I didnt know! She grabbed my other arm and pushed me off of her, onto the floor. His nails broke against the stone wall, as he tried to grab onto the holds but he was moving with too much momentum. I looked around the room frantically, then took a deep breath as I realized that yes, I was still Bianca di Angelo, and I was still in bed in the run down but still livable Grace mansion, which Thalia had given me full access to last winter. Artemis looked at me soberly. Annabeth understands and soon Percy is back at his mother's doorstep in New York, getting ready to try the education system again. Their looks turned nastier, so I took that as a yes. Charon goes to the mortal world one day Percy Jackson's live was to say the least absolutely terrible.His foster dad abused him to the extr What if The Apple, did not just stay as an inanimate object? I chuckled, took a deep breath I could imagine anyone on the outside of the ship looking out over the side and seeing the water replaced by the shadow of the clouds, made into a void, and the ship disappearing rapidly into the darkness. No one really needs me. Annabeth's eyes widened in horror, while Luke remained stone-faced. Don't you want to make a world where they don't have the power to hurt people anymore?". " I was looking through someone else's eyes." Not only that, she'd done it by taking advantage of the opening left by Zo's death. For a moment I considered resting longer before using my powers again, but shook my head at myself. A stain will fall on your name and your bloodline will be cursed. I took about five steps back, on instinct. Inch by inch the door slid open, but we weren't making good enough progress. #percyjacksonbecomesagod They eagerly yearn to touch and caressed her gently with love--- even the sea god himself. the boy Thalia'd called Luke asked. What if your world could be changed forever? Just after things have died down a little. Most gods are described as being part of a family or Pantheon, and they rely on their mortal devotees for worship. I sprung out of bed and stormed over to the wardrobe before my mind could wander to- no. Who knows what shell be able to do by the time shes sixteen. One of the other campers continued. "Who is your brother, young lady?" I was looking at the Hunter with skepticism at this point, but still allowed her to lead me farther back, to the largest tent of them all. As for you, daughter of Zeus," The General turned his attention to Thalia, "we have an offer for you.". The ground around the house shook slightly. Artemis Hunt is a worker in a coffee shop, a babysitter and an actress- in work. Chapter 5 : Tournament part 3. Quests have prophecies, and rules, and expectations, and all kinds of other bull. She would be returning after Nico and Annabeth were safely retrieved; I would not. The new voice got my eyes to snap open and my head to turn, pain be damned. And now I was back. She was changing form, switching between all of the different animals I'd seen on the walls of her tent. It's been years more since Annabeth's passing when Percy receives a curious prayer. Percy Jackson is a demigod, son of the mortal, Sally Jackson, and the Greek God of the sea, Poseidon. She got into Luke's room, and she was spying on him. Thalia said in disbelief. There were no shadows in the room whatsoever, the two all-encompassing light sources drowning any would- have-been darkness in white light. When I didnt try anything, she stood. "Something about leaving her behind? "That it wasn't me, fulfilling my destiny to destroy Olympus?" It was throwing me off. Until its too late.. This Means War By: CombatTombat. There's a necklace that Percy refuses to take off with a missing charm that only he knows is actually missing; nothing much he can do about missing it now, though. She's fine," my little brother said flatly. We were on the floor now, me on top of her. ", Paul shrugged, eyes dancing. "Look at me," the girl said, no hostility in voice, but that made me even more scared. Help me. I would have thought he'd come for me.". His mom uses the head to dispose of Gabe Ugliano, and disposes of the head. 2 pages May 28, 2021 Bi and Confused. A war is Brewing between the god and an old evil. #vampires "We we aren't going to have to, you know.. fight them, are we?" The sea is not unlike the abyss; it is deadly, destructive. But thy life is only beginning.". Even though I'd only met her once, I recognized the figure laboring under the weight of the swirling clouds. What he didn't expect though was for his mask to slide and his bottle to break. A hole appears and Percy Jackson is stuck in to Tartarus. The man looked anxious. I rushed, "I know I was supposed to be sworn off of romantic love. You've terrified us all." I could see the smoke from here but by the time I got back there was nothing left," she moved almost as if to hug me, but instead clasped her hands on both my arms. That was it. And what favour might that be, brother? With that, he flicked his sleeve and melted into the shadows. "We've been watching it. I smiled weakly at him and turned to our father. ", "You may report back to the Andromeda until further direction is received, Kelli. "Mom?" "Yeah, right. Or, the