planet's gravitational field. Many tectonic models have been proposed to explain this geologically fascinating, tectonically active region; however, none has gained acceptance, and the region remains poorly understood, largely because its underwater location makes it difficult to study. Figure 3. The gravitational attraction of this layer or plate is taken into account by the Bouguer plate correction, which is 0.0419103 h mgal m2 kg1. [1] The Puerto Rico trench exhibits great water depth, an extremely low gravity anomaly, and a tilted carbonate platform between (reconstructed) elevations of +1300 m and 4000 m. The free-air anomaly is also close to zero except near boundaries of crustal blocks. The Bouguer anomaly includes only the negative correction for the high terrain and so is strongly negative. Seismology: Seismic hazard assessment and prediction; Marine Geology and Geophysics: Seafloor morphology and bottom photography. Official websites use .gov The intensity assignments and the attenuation re, Finding Seafloor Faults Linked to Puerto Rico Quake. The seismogenic northeastern North America-Caribbean oblique-slip plate boundary includes the 8.5-km deep Puerto Rico trench, 120 km north of the densely populated islands of Puerto Rico and the, The results of drilling the Toa Baja hole will help answer some fundamental questions about the evolution of the Puerto Rico area. The tensile stresses necessary to deform or tear the slab could have been generated by increased curvature of the trench following a counterclockwise rotation of the upper plate and by the subduction of a large seamount. The Puerto Rico Trench is the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, with water depths exceeding 8,300 meters. Un. The overwash, after crossing a fringing coral reef and 1.5 km of shallow subtidal flats, cut dozens of breaches through sandy beach ridges, deposited a sheet of sand and shell capped with lime mud, and created inland fields of cobbles and boulders. At the center of a level plateau, it is approximately equal to the free air anomaly. Many tectonic models have been proposed to explain this geologically fascinating, tectonically active region; however, none have gained acceptance, and the region remains poorly understood, largely because its underwater location makes it difficult to study. Nevertheless, a tsunami recorded on a Caribbean Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami (D, The North American (NOAM) plate converges with the Caribbean (CARIB) plate at a rate of 20.00.4mm/yr. Seism, The fore-arc region of the northeast Caribbean plate north of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands has been the site of numerous seismic swarms since at least 1976. [22], There are intense isostatic and free-air anomalies along island arcs. For a measurement point above the reference ellipsoid, this means that the gravitational attraction of the bulk mass of the earth is slightly reduced. Van Houten, C. A. Burk, H. D. Holland, L. C. Hollister. The profiles of the Puerto Rico Trench are asymmetric due to the tectonic factors. [8], The local topography of the land surface affects the gravity measurement. Gravity anomalies and the origin of the Puerto Rico Trench P. Molnar Geology 1977 The Puerto Rico Trench is assumed to be caused by a downwards bending of the Atlantic lithosphere. Joint analyses of the ocean bottom seismographs and land-based seismic data reveal that the swarms are locat, Historical records indicate frequent seismic activity along the north-east Caribbean plate boundary over the past 500 years, particularly on the island of Hispaniola. The Puerto Rico Trench, in contrast, is located at a boundary between two plates that slide past each other with only a small component of subduction. Click image for larger view and image credit. The surveyed island, Anegada, is 120 km south of the Puerto Rico Trench and is near the, The Virgin Islands and Whiting basins in the Northeast Caribbean are deep, structurally controlled depocentres partially bound by shallow-water carbonate platforms. The Puerto Rico Trench and the Mid-Atlantic Rise, The origin of outer topographic rises associated with trenches, Widespread occurrence of a high-velocity basal layer in the Pacific crust found with repetitive sources and sonobuoys, The structure and physical properties of the earth's crust. Other Puerto Rican cities also have substantial risk.The hazard from tsunamis is also apparent. Richter was equipped with a highly precise pendulum clock which had been carefully calibrated at Paris before his departure. Google Scholar. Its northward edge is at a depth of 4,200 m, and its southern edge can be found on land in Puerto Rico at an elevation of a few hundred meters. [18] For example, typical Bouguer anomalies in the Central Alps are 150 milligals. Leg 1 will include the deployment of a NAVOCEANO ocean glider on loan to the National Ocean Service. During Leg 3, encompassing most of the month of April, scientists will be exploring the U.S. The geologic settings of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have created or contributed to several pressing societal issues related to human safety, environmental health, and economic development. Download image (jpg, 44 KB). The Puerto Rico Trench, the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, is located where the North American (NOAM) plate is subducting under the Caribbean plate (Figure 1). A 6 month deployment of five ocean bottom seismographs recorded two such tightly clustered swarms, along with additional events. "Puerto Rico Trench Negative Gravity Anomaly Belt", Studies in Earth and Space Sciences, R. Shagam, R. B. Hargraves, W. J. Morgan, F. B. Essentially, all of the known causes of tsunamis are present in the Caribbean -- earthquakes, submarine landslides, submarine volcanic eruptions, subaerial pyroclastic flows into the ocean, and major tsunamis called teletsunamis. Transit line down to Puerto Rico (red line) and two survey area boxes within the region around Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Finally, a thick limestone platform, which was originally deposited in flat layers near sea level, is now tilted northward at a uniform angle. We use accounts of historical earthquakes to assign intensities and the intensity assignments for the 2010 Haiti earthquakes to derive an intensity attenuation relation for Hispaniola. The Puerto Rico Trench and the Mid-Atlantic Rise, Gravity anomalies seaward of deep-sea trenches and their implications, Geophysics-steered self-supervised learning for deconvolution, Local estimation of quasi-geostrophic flows in Earths core, Bayesian Detectability of Induced Polarisation in Airborne Electromagnetic Data, Analytical computation of total topographic torque at the Core-Mantle Boundary and its impact on tidally driven Length-of-Day variations, The ground deformation of the south-eastern flank of Mount Etna monitored by GNSS and SAR interferometry from 2016 to 2019, Volume 233, Issue 3, June 2023 (In Progress), Volume 233, Issue 2, May 2023 (In Progress), Volume 233, Issue 1, April 2023 (In Progress), Volume 234, Issue 1, July 2023 (In Progress), Geomagnetism, Rock Magnetism and Palaeomagnetism, Marine Geosciences and Applied Geophysics, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-246X.1977.tb04215.x, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Copyright 2023 The Royal Astronomical Society. A 1918 magnitude 7.5 earthquake resulted in a tsunami that killed at least 91 people in northwestern Puerto Rico (figure 4). Historically, other large earthquakes have also struck the area, such as one in 1787 (magnitude~8.1), possibly in the Puerto Rico Trench, and one in 1867 (magnitude~7.5) between St. Thomas ad St. Croixin the Anegada Trough. Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth. What is the thermal history of the arc massif, and its relation to, The Barbados Ridge complex lies east of the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc along the eastern margin of the Caribbean Plate. In contrast, on its eastern boundary, the Caribbean overrides the North American plate, creating the island arc of the Lesser Antilles with its active volcanoes. The trench is less deep where the component of subduction is larger. Noncommercial - you may not use this work for commercial purpose. From February 24 through the end of April 2015, three NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer expeditions legs will involve traveling to areas identified as priority regions for exploration by multiple groups within the U.S. Geological Survey, the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, the NOAA National Ocean Service, the Caribbean Fisheries Management Council, Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources, and other territory and federal partners. [21], Over mid-ocean ridges, the free-air anomalies are small and correlate with the ocean bottom topography. The difference between the corrected measured gravity and the normal gravity is the gravity anomaly.[6]. The geologic settings of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have created or contributed to several pressing societal issues related to human safety, environmental health, and economic development. Revised December 04, 2006 by the NOAA Ocean Explorer Webmaster Site Info, NOAA Ocean Exploration Leg 3 will include telepresence capability for all ROV dives, permitting the public to watch the expedition live and in action over the Internet. Conf., Geol. Results of the seismic investigation of the Puerto Rico trench and outer ridge, carried out in 1959 by Lamont Geological Observatory, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, A. and M. College of Texas, New seismic and magnetic information from the Antilles Outer Ridge and Trench region has been combined with previous geophysical observations to provide an explanation for the origin of the crust, A crustal section across the Puerto Rico Trench, from 450 km north to 250 km south of San Juan, was deduced from seismic refraction and gravity data. Closed basins such as these are thought to document earthquake and hurricane events through the accumulation of event layers such as debris flow and turbidity current deposits and the internal deformation of deposited material. In effect, the terrain correction levels the terrain around the measurement point. Sharing - Individual scientists are hereby granted permission, without fees or further requests to GSA, to use a single figure, a single table, and/or a brief paragraph of text in other subsequent works and to make unlimited photocopies of items in this journal for noncommercial use in classrooms to further education and science. This belt of positive anomalies