Fates give Percy to chance to persuade the gods of 2005 to change their ways. Ares would grin creepily with satisfaction, Artemis would be thankful just to have one less guy in the world, and Apollo probably wouldn't care either way. The minute she was free, she shot to her feet and rushed over to where Artemis was holding the sky. The king was also sure that Perseus had no idea how long he had been in his domain as long as he already had been. "It was-", But on the way, his eyes passed over me, and horrifyingly, just like last time, he saw my spirit there. I cursed as I woke up and quickly realized I was not on the forest floor. As time goes on, Percy realizes he's not as human as he likes to think he is. Thalia ignored the question. Percy has arrived at camp and they all wonder who his godly father is. "They know something has irreversibly changed," Juno said. Percy rose and began to leave, however as he made to leave chains caught the young man. The ground began to shake more violently. I was familiar with the sensation; I remembered the look of the room I was in, could see the dark shimmer of candlelight on night-dark blankets in my mind before I opened my eyes. Percy: It's Okay Artemis.Artemis: I Artemis blood bless Percy Jackson with my powers and powers like my children, if I had children. His voice sounded hoarse from disuse. "Yeah, but it was different this time. It's probably" Thalia shook her head. Screwed. The same camper from before said, sitting down. "I really am sorry, Thalia. You may go." Thunder tumbled in the background. They killed his best friend. Parallel Universe A strange and interesting concept. A blanket of darkness, and then-. Even if she did bring the only news I was probably gonna get about my brother. I'm really not sure, Thalia. Percy may I blood adopt you? I've seen a lot of faces on her in our short few meetings, but I've never seen her look this fragile. I couldn't afford this right now. He was going to see his whole world collapse around him and discover things that would make sure he was never the same. "You'll come around," she said, and her voice sounded farther away than it had before. Her hair fell around her shoulders, and flashed back to its normal blond color. Oh well, nothing can go wrong. After Olympus killed my mother?" My dream self remembered, too- I got flashes, indirect memories of exhaustion and fear and blinding whiteness, all accompanied by a friendly-toned and almost chastising voice. I simply do not know if you will change us for better, or for worse.". Perseus is raised by the Hunters of Artemis. "I had a dream," I insisted, shaking her more vigorously. Thalia said, shrugging. I needed to control myself. I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out the Mythomagic figurine. And he is the acclaimed writer of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books and their sequel Heroes of Olympus series. Luke sighed, and walked over to a bronze plate on the wall, and the image of Camp Half-Blood appeared. I wasn't sure how I felt about Thalia having convinced the Hunters I was still one of them; it was a smart explanation for when I never came back from the Quest for Artemis, but it made all the girls treat me like I was some kind of hero. Did he catch her? "Now rest, both of you." I supposed there was a certain safety in being feared. I reluctantly got out of the car. I am going to peel away everything you are until whatever they did feels like happy dream. I was gonna have more than a little explaining to do once I got to Angeles Forest. I thought it was garbage then, because most of what Luke says is garbage, but you know what? This is Incase you get out of Tartuas. The daughter of Athena was left behind. "Please understand, we feel horrible about every half blood lost, but this is a war. Who will win? "There she is," the voice of Kronos said, as my view was nearly faded. Please consider turning it on! There would be no retrieving my belongings. is it to be a single soul in two bodies, forever separated by fate and Fate? Chapter 1. I'm disappointed in you, too. "There's.. something you should know about. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, "I wasn't born to be soft and quiet. Nico Di Angelo has been gone on a quest to a wizarding school for almost an year when all of a sudden all contact from him dissapears. "That's low, Luke. it will be until i say it isnt, so unless i announce that this is discontinued (which it wont be), this is still on! That doesn't mean he doesn't have to keep up his cover. They put your friend in charge of that specifically. The fate of Half-Bloods and Gods alike rests on the shoulders of 8 young demigods. She never left this early. We'd driven all the way down Baja California to San Jos del Cabo, the Mexican port city where the titans' ship was currently docked. I half expected to just stop existing, like the legends say about people caught in Erebus, or if not that to end up on the familiar shores of the Styx. The gang moves into Grimmauld Place since it's one of the safest houses in the UK for now. You left the Hunters so you could take responsibility for the prophecy when no one else would. she said. He went willingly, but wouldn't look me in the eye. Bianca?" Jason and Percy, together, as they have been. It was a girl who looked no more than three years older than me. A real dream, as if there was any doubt. The Winter Soldier was gone. Work Search: Zo stared at the ground, a somber look on her face. I know Camp Half Blood thinks youre dead, I know you betrayed them to join the titans, and I know- I leveled my arrow at her chest- I know you know where my brother is., The girl stared at me for a moment, then smiled again. "We'll surveil the ship to get a more exact layout and location before we make any moves.". Dishes duty at camp? ", Thalia tensed at the mention of Luke's name. What if she was the third on the run with Thalia and Luke?What then? "Same here." Fourteen demigods are sent back in time to read a series of books that may give them a chance to save everyone they lost. Oh, he can see Zeus now, just waiting to see him gone. Thalia told the other Hunters that this was all part of the secret mission she'd told them I was on, which was now officially 'spying on the titans until further notice'. "Bianca! He stopped talking when the lights went out. Thalia looked skeptical. Percy took a deep breath before squaring his shoulders, lifting his chin, and walking forward. He was right!, No, he wasnt! Thalia said, almost angrily. It's been months. "See, the boy is too powerful," Zeus declared. "I gave her the choice to come stay here with me, or to remain as she did in her own world. It took a while for me to open my eyes. Chaos gave Percy a choice become king or change Zeus for the better in the past. The sky was bright blue. The hunter said cheerfully, announcing our presence. No!" Its promising to be an interesting Hunger Games this year, with high scores, an arena with a new danger every night, and a new interviewer and announcer - and every tribute seems to have a hidden secret. Shes not with the titans, not yet, at least. We're going up to Olympus now, and if the decide you and I are too dangerous-", "Yeah. She'd delivered that figurine to my brother, and she'd kept me updated on everything I missed while I was hiding out. I nodded, and held out my hand to her. ", "No! Ares: I blood bless you Percy Jackson with my powers of my children.Hades: May I blood adopt you Percy? Annabeth's eyes widened, and her voice went an octave higher. Its about someone who was on the quest for Artemis last winter, the young Hunter. We need to go. But you need to accept the fact that they don't feel the same way. Thalia had made a habit of coming out here to check up on me every month or two. "Before we get to anything military, I need to ask you something. Luke said to the girl. I looked down at him with wide eyes, and didnt speak for a moment, before laughing out loud. In the split second she was confused, I stuck the knife, and the other knives Id been holding, into my belt, and knocked my bow. She narrowed her eyes, but after a moment she nodded. Artemis immediately attended to her Lieutenant, but she didn't seem to be making much progress. That's righ No feelings, no strings, no friendship, or God-forbid anything beyond that. I stared at him until I fully comprehended what he said. an overly sarcastic q A sexy story with an interesting and unique plot. "That is." She looked up at the stars. Apollo: I am sorry Percy about Zeus stupid decision. Still, I clutched a bronze dagger in my left as best I could. Thalia had joined the hunters the night before her sixteenth birthday, eliminating herself from the running for child of the prophecy, and dumping the blame for the incoming apocalypse on me. Percy, Kenna, Annabeth and some of their friends have been sent back in time to read about their adventures.A person from another world was chosen. I asked again, trying to calm down. "Of course," Anna said. If there's one good thing to come out of it though, it's the new friendship he's somehow found himself in with a certain sun god "You are in great pain, and the only other option to make the pain you are feeling cease, is to move on, to live once again. I looked to the others to ask who'd done it, but found all three of them, even Grover, staring at me with astonishment. I have to see him.". They didn't attack anyone, but the campers still ran screaming. I didn't, not the blinding white room, or the dream-communication, or even Annabeth's declaration that she regretted not joining the titans sooner. I thought for a moment. I didn't have a heart as a dream-specter, but I still felt it start to race. Why should he make it? No one but them is happy about this decision, but now Percy has to learn to navigate his new powers and new life whether he likes it or not. "I cannot think of much else to do besides follow this road. May I come in?, She looked at my face expectantly, then sighed when I didnt answer. If we don't save this kid, the whole world could be over. The daughter of the most hated god in the pantheon is gonna pull out a win for Olympus.". "You're not. "Oh no. Will he be able to get back to his own time, or will he be stuck in the past forever? It was much too big for that. Chiron asked. The 'cow-serpent thing' with the power to destroy the gods." "It's probably nothing. "What's wrong?" I nodded, and caught sight of frizzy blonde curls out of the corner of my eye. "You've heard of the Ophiotaurus?" A series of tear-inducing pjo gay one-shots that are based off prompts, I.e. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon and Hecate, not a demigod, not a human. Suddenly the door was sliding open much faster, and in a moment I could see him. she sighed. Being the son of a heartless man is impossible. Lady Artemis, her dress tattered, her ankles chained to the ground. I stepped out of the chariot. It was time for action. The sea easily swallows life with no trace left behind. "I'm always alright, Thalia." The day I ended up facing five monsters at once, a big thing that I thought was some kind of reverse-sphinx bit me in the side. There was a moment of silence, before Nico spoke again. Ill leave. ", I shook my head, the beginnings of a wry smile and a bad plan both forming. I'll see you soon. The campers began talking about search parties and tracking. Listening, even as she dreams.". Or, in other words, in another world, another dimension, far, far away, a young girl dies and finds herself reborn as the younger sister to Persephone Jackson; a female version of the main character from a series of stories she used to know like the back of her own hand. Maybe I'd made a big mistake. And you're Luke." He was the first demigod son of Hades, and achieved immortality through unknown means. In the moments Luke and Annabeth ducked and covered from the sparks I leaned into Thalia's side and whispered, "Can you summon clouds? For once the barista at the nearby coffee shop staring at him when he trips is the biggest of his problems. I was overdue for a visit, anyway. That one of us will make some big choice that changes the fate of the world after we turn sixteen. "The people I love always leave me behind. Y- I began to say, but stopped. Or, the Fates give Percy to chance to persuade the gods of 2005 to change their ways. We need to get her brother back here. A girl who hadnt spoken thus far said. She was staring right at me, and my first thought looking at her face was that she was strangely attractive. It's not easy being a half-blood on your own. I'm just here to make sure you're doing alright." She tugged on the thing holding her hair in its bun, and pulled it out. Bucky should feel better. (In which Alex is just chilling behind a dumpster and finds out her classmate and sort-of friend Percy is probably a serial killer, and definitely part of some cult.). I wondered what kind of ride that would call, but the question was answered when a silver chariot appeared, pulled by- I blinked- golden reindeer. Her hands were bound and her mouth was gagged. , !. He's not dead, he can't be!". I was wearing a tattered orange t-shirt and jeans, and converse with worn-down soles, as apposed to the mix of silver and black I wore these days. "Send scouts, even? Abusive Gabe Ugliano. "I'm here to see my brother." And so was Percy, and so was every other demigod who's died on one of their meaningless quests. Hera: I am sorry for the way my husband was to you Percy. "Why are you here?" I couldn't ask my father for help this time. You can thrive here. Please, all of you, enjoy your next three years of living!, Because thats all youre going to get!. It was a cautionary tale, a scared straight talk from my father if anything, but I could feel the truth in it, and my plan had already started. A female voice, from behind the door I had my ear pressed against. Did you really think that after all of this- after everything Ive gone through in the past year that was, at its core, because of you, I would actually want to save you? I scoffed. Thalia's jaw set. Artemis looked into her eyes and some sort of silent exchange passed between them. It was like all three of our domains, mine, Thalia's and Percy's, were joining together to pull this one thing off. I couldnt place it, but I knew this woman, and seeing her filled me with pure dread. "I care about my father," I cut them off. "What are you proposing? It's okay, I thought, a little quieter. Thalia's voice. Everyone in the Camp stirred in confusion. I narrowed my eyes. I tuned out everything except my own crying. His step-father was stolen, he defeated the Minotaur, and now he was going on a quest while unclaimed. She frowned, and turned to Thalia. He was seen going into the labyrinth about three weeks ago, and no one has seen or heard from him since. Instead, he tries to get over him, and Will Solace is more . But then youre going to explain all of this to me.. You must go my huntresses, it is a trap.". Id come up in the shadow of an enormous black gate, which stood in the shadow of an even larger black structure. You think Thalias with us? She shook her head. "What if you need back up? "Your younger brother dove into the darkness after you.". If I had it my way- which, according to fate, I just might- this war ends with both sides completely ruined. "Where is he?" War, love and the nature of mortality push against the undeniable pull of the sun and sea. And so they bolted down the hallway the way they came. Whoa, she held up a hand, and stepped over the threshold. I heard about what you did at