is called the, Gravity models of oceanic trenches computed prior to the advent of plate tectonic concepts fell into two classes of solutions: (1) if a homogeneous mantle density was assumed, then the gravity models, The free air gravity anomaly and depth are sampled at 2-km intervals along two long, reasonably straight ship tracks across the Atlantic Ocean. Cooling of continental lithosphere by thermal conduction to the surface following a heating event imposes a load on the lithosphere and causes subsidence as the basement rocks contract. Download image (jpg, 50 KB). Figure 2. The Puerto Rico Trench is the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, with water depths exceeding 8,400 meters. An official website of the United States government. This gravity anomaly can reveal the presence of subsurface structures of unusual density. The Puerto Rico trench (PRT), with water depths of up to 8340 m, is the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, yet the relative plate motion along the PRT is predominantly strike slip with only a small component of North America (NOAM) plate subduction (N70E [ Calais et al., 2002; Mann et al., 2002 ]). Similar convergence geometry is observed at the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, the deepest point on Earth. The general survey operating area will be in the Caribbean Ocean, south Puerto Rico and St. Croix islands, in the area of Turner Hole Canyon, Saba Valley, and south of the St. Croix Ridge. Immediately after the 1946 earthquake, a tsunami struck northeastern Hispaniola and moved inland for several kilometers. Trenches in the Pacific are located in places where one tectonic plate subducts or slides under another one. Download Citation | Gravity anomalies and the origin of the Puerto Rico Trench | The Puerto Rico Trench is assumed to be caused by a downwards bending of the Atlantic lithosphere. Search ADS By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. . Official websites use .gov [18], More generally, the Airy isostatic anomaly is zero over regions where there is complete isostatic compensation. The trench region may pose significant seismic and tsunami hazards to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, where 4 million U.S. citizens reside. Carl Bowin, 1972. The ADS is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory under NASA Cooperative ROV dives will mostly be conducted during the day, while CTD casts, and multibeam, singlebeam, and sub-bottom acoustic mapping will occur at night when the ROV is on deck. The Puerto Rico trench negative free-air gravity anomaly belt extends from south of Barbados, around the Antillean arc, to eastern Cuba. Figure produced in Google Earth Pro. There is a large Bouger positive, of over 350 mgal, beyond 1,000 kilometers (620mi) from the ridge axis, which drops to 200 over the axis. A crustal section across the Puerto Rico trench, J. geophys. Newly-acquired multibeam bathymetry of the entire Puerto Rico trench reveals numerous retrograde slope failures at various scales at the edge of the carbonate platform north of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The unusually deep sea floor is not limited to the trench, but also extends farther south toward Puerto Rico. Over four million U.S. citizens live on these islands, mostly along the coast. The region has high seismicity and large earthquakes. The free-air anomaly is around +70 mgal along the Andes coast, and this is attributed to the subducting dense slab. Motion along its northern boundary (in the plate boundary zone region) is dominantly strike-slip (sideways motion between the plates), with a small component of subduction (one plate sinks under the other plate). The result, a refinement of previous work, was, Summary The trench itself is very negative,[23] with values more negative than 250 mgal. Vertical motions of the Puerto Rico Trench and Puerto Rico and their cause ten Brink, Uri Abstract The Puerto Rico trench exhibits great water depth, an extremely low gravity anomaly, and a tilted carbonate platform between (reconstructed) elevations of +1300 m and -4000 m. [9], The terrain correction must be calculated for every point at which gravity is measured, taking into account every hill or valley whose difference in elevation from the measurement point is greater than about 5% of its distance from the measurement point. The cutting-edge capabilities of the Okeanos Explorer help to increase the scope and efficiency of ocean exploration. For example, a mass of dense ore below the surface will give a positive anomaly due to the increased gravitational attraction of the ore. The Bouger anomaly is very negative over elevated terrain. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/03trench/trench/trench.html. The Puerto Rico trench exhibits great water depth, an extremely low gravity anomaly, and a tilted carbonate platform between (reconstructed) elevations of +1300 m and -4000 m. I argue that these features are manifestations of large vertical movements of a segment of the Puerto Rico trench, its forearc, and the island of Puerto Rico that took place 3.3 m.y. The ridge and its flanks appear to be fully isostatically compensated. The Caribbean plate is roughly rectangular, and it slides eastward at about 2 cm/yr relative to the North American plate. 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