Camp Half-Blood. "This is a vital mission, Pheebs. I tuned them out. An extremely risky plan that Athena would never approve of. "Not these guys again.". The ground at my feet glowed blue, and a wisp of light flew behind Luke and into the coffin. "I'm Greek," Percy protested, ignoring the roaring in his chest, the pull the Roman demigods and legacies had on the very fibres of his being. With all the other souls who pledged themselves to Kronos dead before he could fully rise, plunging him back into the pit. It took a beat for her to look away from them and lock eyes with me. ", I shook my head and smiled wryly. Percy Jackson and others are send 10 years before they were born. "She will be," Annabeth reassured, "And when she gets here she'll be disappointed in you for being so difficult. "Do you have any idea how many people you killed?" Claiming himself as the most powerful and the first demigod to be ever born, Lucien was banished from the Underworld many centuries ago after an unsuccessful attempt of stealing Hades' Helm of Darkness. I stared at her for a long moment. "Ahh!" Wanting to die eventually does not mean he wanted to join Odysseus and his merry band of doomed-to-die sea travelers. The general said. You left me like everyone else! Had one of the campers said it was four weeks since Nico had been taken? Percy Jackson is the two-time hero of Olympus; Defeater and Destroyer of countless monsters, titans, and primordials, the prophesied one, former praetor of the twelfth legion, and the famous Son of Poseidon. Naruto primordial god fanfiction percy jackson harem Naruto primordial god fanfiction per 1-877-969-1217 / 931-548-2255 [email protected]-Demigod nj real id appointment online Harry and Cedric were playing a cagey cat-and-mouse game, while the rest of their teammates were engaged in a high-intensity affair. Luke did. "Your old friend was the last soul needed to raise me from Tartarus," I gave a full body shiver at the voice emanating from that coffin. There was a large table in the center, covered in maps and assorted weapons, with a few demigods dressed similarly to Luke and the girl sitting around it. You need to calm down!, I clenched my fists. I lied still for a moment, watching. I hope you two have been finding your way alright.". She could only pray Percy didn't kill her for letting Estella on the quest in the first place. Luke called as he turned to approach me. Where else better to get away from the gods than Gotham University, located in a city where the humans are so crazy that no monsters enter. Youve been through so much so recently, if you want to just rest-, "No. His very, very rich uncle. I'd spent enough time resting lately, against my will. Before I got banished I asked"Zeus allow me at least 20 minutes with the people who didn't banish me. In a last ditch effort to save the world, the Olympians lay all their hopes in the hands of Percy Jackson as he is led by Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of the Night, to make the ultimate sacrifice. Most importantly, what if there was no going back? He was unstoppable in his goals, vicious in his execution. ", A beat passed before he nodded shallowly. Where else better to get away from the gods than Gotham University, located in a city where the humans are so crazy that no monsters enter. "What of the heroes who completed the quest? Percy: oh thank you for this Apollo.Apollo: Your Welcome Percy, Good Luck.Artemis: I am super sorry for my jerk dad to banish you to Tartus. I just have to get back there and set things straight. I watched the light the fire cast on the wall around me. "We need to get in there," she said after we'd copied everything down. The best part was that Poseidon was sure that the boy had no idea how he was being affected by the flow of time. Eight days?. And you'll have to kill me before I leave his side.". Enjoy hell Percy. Shes clearly not on our side. percyxdiana; valkerie; hela . "My baby brother has been abducted by a monster army, and all you care about is why they thought he'd be useful?". Whats so important about her?, Luke grimaced. You must log in or register to reply here. Trying to get better. ' . She and her brother were frozen in time, they were born before the pact was made." read to find out! I tucked Nico behind me and turned to face the voice. I'm going to get you out of here, I swear. I know what youre doing. I took a step forward. Lucky for us, it seemed to be asleep. Percy is determined to save everyone and if he had to yell at the gods (ahem, Zeus and Hera) to do so, then, well, he wasn't exactly upset about it. "Wait!" Percy now infused with a fraction of the Olympians fights Kronos and the curse that is . He's not dead. Thalia had promised not to tell anyone. For a long time Percy had felt the same, that was until he had found out that the Greek Gods were real and they were jerks. Connors mad at the gods, so he makes his own. No! Now it was her turn to stare. Luke asked, sounding barely shaken. You've terrified us all." Tartarus nearly destroyed Percy the first time, in more ways than one. Not wary, just steady. I leaned my head back against the wall and closed my eyes as I felt the darkness pooling around me. There will always be something new to discover about the one that you love. "Well let's go!" I worried for a moment that I was somehow stuck inside the darkness, but no; I could see a faint red glow off to the right, and I could feel jagged gravel underneath me. What do you know?, I know youre old friends with Luke and Thalia. I spoke aloud to myself. 2 Nico di Angelo Nico di Angelo is a fictional character created by Rick Riordan. I wanted to say her name was Anna. Percy thought living through 16 meant that the Fates were done with him. I asked, unsure. After a few minutes of staring, I walked out of the ruins and down onto the curb. When the smoke cleared, the previously prestine door was gray with soot, and had slid out just a few inches to reveal a brilliant white glow coming from within. Instead in the center of the space stood a teenage girl who would probably look older than her patron goddess if she were here, just hours shy of sixteen. "Bianca. the girl sighed, and approached me. Theyd said three, when I was there. Bianca, thats- Thalia paused. "Tell me about it," I said, tracing the letters of Thalia's spiky black handwriting. I looked down at my hand and realized it was soaked in blood from lifting the back of her head. Spending a few years as trees, maybe? You decided to share some secrets with your old friends, and you got my brother abducted! I screamed, walking forward. Then - something slammed into him, the faint smell of strawberry shampoo filling his senses as soft, curly hair smothered his face, but the smell of sweat, blood, dust, and sewer water was stronger. Luke continued trying to entice Thalia while she stared at him with pained eyes. Mostly to see how I was doing, or to try and convince me I should go back to camp. They chant his name more than worshipping a God. Or that they were fighting to the death. I gasped awake and yanked Thalia's shoulder before I'd even sat up. They let Nico get kidnapped by a monster army! Blight and horror shall reign through your mind, your power, and your blood. Chapter 3 : The Tournament part 1. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (145), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (309), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (216), The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan (117), Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Movies) (12), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (9), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (63), Good Parent Poseidon (Percy Jackson) (34), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Midoriya Izuku Has the Venom Symbiote (Marvel), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy doesn't care if you are a god or a powerful guy, Empire State Building Guard (Percy Jackson), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Stiles Stilinski Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Stiles Stillinski works at Stark Industries, Canon Divergence - Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, but i did listen to hozier while writing literally all of this so, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Not Canon Compliant - The Heroes of Olympus, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Percy Jackson & Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Percy Jackson & Original Female Character(s), Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque, Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque & Frank Zhang, Original Demigod Character(s) (Percy Jackson), The lightning Thief, (Adheera's Version- Alternate Universe), Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Nico di Angelo & Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Nico di Angelo Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Percy can have a little bit of being an abomination, Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson Friendship, Poseidon (Percy Jackson) is a Good Parent, constructive criticism NOT welcomed thanks, Book 1: The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson), My poor Dionysus kids barely got to shine, They are Dionysus kids of course they make wine, Book 2: The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson), Book 3: The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson), Book 4: The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson), Book 5: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson), Canon chubby characters getting an important role, The greek characters openly discuss sexual partners they have had, Come on they are teenagers with greek gods as parents of course they are, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Annabeth Chase & Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson & Will Solace, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, like it's there but our favourite gays don't get much screentime, Percy Jackson & Uzumaki Naruto & Hyuuga Hinata, Harry Potter & Percy Jackson & DJ Potter & Nico di Angelo, Rachel Elizabeth Dare & Percy Jackson & Harry Potter, that's different characters dying but only one comes back to life, Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Compliant. 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